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I cant wait for the Day 13 on paths C and D in January!   I need to know what happened!

(+1)(-1) I know there’s been discussion of an art change or sprite it still happening or soon or later? Just curious😞


Its more of an update rather then a art change and is still in progress but is being done more as a background thing that grizz does along side the main story stuff. He's just one guy so be patient. Also when the sprite rework launches its going to break all saves made before it.

Oh okay...I thought it was like a huge mandatory thing for him...thanks for clarifying😅

So do/will some paths not care about which route you're on, or will there be character specific content no matter what you do? (unless I'm forgetting something, and it has been a month since I played it, path C and D were driven pretty heavily by Tyson no matter who's route you were on)

On a related note, what will happen if a route's character dies (i.e. Dean dies in the Dean route)? Does the route become a generic Dave route, or will it continue with a lot of 'I miss character' internal monologue.

I would bring up the option of the route swerving to a preventable bad end like the first time Dave uses the vault, but so far 3(?) characters can die and Dave hasn't yeeted himself back home to a bad end in any of the playthrough's I've done of their routes so either the story won't end there or there's a bit more plot inbetween the death and the end.


Paths and routes are seperate so anyone can die and the story will continue. 

Path C and D being driven by tyson is only because thats tysons character, he doesn't back down and responds with agression to most situations because he doesn't know how els to act. Compare that to OZ who's happy to stand back a watch, Orlando who will break down into tears at most things and then there's Hoss who wants to make everyone happy and get along. 

When everything goes to shit of course tyson would take control, he doesn't understand his own feelings but he knows he wants to protect dave at all cost by any means necessary and has the most dominant personality to force the issue.

I remember Grizz doing a post about how the routes work in detail but cant remember where and cant find it so i'm sure he will post next time hes in the comments.

can someone tell me what got updated? im not seeing new material

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Day 15 path A and B

if you dont know what path you're on:

im not getting 15 and ive saved benson each time

got it. had to delete older version

new update!!

nothing will go wrong , right? :)

Here's to hoping

Uhmm excuse me but can someone help me i keep getting bad endinhs for Tyson and Sal what is the trick to get the none bad endings cause i swear ima die like help me God i am about to loose it😅

The password for day 6 is hidden in the bad ending for all routes, you need to enter the password into the vault before they die.


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Could someone help me solve Dean bad ending on the 6th, I'm really not getting past him, I've tried several times and he dies the same way.

The password to save him is in the bad ending, you need to use the password at the vault before he dies.


I know alot dont check the public patreon posts so just leave a link if anyone is intrested in the january build. Most important part is a new save system. Any saves past page 9 will be lost so if you need to cut down your saves you've got some warning.

oh no, I have plenty save file above 9+ pages, thanks for reminding

is there any specific password for day 11 on deans route?

Not specific to Dean's route, but the password gets explicitly shown to you.

This game looks real interesting but before I commit I have to know, is there any NSFW content/scenes?

Insofar as sex, yes on one route.
As far as scenes of death, yes.

But if you're looking for a VN that is primarily driven by smut, this isn't the one for you.

No worries, I just needed to know if there would be anything too graphic before I recommended it to some friends.  Super psyched to try it out 

It's a good game.

does anyone know if new stuff got added to tyson route?

depends on the path but the last update was all of the current paths for every route.

current build goes to

- Day 14 (Path A, Path B)
- Day 12 (Path C, Path D

what should I ask Oswin? Is there anything specific I need to ask him?

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You have to think of question yourself. For example, 'Can I trust you' however, there are some question that will alter dialogue in main story a bit.

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Uh correct me if I’m wrong, but I remember that there was a detailed list of questions, and how questions were processed or something like that. When the update came out for Oswin’s meeting, the list was either on the itch page or in a file once you downloaded it.🐊

Look under view all posts and go to the 0.15 update log...there’s a link to the list of questions....hope this helps

Unfortunately it looks like the document with the list of questions has been deleted, so no cheat sheet there


Uhm....I still see just takes a little digging :(

How do I go to the vault on Day 11? Can we even go to the vault on that day?

I'm literally only needing to enter that one password, but Dave never goes down there for me when I need him to

Think you need to see what happens in the entire day before it will give you the option to go down. 

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hey, could anyone help me with bensons’s third password? I’ve tried the other two but they are just bad endings, and I’ve tried to guess it for SOOOO long, and wondering if anyone could help 

edit: I’ve got the password now thanks @cerberus210

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its in the 2nd bad end and gets repeated alot

Are there certain questions to ask oz or can it be about almost anything?

It's just lore since theres no real directions in game of what to ask so it doesn't effect things apart from some dialogue referring to some (think it might just be one thing).

Very few, but they don't affect the story aside from providing more insight for the keen.

Not anything, but he will answer some specific questions. For example, ask him "Do you like bacon?" and see what he says. Sorry if its a spoiler

I feel super embarrassed asking this but, does anyone know what background music is played when hoss walks in on benson. I've heard it before but I don't know the name of it and It's   driving me up the wall so if anyone can tell me that would be great.

The names of the tracks can be found in the Music Room.

That said, all of the songs in-game were composed for the game, so I'd be interested to know which one you'd heard before and from where all things considered.

Day 5 Deans route when they go into the greenhouse and talk about the first time they meet. I was just curious of what that music was.

Can anyone give me a hint for password for Benson death on day 7-8?

Benson has 3 passwords, 2 lead to bad endings and you need to find the next password in each bad end. Grizz did put somthing in hoss's and orlando's route that helps with this as it leads to the last password that you need to progress allowing you to skip the others, so you just do 1 bad end.

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I see because I was able to get to day 7 and unfortunately Benson is dead but I have not seen any red texts except for the disembodied voice name. I guess the password is hidden in plain sight?

Hello! Kinda new to the vn scene and decided to try this out. Do the colored text have any special significance to em? Currently doing dean's route.

Sorta red usually means its important, but not all passwords are in red and theres plenty of important things that aren't in red.

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Well, welcome to the world of VNs! Enjoy as you sink deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole~

Some colored text are very significant while others may just have been used to signify an intense or a particular emotion. Just pay attention to them, just in case.

"RABBIT hole"


last song gave anxiety yesterday ;-;



You need max affection and can't miss a single convosation. The one i kept missing was asking hoss about family which happens if you choose not to follow tyson the second time he gets in an argument with roswel.

Found it -0^0-

Sorry for come here again most im not found the red text im the benso bed ending

No red text in the benson one, the words hidden in the text and gets repeated alot. If you need help grizz put something in orlando and hoss's routes that can help. It still leads to a bad end but gives the last password for bensons.

WHY TYSON DIE (what im do wrong)

theres a password in the bad end that you need to use on the vault before he dies

is the code apear in him bed end?

Deleted 3 years ago


;-; daily check

Hey I got a question what are path A. B. C and D a how do I obtain them?

Thanks also thank you again for my dumb comment about day 10 pass. 


No problem helping is what i lurk for.

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is there a password for day 11 because if not then I just wasted 2 hours playing it over and over. 

hidden in plain sight and in red

OH MY GOD THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU. not romantically but thank you. im also really

grizz did a good job hiding it

he did 


I love when Roswell makes this face 

Me too XD

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Hey,can someone tell me the main menu theme song?

Insert password

Still can't find you have a link?

All the songs are owned by grizz and unique to the VN you cant get them anywhere else yet. You can listen to them in the VNs music room tho.


"i ain't gay" proceeds to put bulge in Dave's head


Just an idea, but Grizz what if you make a Youtube channel consisting of videos including OSTs, VN updates, and idk maybe some announcements for the game's status. That way, it can attract more readers and will let the readers be updated of the vn's content. (just an suggestion tho, im not even sure if its a good idea at all)

Isn't that what the and public patreon messages and updates are for? As for the OST, its of such high quality that i would assume it would sell well. I honestly wouldn't mind if the OST was added as a separate project or dlc for this and just get added to as it goes on since i would be more than happy to drop cash up front. I'd easily drop £10 on it can't speak for anyone else tho (and im terrible at judging prices isn't it wonderful).


I'll probably bundle a copy of the OST for existing Patrons at some point once it's fully remastered, and then as additional DLC for Steam release when we get around to it.

The main thing about releasing any of the OST thus far is that they all need tweaks here and there, and I'd rather present the best version of it forward.

I'm sure they would sell really well. To be honest, I wouldn't mind either, even if the project will cost something to have access to it. I'd do probably $15 since its so good to listen to on almost any mood you're on.

Is there a password for day 3 because im obv losing my mind.


Not one that effects the story in any way. 


Ive seen a few small typos between combos of the words more so spelled like moreso. I don't know if im right or not anyways :3

I don't really think a password for Day 3 matters at all(I wouldnt relly know cuz I never got it at all)

Just an extra thing to do. It doesn't have a story anyhow and is extreme to guess without a hint, so you'll be wasting your time.

Thanks. Also is he supposed to get depressed for awhile. Hope that im still on the path for a good ending. What makes me nervous is how long it has been since I could've entered another trauma password.


The vault works through trauma so dave is just being traumatised again and again using it. There's only 4 paths so i wouldn't worry about that. If anyone is dead you aren't on the best path.

Replaying sal's route and his convo by the pool on day 9 is rather odd. Sal says ''like your dad little abi is..'' showing he knows about daves dad but then the convo is dave revealing about his dad and sal being suprised like he had no idea.

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I think it's because Sal didn't know the whole story (how David died and the events after). Dave reveals this fact to Sal when Sal shared his sister's story but only the fact that David's dead. Everything else was omited and therefore Sal is still suprised.

EDIT: Probably Sal is suprised because it's the only problem that bothers Dave all along. He is still shaken up by it and didn't get over it. And Dave didn't share it with him and the group. 

Grizz I have a question. Why is Sal's second death not included in the Tidings of Doom in the Gallery? Or was it just late?


A lot of images are missing from the gallery, and a lot of that is being amended in the Patron update in December hopefully, as I can revise that code easier while on the road.

Oh, good luck on trying to amend it. 


I can't figure out the day 10 password. Can anyone help me out


hidden in the text on day 10, best hint is daves ''whats the worst case senario'' at the vault


Fr this game is the only thing i think imagine and dream about till today;>; I'm so into it


Christ, day 14 was heartbreaking, but cathartic. I'm glad it's finally out there and Dave can start to move on.

It's like a broken bone that set wrong, everything is painful around it and you've become crippled by it. The only way to heal properly is to break it again, but set it right this time.


That's deep... I like it!

Wow, deeeep

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