I- Spoilers i guess, day 24 do not enter unless you wanna ruin everything for yourself :p
Btw I love everything, thanks Grizz!
So path "A" it's the good one? but then- we won't get other days? it ends on day 24? Do we see what's next from someone else's point of view? maybe the one that we choose or the "master"?
I'm not sure and I can't wait until next month I- It felt like the first time I saw someone dying in the vn (It was Dean, I used to love him), it was devastating
I don't know what to say anymore, this is great Password has won the first place in MY favorite vns, I still have a lot to experience but for now, I have to say I love everything! Well... I got scared with David's new sprite like I saw it as a corpse, without color and as a ghost, but then saw him change position and everything was "better"
So, it really is HIM, huh?...
I don't want to say anything, but that felt a little too obvious... Def heartbreaking update anyways, this is by far one of my favs because it just- portrays the whole thing so well?
I swear to God Grizz,if anything happens to Dave there will be bloodshed 😂
Jokes aside this is probably one of the best VNs I have read so far, the story and characters stick to me so well and I fear for their well being often XD.
Also I've noticed alot talking about different Paths as well such as A, F, G or whatever and I'm not entirely sure on what this means since I had just finished Path A of Sal and Dean's route. If someone can enlighten me on this I'd really appreciate that.
Keep up your excellent work Grizz, so far this VN has been an amazing read 😊
Tiny bit spoiler I realized aka, it's just me doing another blah blah XD and I haven't played the new update, this is my thoughts about the whole game so far leading up to the update for Day 22
1. The story of the Three Little Pigs might just be a red herring, but I found something interesting. The first pig dies from sickness and something about a rabbit giving the pig chocolate. The second doesn't die but turns into the rabbit. The third survives. Sounds familiar? Now if you replay the game, keep the story in mind, and compare it to the order of character deaths, events, and endings too if there's an order, is Roswell meant to resemble the first pig? You'll know what I mean if you got far enough. Is Sal supposed to be the second one? Given one of the bad endings, he did join Orlando's father to save Dave. And finally, is Dave the last pig in the story? I'll tell you why in a few.
2. After playing through the game multiple times, I just noticed the Path G which took me by surprise because all I know that there are only these paths; Path A, B, C, D, E and F. Each with different outcomes depends on the route you take Who you pick for the Medal Hunt and your choices are, like Florencia said.
3. Here we go, the reason why I think The Three Little Pigs story is a reference to the characters I mentioned above, especially Dave is because of Path G. The ending of Path G surprised me by the way, it seems like Florencia had already met Dave before, he even felt like they had, and like those past memories that Dave lived through, they really had met before and even Dave's dad knows her, but. Like Reginald would say, not in this timeline.
4.Here's what I think. David's father, Roswell, Dean, Hoss, Sal, Tyson, Orlando, Benson, Oswin, possibly Thanatos too and the rest of the cast. This is how the order of deaths happened and I'm not talking about just their main deaths before you figure out the password for each character. At least that's how I think, I know there's probably not an order but the patterns are plain to see did you've played it for like, ten times.
5.Dave being the only one who is remembering ever death and past memory, he's the first important one, and Roswell somehow getting roped into all this meaning he could be the second life that Thanatos's master wants to save. Sal could be that too, based on his backstory alone. It can't be Tyson because, well, he's just Ty. No offense to the Tyson lovers. Dean, Hoss and Orlando is a variable, even though Orlando has access to the Vault. Hoss has already been to the mansion and I think he's hiding something, especially when he know now that the set he went to was apparently some sort of recruitment thing, but Sal had met Memphis before and he probably just sent him there to investigate that place, and then Dean. Thanatos literally went to Dean "just in case", is it also possible that he could be the second one that needs to be saved?
6.Who is Thanatos's Master? We can rule out a few, that being Benson and Tyson. Which leaves the possible ones, Oswin is the first on my list because the game wanted to be obvious at first but we soon learn that it isn't the case, Dean because, I have a feeling it could be him but he doesn't remember? It's not possible tbh. It could be in a different timeline for all we know. Hoss is, well, he's one that I don't expect for at all. I'm not too sure about Sal because he literally was manipulated, by Hypnos, and who is/was Hypnos? Yeah, it was Thanatos's first name. Orlando has a lot of knowledge about games, and it being some sort of murder mystery in a mansion, maybe it could be him? But there's not much hints to know if it was him. Then Roswell, he's already on the thread and he could die at any moment but I have a feeling that he knows more, and he's more secretive than Hoss and Tyson. And we can't say it's Florencia too, you'll know why if you read it. My final guess that it could be... Dave? Once he starts to remember, and all leading back to the past. He was meant to die, and then that started a lot of chain events, much like what is happening after you[Dave] solved the first death in the game. Then the events happen slowly until you reach Day 17.
Umm yeah there's a lot I talked about and I'm pretty much as confused about it myself. I already memorized all the passwords of the game so it already triggers when it's time to put one on the Vault lol.
So... I'm in the process of actually going through and getting caught up on all routes with all six characters because I was bored and wanted something to do today. Something I hadn't bothered with aside from Tyson and Orlando up to now, due to me not having wanted to repeatedly go through the story over and over, and I appear to have hit a snag.
I'm currently trying to get through Sal's different routes, but, even though I'm doing what I'm supposed to with them, Routes C and D keep getting redirected back to Route A. I save once I have the path set, but a few days later, I save again and the save shows I'm back on Path A. Same occurs for me trying to play Path D.
Similar to how Paths F and G are unobtainable for Tyson, are Paths C and D unobtainable for Sal?
How many words can you use to ask or interact with the owner of the house? So far I found 12 words, with 2 pairs of different words but have the same dialogue and 1 word if repeated gives a different dialogue than the first time you use it. I just wanna let on what I know because maybe I left some words out because it might impact some parts of the story and dialogue otw, and maybe gib me a hint about the amount of words in total ehe
Oh, thank god. I'm not crazy. LOL. I remember seeing a google Doc a LOOOONG time ago that had a list of questions you could ask Oswin, but I could never find it. This appears to be a different document entirely but I'm asuming it's referring to the old document.
So, I have a bit of a theory to posit. It's about Dean.
But, something that might at least be entertaining to think about. It involves Dean being more than he appears to be, but a more positive spin on it versus the "Dean is secretly villain" theories I always see pop up.
Though, fair warning it's the definition of a crackpot theory so take none of this too seriously. Also, some story spoilers for various routes/paths/endings.
Simply put, Dean is from a rival family in opposition to Memphis' mafia. It's mentioned during his bad ending that he comes from a massive family of bears. What if that's a separate mafia family? David, knowing he's about to die calls in a favor to Dean's family. Mama bear agrees and after David's death, sends one of her sons to watch after Dave. He comes into Dave's life not long after David dies, in a way similar to a romance movie. What if that was planned? The reason he acts the way he does in the beginning of his route? He's simply playing the role of the Casanova he feels he's supposed to. Notice that the act drops around day 10 when he realizes just how fragile Dave's mental state is and that the flirty thing wasn't what Dave needed. This is also when he starts developing deeper feelings for Dave.
On Tyson and Orlando's route, he handles the date and breakup well. Realizing that Dave's feelings were elsewhere and maybe it's for the best in terms of Dave being happy. He's blindsided on the other three though, his mission is in jeopardy at that point and he'd started to have feelings for Dave.
Dean is far from the flirty, dumb, himbo people treat him as. He's smart, cunning, and capable with maybe the highest skillset in the group. He's calm under the stressful situations we've seen him in (path F and G) with C and D obviously lacking data. He's shown handling Oswin's revolver in the title art and chooses the close quarters fire axe as his weapon of choice in path F and G, so he can apparently fight. He never really directly involves himself in the group planning sessions, choosing to stay back and observe mainly. Look how often he's keeping watch over the group in the background. Think back to his behavior during some of the bad endings. In Roswell's, look how quickly he wants to get Dave away from that situation. The only ending he doesn't in some way stay with Dave is Roswell's (and his own of course) where Dave is under Tyson's care and they both leave the area, away from Memphis' influence.
For this, I'd include Dom as potentially being from the same "family", but undercover. The sheer fact a "Bad Ending: Dom" exists, means the guy has a good ending somehow.
So, after playing the new update, I have some... Thoughts.
Where did the new sprites come from? (David's and Jack's).
A pretty big surprise indeed.
Does this mean we're going to get all the characters in this artstyle soon? While I don't dislike the artstyle, I still dunno how to feel about it. I do like it a bit, but I'm not too sure if it fits the game a lot.
This also brings up a question I wanted to ask Grizz for a long time.
Why are the side characters the ones with different eye colors and poses? Iirc, all Dave's friends' sprites have a "default pose" and black eyes. I may be thinking about it too much, but it was always weird how the side characters had more developed sprites than the main characters'.
This new build gives me a lot of hope, though. The story is coming to an end, and I am definitely excited for it. I actually also am quite intrigued by how the rest of the cast will look like with this new style.
They've been getting reworked in the background. These are really old examples back from day 8 or before, the newer ones are on discord and i dont go there.
In that post you can see Dean and Roswell's new look and early sketches of the others. (Though each of them have progressed a lot since then, pretty sure Tyson is finished and the others as well by this point). All the guys will have eye color, various poses and expressions. The new title screens and recent cgs show off their final designs pretty well also.
And honestly, I think it'll just be an adjustment since we're used to the way the characters look after all this time. But I like the newer ones more at this point. Tyson for example isn't as wide as Dean or so fluffy now which fits how he's described in game better. Thin, unapproachable, and scruffy.
This was an easy-ish one to write if only because ultimately the update itself isn't all that big. Almost all of it is set-up for next build which... Well, you'll get an idea once you're playing likely. Expect a few revelations and some reveals but the next update is going to have more.
Just played the game. and I guess I'll leave the review(Only played Tyson route for now) Warning : This contain spoiler and a lot of personal opinion.
At first for inserting name, I thought it for mc name so I just put the first character that mc interact with , just to mess around and PFFTTTT, I love that interaction, I happen to repeat to input any characters name that appear until Liam and Betson which don't really give any special interaction, kinda sad but still NICE easter egg. I happen to pick Dean first because well, he's look better with mc compare to other and then Tyson come up , CHANGE SHIP WE GOING TYSON ROUTE , I mean the mc bring him and u gonna leave him alone? HELL NAH. I like how u make him stay in character and change him slowly, like how he's... *cough"* dumdum but caring a lot, does he's a tsundere type? H M M, anyway when It start pathing to path c(Because I don't know the pass yet), I think huh 2 characters dead but not Tyson, I save the game before the vault insert and after the 'incident', I happen to unlock the vault and go to path A, but I going back to path C, with in mind planning to get BAD ENDING but with Tyson Alive only #OnlyTyson , and oh man I regret it so much. Back to path A we go, when the questioning Oswin happen, I couldn't ask anything, I guess I'm too dumb, been writing a lot and man, it not working, hell I also ask "Theodore" but well I guess it doesn't matter. The whole backstory with mc,dad, and Tyson is heartwarming, I kinda want a full backstory mode with them only, just to feel more heartbreaking knowing the result what gonna happen *cry*. I also love how mc just anxious about the whole thing like in day 6 will happen again which is well, it totally not easy to forget, also love how it go back to the question Hoss/Tyson which is I think quite nice, and the whole pie thingy. It make ya feel the choice u made have impact even tho not much I believe. I guess that all I gonna say related to Tyson route, now talking about other. I seen a Liam sprites and why he have sprites when he contribute like almost nothing? also Oswin, Betson, and Orlando's dad sprites look different compare to other, I mean other are just looking at ya with half legs gone, and they appear to have full sprites which is not consistent(Also it make Betson look smaller compare to other, IDK if he really small compare to other characters). Also the whole CG, I seen the early days it have colors and the latest days is... colorless, Personally I don't mind about it, Hell I prefer the colorless CG, just preference. Curious what's actually happen because of the inconsistent. Other thing I wanna mention. the ost remind me of minecraft not sure why. Overall I think very good game. Not expecting this much content. Side talk, long time ago I wanted to play this game but change mind because I scared if I'm too dumb to realize what the password are from reading the comment, but it actually not that hard when we actually pay attention at the time the incident will happen. Also.... where auto button? and also where I could buy the keychain? I wanted to buy the Tyson one If I have enough money. That's all my overall review for now. Hope the creator could answer some of my questions. Wish u the best Creator.
The Visual novels going to have an update where all the sprites get updated, its been in the works for a while which is why the newer sprites look different. The CGs being sketches was a patreon voted thing, the full colour ones would take longer so it was voted to do sketches and then finished later on.
Liam gets a sprite because he's a certain tier of patron. Like the other custom sprites that'll be added over time as well.
Auto button will also be added back in eventually. It was removed as it was voted for the most part unused and the screen real-estate was already tight.
Will we ever get Password unused content? Just for pure curiosity, one day I'd like to find out more about the game and some scrapped ideas. Of course, I am not saying like, now, but it's definitely something that interests me.
1. Don't share passwords. 2. There was no plan to retain that after full release as it was for testing. There is nothing prior to that as it wasn't intended for the public to have it in the first place.
I was wondering if anyone has made a compilation of all the information we have so far about the game?
I mentioned in a previous comment I was writing a fanfic for myself and I like to do things that make it as realistic as possible, and I wanted to make a compilation in text form of all the information we have to help myself before continuing;
(By compilation of information I mean general character profiles, description of characters deaths, profile of killers, timeline of events, things like that)
I should also say that I like organizing, so it actually feels good to organize everything, but also... It would too feel quite the waste of time to find out in the end that someone already made it or is making? So... Does anyone know?
If the answer is no one made or is making I might do it myself, though I have no idea how long that would take
(If someone did make one already please tell me where I can read it )/
If they had, it'd be news to me. I was considering for a while to create a wikia but the problem you run into is how people edit it and how spoiler free you can keep it. (Or really who draws the line where for spoilers)
The best you'd get is asking in the spoiler channels on the discord server given a few people have done their breakdowns but given I haven't 100% confirmed or denied anything as far as documents submitted by fans, it's still mostly guesswork.
I guess I'll do it myself then, I also checked the discord server and there were some useful information there (Along with some questionable comments-..)
I'll take care in separating the facts from my own speculations, the main reason I'll doing this is to compile information and not theorize after all; thank you for answering!
No probs! Poke me on the server if you're unsure of something and I'll point you in the right direction if it's in-game, or tell you if someone's made a wrong assumption somewhere.
I'm currently writing it, and even though I don't plan on writing everything word by word, there's still a lot of information to gather; so it might take a while. As I said before I'm not sure how much time it might take
Also just to vent a bit, but I never realized how suspicious some of the lines are until I started transcribing them-.. I wonder what exactly I'm going to find out as I progress? Only time will tell
I've had my theory on the murderer behind this whole thing for a while, and the most recent update that was done has me more heavily leaning toward one character of the three that I thought the murderer could be. There's so much going on that I've found myself replaying routes multiple times to see if I spot anything that would give me cause to believe I was either right or wrong, but yeah, I'd definitely be interested in seeing what info you end up putting together.
I read a comment saying that you need go through path A, and then not use the password on day 17, and that Tyson's route doesn't work.
I tried this on Roswells' and Orlando's route, but it didn't work-... I believe this one and G are the only paths I haven't gone through yet and from pieces I read in comments it seems to be so different; so it feels like I'm missing something really important
Do I have to, like... Get absolutely no affection with Tyson during the route? Help?
A branches to F if you fail the password on Day 17, B branches to G if the same. Given Tyson auto-clears the Day 17 password for plot reasons, any other character should do.
Given there are no other checks, I'd be curious to know what issue you're hitting given by that stage the game kind of falls apart logically with who should be dead otherwise.
On my first playthrough I got the password right on first few attempts, but I got curious to what would happen if I got it wrong so I went back; but nothing actually happened so at the time I just assumed that Thanatos was lying or something?
I did see the scene of Tyson killing Orly by failing the password though, but it only worked for me on the paths where I reveal Oswin.
I wondering if it's a bug and perhaps I should reinstall the game..
It sounds like a bug. Failing the password auto-boots you to F and G unless you're on Tyson's route. You CAN put the password in on Tyson's route and see the password scene as well, which changes some dialogue but it's already auto-solved.
Skips as in... The game doesn't give you an opportunity to put a password that day? For me Thanatos still guides Dave to the vault the same way of the other routes
You can still use the password on Tyson's route for day 17. The investigation will happen and you get the prompt to enter a password like would happen with any other route. You can get the CG and everything.
The difference is, when the other routes shift into F or G at the end of day 19, Tyson's won't. By being on his route, even if you get the password wrong, Dave will stop anything bad from happening naturally through the story. You're pretty much dealing with the problem directly since he's your partner whereas you ignore him on the other routes. Affection level doesn't matter either, that has no impact on the main story (so be nice to him).
Really all it should take to be on path F or G is not use the password on day 17 and be on anyone but Tyson's route. You're technically on F/G the moment the password isn't entered, but the game will show as A/B until day 20. Since, ya know, Dave doesn't find out until then that he's on a bad timeline.
My Roswell Theory" Obvious spoilers, dummy! I also made an Orlando Theory not too below. You can check it out if you'd like, I don't know.
Now that those pesky people that haven't finished the game yet have left, WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH YOU ROSWELL!!! YOU KILLED BENSON!!! WAAAAH!
Now, let's get to this theory that was purely fueled by my anger towards that gremlin.
Why he's a prime suspect? Well, given the fact that his health was deteriorating, I'd say he's probably a one-time tool for Memphis. Memphis wanted the vault. Didn't it occur to you that Roswell somehow hosted this vacation exactly where Oswin lives? That can't be a coincidence. Moreso, I think Memphis and Roswell (or by extent, his family) have arranged a deal.
AFAIR, the thing that is hiding inside the Vault is Oswin's failed work, a magical syringe that can cure anything possible (again, AFAIR). So, given that Roswell had some brain cancer, it would make sense that Roswell would team up with Memphis. After all, Memphis was only interested with the "time travel" mumbo-jumbo of the Vault. It's a fair trade for both parties!
Now let's see about Roswell's death in the 1st Password. His head is open wide by blunt force... by a book. Weird. But it's also another odd one out of the bunch. Hoss was killed by (what seems to be) Jack's hunting knife, the same knife that killed Oswin in B & G. Dean was poisoned by not washing hands (or Orlando poisoned him), Sal was locked inside a freezer (although I'm sure this was Hypnos/Thanatos' fault), and Tyson was ravaged by an animal of some sorts (Probably Dom's doings since Dean DID say it was probably a bear, and Dom is the only bear we have seen so far other than that bus driver Liam).
The reason why I brought up Roswell's death is because it was definitely inflicted by Oswin or Benson. Sure, Oswin did deny killing Roswell by saying he was in the lab all day, and later said he was hiding behind the shelves, but you seriously trust him 100%? Nah. Oswin is a dirty man himself (still gives me chills with the Thanatos reveal in the good timelines). It's possible that Oswin somehow knew of Roswell's head condition. He DID have possession of a robot that literally has access to every single dialogue of them in the known multi-verse. What's there to say that Oswin asked Thanatos anything about Roswell.
I don't really know what Oswin would do with Roswell's brain. To be frank, I'm not even sure if he did take Roswell's brain. But that's not important. We'll be talking about Roswin. And no, this is not a ship (maybe). Memphis and Oswin has talked in the past before. Maybe SOMEHOW Memphis knew about Oswin's desire to care for children. And sure after that disastrous trial where he killed ~100 children, Oswin was plainly ruined and vowed himself unfit for nurturing kids. Well, who else is a prime pick other than Roswell? Sure, both are boars which gains sympathy points, but that's the perfect way for Memphis to sneak in a mole. A mole Oswin would probably least suspect.
Now let's go to the point where I'm SUPER pissed. Benson's death in F. Roswell stated that Benson pulled a gun at him and fired, causing Roswell to shoot back and kill Benson. Dean literally said that Roswell couldn't have gotten a gun... UNLESS he stole it from Jack's corpse. Roswell was the only one that inspected the corpse (ISTG Dave if you only checked it yourself...) and who's to say he hid a gun from Dave and only revealed the remote detonator. And about the 2 gunshots the gang heard, who's to say Roswell's 1st shot killed Benson, then he fired another shot to his direction just to stage Benson's sudden urge to kill him. Roswell definitely did this because now that Jack was gone, Memphis was gonna have a hard time getting in with Benson still alive. And with Oswin PRESUMABLY being deceased during this time, it was a perfect opportunity when him and Benson were alone.
EDIT: Foolhardy for me to instantly cook up this theory without even going through the Interrogation. But Roswell is just too smart for this. He's answering so badly that Hoss found out. Sure you can say it's the brain cancer but I don't think that's the case. Sure it gave Roswell colds, fevers, harsh breathings, but I doubt that's the reason why his intellect decreased to the point of not answering straight and saying an "I don't know" when asked how Benson missed his shot. Not going to be fat shaming, but in a dialogue in Tyson's route when he was about to leave Dave behind, he described Roswell and Orlando as "two lard-asses" meaning they're... big-boned... yeah. So you'd think a target like that, Benson would miss? He literally shot Jack, which I'd presume is slim AND fast. If Roswell WAS just dilly-dallying and looking for some C4, you'd think Benson just killed him there and then? NOPE. Roswell is suspicious. __________________________________________________________________ Well that's all! I literally just came up this theory today, while typing (also did the same method with the Orlando Route). I find it hilarious I immediately made a Roswell Theory because he killed Benson, it's probably because I just find Benson so reassuring.
You may want to re-examine those deaths you mentioned. Your memory of the crime scenes isn't accurate, mostly in the murder weapon but in an auxiliary manner the method of execution.
But let's talk about guns. There's a bigger problem with what you put forward about Path F.
We know Jack's method of violence is a knife. He's never had a gun, so to that end Roswell can't have picked one off his body assuming we're playing fair. Which then leads us with a problem of where Roswell got the gun. Mostly because we know that Oswin's gun was handed off to Sal before Jack's arrival, and Benson has his own.
Because we (as Dave) haven't seen the state of the room where Benson fell, we only have one testimony to go off. But I'm sure you can already see the problem in what was reported based on what we know of the weapons in play on that day already.
Eep, sorry about that misconception about Roswell's murder, I'll probably do a marathon run of Password again XD.
Well to be fair I'm kind of stumped. If there's 2 guns in the manor, then dang how did Roswell even get a gun to shoot Benson? Roswell said he "found it". And to be fair we (As Dave) has yet to see the crime scene.
Or idk, maybe Jack somehow had one for safety measures? I know he's a knife person, but when you're in a mission like invading a giant ass mansion housing a butler which is the biggest threat with guns? Yeah... i'll admit, this point is kind of weak...
But one thing's for sure, Roswell is just too suspicious. It's just raising too many red flags. As Dean (or the one that went up to investigate the gunshot, I forgot :((( ) said, Roswell had a gun when literally the only 2 known guns were with Sal and Benson. Does this mean Roswell had a gun all along? Possible. After all, I AM condemning Roswell as the secret killer right now. It's possible. And with the fact he was lying about it is just too suspicious, is it not?
Also I dug deeper during the interrogation. About where Roswell was during Day 17 (W-----L-) was happening. During those times when Dave was asking Tyson and Orlando, Roswell was somehow always in the foyer, seemingly watching Dave just go down the Vault. Maybe trying to figure out the pieces. He probably figured out that Tyson and Orlando are marked for death, y'know, them just yelling upstairs and shit, and Dave just frantically asking both of them. So when Dave failed this day's PW, Roswell hatched a plan for Tyson to get super pissed at Orlando, as well as finding a way for Jack to sneak in and kill Oswin.
It just aligns too perfectly as well. Tyson, having killed Orlando, will definitely look bad on him especially when everyone sees it. Knowing that Benson would shoot down anything that is a threat (just like with Jack in The Chase, but effin' missed), Benson would definitely shoot a ballistic werewolf that just murdered without reason. When everyone was outside witnessing Tyson covered in dragon blood, it was a golden opportunity for Roswell to let Jack in and end Oswin. This will obviously lead Benson in a sorry state. But sadly this didn't really make Benson tired.
And so when Jack returned to avenge Dom, he died to Benson's gunman skills. Roswell definitely thought "Fuck, how will Memphis get here if Benson still exists?" And so that's why Benson died. Roswell decided to pull out his gun and shoot the unsuspecting otter. This would give Memphis more of a chance to fight. ______________________________________________________________ Holy shit, it MAKES SENSE NOW!!! I love making theories by scratch.
So when we revealed Oswin, that probably led the traitor (assumingly Roswell rn) to tell Jack. This in turn, killed Oswin earlier. When he was dead in Day 17, it went earlier to Day 11. And because Oswin was dead, Benson vowed to keep watch of the mansion. AND THIS in turn caused Benson to lose sleep. And if you chose Path G whereas Oswin died early AND Tyson and Orlando dies, Benson couldn't handle the pressure no more. He DID pass out. So that's probably why he failed shooting Jack at the time, because he was tired af. RIP Benson.
And so during F, that's when Oswin only died, not really making Benson tired to miss the shot in F. RIP Jack! _____________________________________________________________
Anyways this was fun, me insisting that Roswell is a killer just because he killed Benson. XD (Also hi again, grizz)
The guns Dom's, Dean picks it up after being told by Thanatos and just leaves it lying around in his room. The knife is Oz's you can ask him about it during the questioning. Oz says he just left it lying around the mansion but doesn't know where it is.
Correct, Dominic's gun is also in play though at what point would Roswell be incentivized to go and retrieve it? We know from the sequence of events that Benson's movements insofar as letting Hoss into the library, back through the passage and upstairs would imply that he was the one pursuing and not the one that had been ambushed. With this in mind, the rationale for Roswell to even consider getting the gun falls apart, unless you can find another reason why he'd have a motive to do any of that.
As Cerberus said, the knife was Oswin's. And as we see from the crime scene, the way in which he was killed doesn't line up for someone like Jack who is not the best at stealth from the amount of branches he supposedly steps on through the woods when Dave is around. Additionally, he has at least two knives of his own; why would you suddenly swap weapons when you have no hesitation of using your own as-is?
Then I suppose the final sticking point is the Benson v Memphis match-up. We see already from the bad path ends that Memphis isn't too concerned with Benson when they confront one another in the mansion, which gets them their escape after Benson threatens to shoot Oswin instead.
I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm not saying you're right, but your reasoning is fundamentally flawed based on what's in-game already.
A- oh. I always thought that knife was Jack's... well... even then, Jack probably wouldn't just leave HIS knife when he killed Oswin. He probably found Oz's knife by luck and used it.
Can't have, Hoss's bad end day 6 means whoever is responsible would already have picked up the knife and jack isn't intrested in going near the mansion till he knows if bensons around.
Just passing down some wisdom, in case you know then great, if case you don't than hopefully you'll find it useful;
Something that I learned from a Phoenix Wright gameplay actually, but if you're stuck in a information because it doesn't appear to fit anywhere, or you can't think of an information that fits, try changing your line of questioning.
If you can't find a motive for X person to do something for example, change the question from "Why did they chose to do this?" To "Why did they had to do this?"
You don't have to do this all the time, but you could try it the next time you get stuck on an information, especially if it's a question; try changing the question itself.
Most often than not it might lead to possibilities that can be easily debunked, but even that can be useful. I sure hope it's helpful \( \)
Route F spoiler but I guess if you haven't play that part this won't give you much clue.
Though it may sound kind of aggressive, isn't this some chance (you could say only chance) we possibly kill Mephis by using the c4 given the lethality of those bombs is enough. You could put them somewhere near the door(most likely the front door), or even with the bodies of Jack and Dominic which will probably attract Mephis' attention if able to make him come closer.
The detonation could be a problem though. If the ECM jammer is still working, guess the detonator won't work well. Benson could shoot the bomb though, much easier than shooting Mephis. But, yeah, we know what happened in day 22 which was also suspicious.
It seems off as something that Dave would decide on. But in "some" storyline, Dave could actually get driven by the thoughts of revenge (for all these danger and death of him, his friends and most importantly, his dad), let alone there already exists such example when Dave did "kill" someone in revenge. So such story development seems resonable, to me at least.
Even at the very least, I think throwing the bombs away is much safer than trying to disarm them. But now that Thanatos can ensure the security this won't be much a problem.
Still, just some if-storylines which I would definitely try. Or maybe I just want to see more "dark sides" of Dave. There are many mysteries that I want to find answers, looking forward to what could happen in the future. Thanks for your work, Grizz!
I like your idea of the C4 to kill Memphis but that's the easy way out and we can't have that, can we? That would mean that this could end day 23 or maybe 24 considering they take those days to safely explore and search for a way out, and if I'm being honest? I want to see how these days develop and get more out of it than an easy solution, more content!
You'd seriously think Dean, Sal and Hoss would allow Dave to just charge at Memphis and detonate the C4, killing both? NOPE:
A) Dave can just be shot while charging towards him B) Dave is the light of the whole group. Even with 2 down, he's still the most important since he's the one that keeps them intact C) Sal would still insist in doing the deed, since he'd probably be the last person Memphis would just shoot. Sal can get close enough and detonate, killing himself and Memphis.
As usual, some blank for spoilers (well, should these even count?)
That's hardly what I meant, to be honest. I have no idea how you comprehend my words but meh.
So at the very first beginning, this is just some sort of plot outlines, rather than the whole scene. You could have some more reasonable story goings but it's not like I'm actually writing a fan-story, not here at least.
And I have never said the denotation should be done by "Dave charge at Mephis". If the remote denotator is working, then that is just the easiest way. They can hide somewhere safe enough and denotate it from distance when Mephis is close enough. If the remote denotator is not working, then Benson still have the gun! Why not trying to denotate it by shooting them? Again, these are just possible solutions. Chances are that Mephis could also have some backup measures.
(PS: While Google says C4 can withstand a rifle shot, I think it's not that much a problem. Like, hardly anybody would question about such scientific problems in these stories. )
I don't know how you get the "kamikaze idea", but yeah, I also agree that's pretty stupid and absurd.
This idea came to me because, across every storyline (at least for those which I've played), this F storyline seems to be most likely for them to have a bite back on Mephis, which neither negotiation or some police force will do. And those bombs being simply disamred seems kind of wasted to me. Thanatos have all past memories! If keeping Dave alive is one important task for him, why not utilizing him to the most? You can know how many bombs there are (though he could be lying). You can know which direction Mephis will come to the house. You can even know whether you've tried this plan and how it turns out.
Well Benson died anyways, so their only good-eyed gunman being able to shoot the C4 with Memphis near, is out of the equation.
About Thanatos being, Thanatos... we'll never know his truest intentions tbh. Maybe it's some physics, sciencey, universe-themed bs we can't comprehend. Might cause some time paradox lmao. He COULD say how many bombs, or tell us what is the most efficient way to END Memphis, but then again, maybe his master isn't allowing him so? During this time he's still controlled
My Orlando Theory" Ok so major spoilers ahead. This is a theory. DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED YET!!! PLEASE!
major edit: I'm ashamed to say I am wrong.
You out? Ok. I've been thinking of who's that secret killer. It overall probably makes sense. I think it's Orlando. (If Oswin WAS right and definitive that there's one killer among them). To be fair, I still don't think any of them is a killer. But if I were to suspect one, well... the person RELATED to the problem is obviously the easy pick.
Some evidence I've found involves a lot with Dean and his ex. Orlando is friends with Dean's ex, even obtaining a recipe from him that he used in Dean and Dave's date... Wait, whaaaat? That's a bit suspicious, don't you think so? I get that Orlando self-entitles himself as a "goach" but do you think he already despised Dean from the start since he's a bear? He knew that a BEAR was the one that broke his friend's heart, so of course provoking some sort of past trauma from Dean can derail this date that he planned for Dave. And you can say "But Orlando just knew when Dean was acting off about the pie!", well he could've faked it to get a genuine response.
(This is a bit far'fetched but I'll include it eitherway) Even IN the Dean route, Dean gets poisoned after a meal. The password gave it away by saying Dean just needed to wash his hands... but who's to say Orlando didn't poison Dean's plate?
"But WhatAmI, Orlando dies in Day 7! His father's goons shot him while he was recovering in the hospital!" Yeah. This is where things get spicier. I THINK the whole trip is a TEST for Orlando. You'd think Memphis (his dad) would want Orlando to run the family business. This is one of the conflicts in Orlando's route. We find out that Orlando can never achieve his dream of baking since his dad wants him to continue the family "banking" legacy. So seeing Orlando fail, (i.e. gets hospitalized during a gun conflict, cries over a friend getting shot) Memphis deems this behavior unfit for his business and might as well take him out as well. He LITERALLY values Sal more (afait).
It's a weird detail too, but Orlando is literally the only one with the least gruesome death in the First Password of each route. He's literally just sleeping there on the concrete floor. While literally everyone else gets ass-blasted with blood, but the other one is pretty... chill. I think the creator's are just hinting at the fact that Orlando is the odd one out.
EDIT: Some other follow-ups that I've forgotten to mention
In the Orlando Route, when Orlando and Dave were talking about Orlando's "Sacrifice" Password, he was semi-trying to convince Dave that he saw Dean chuckling at the site of Dave's body hanging on a meathook. Saying that the bear in his vision was wearing flannel and shit. Further proving his hatred to Dean.
Orlando may have a change of heart in his own route, probably. Citing that he'd wanna run away with Dave.
I'm just finishing Day 22 of F and I'm FURIOUS!!! I'm making another theory. And it regards a certain... suidae.
There are more details in the replies lol
So yeah, I think it's a hot take of mine. Feel free to debunk me lmao.
Hypothetically, if this is a test, then how do you resolve the conclusion of Dean's bad end insofar as what happened to Orlando? I would assume getting away with it would've been considered a pass.
Wasn't Orlando put in the slammer for a short period in time due to him being sussed? (My memory is foggy, but I'm for certain that he'd been watched for a while by the police). Not only did Orlando get in trouble by getting the blue men involved which Memphis already dislikes, the murder was almost not in Memphis' interest. I probably didn't make this idea of a "test" clearer.
I'd think this test Memphis tasked Orlando is to try and desensitize him to the point of seeing corpses don't startle him no more, doing the deed and KILLING someone, but overall, doing all of that without getting caught in any way. (Poisoning the food was a bad move since he's mostly the one cooking)
This is probably why I think Memphis just sent Orlando away in Bad Dean Ending to work at a bakery. Just so he can distance him. Memphis could've easily gunned Orlando down but, as a semi-pass for his test, he grants him a chance at life.
Plus it's also suspicious to me that Orlando is the only one ALSO messing with the vault, other than Dave. No one else toggles with it. Literally just him. For all I know, I think he's the one that narced on Jack/Anyone else when we revealed Oswin. That's probably how Oswin died. Orlando was the one that leaked the info.
I even think that Orlando is faking his "Password". He's saying that he saw Dave hanging in a meathook in a rundown place. Not only is he trying to make Dave believe he's protecting him, HOL' UP! Where is the other RUN DOWN place we saw throughout the game? THE MILL. And who do we meet there? Jack!
Just more proof that Orlando may be a baddie (Also hi Grizz!)
OK I can understand Hoss. He's been in the manor before... he's not well-known to Dave. He indirectly knew where Oswin was. BUT why Roswell. He's dying, why would he spend his last moments screwing his friends over.
Soo... I'm on path A and decided to see the bad timeline (F) but, now I wonder, What's the difference between A and B? Like, I can't get to B but I have an idea of to go get it but idk, it's below
I did say spoilers
I'm assuming by Hoss route, you can be just friends with him and by that go for route B, thinking this may apply for every route or maybe it's another thing and I'm wrong, the only time I got another ending was when in stand off for Ty, save Sal or Benson, then those got me to their endings, but aside from that, I can't seem to remember any decision that could lead me to path B
Question! Doesn't have spoilers I was checking the images that this page shows, and one of them is "Day 22" and I'm assuming Tyson's color and is it fake? Like, I feel like it has been there since the first time I saw this vn, now I'm in doubt if I'm crazy or if this day has been out a loooong time ago but for Patreon and was on display bc it didn't matter? Dumb thing but hey, details, I love them
I have no idea what you mean, i have the entire gallery (with gallery complete at the bottom) and i don't remember getting any new cgs for day 22 the last one we got was missing day 17s password i think.
Yeah that, thank you I was with only an hour of sleep and idk, I feel like that image was in there all this time but at the same time is imposible, sorry for the dumb question haha
I had said after the last update that I had my suspicions about who I think the murderer is. This most recent update now has me leaning more heavily on one specific individual, and all I will comment on regarding the route specifically is that, Grizz, while the writing in the route was very well done for this one, I'm also extremely sad about the content revealed in this one. Last update was hard enough to take. This one actually made me want to cry, and that doesn't happen with me reading VNs very often.
Can someone give me a hint in what I'm doing wrong to access B? I've-
Already asked Oswin to tell me a story and even uttered the word "Rabbit" just to make him mad or something. What am I missing, why is he still alive ;w; (I got it, nvm.)
← Return to game
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Which path got updated
Day 24 path A and B
I'm speechless
I- Spoilers i guess, day 24 do not enter unless you wanna ruin everything for yourself :p
Btw I love everything, thanks Grizz!
So path "A" it's the good one? but then- we won't get other days? it ends on day 24? Do we see what's next from someone else's point of view? maybe the one that we choose or the "master"?
I'm not sure and I can't wait until next month I- It felt like the first time I saw someone dying in the vn (It was Dean, I used to love him), it was devastating
I don't know what to say anymore, this is great Password has won the first place in MY favorite vns, I still have a lot to experience but for now, I have to say I love everything!
Well... I got scared with David's new sprite like I saw it as a corpse, without color and as a ghost, but then saw him change position and everything was "better"
I saw the ending of Day 24 coming but damn that buildup was beautiful.
How do I get Deans good end
On what day?
What a horribly brilliant, Adastra-like ending to Day 24! X'o
. !So, it really is HIM, huh?...
I don't want to say anything, but that felt a little too obvious... Def heartbreaking update anyways, this is by far one of my favs because it just- portrays the whole thing so well?
Thanks for this masterpiece Grizz <33
New public build - https://www.patreon.com/posts/public-demo-a0-2-71978719
I swear to God Grizz,if anything happens to Dave there will be bloodshed 😂
Jokes aside this is probably one of the best VNs I have read so far, the story and characters stick to me so well and I fear for their well being often XD.
Also I've noticed alot talking about different Paths as well such as A, F, G or whatever and I'm not entirely sure on what this means since I had just finished Path A of Sal and Dean's route. If someone can enlighten me on this I'd really appreciate that.
Keep up your excellent work Grizz, so far this VN has been an amazing read 😊
F and G are done from other paths just failing the day 19
E is path D but aim to kill everyone as fast as possible
Ah KK , thanks fam
do the characters have official MBTI types?
i have heard that the ones on PDB are inaccurate
Tiny bit spoiler I realized aka, it's just me doing another blah blah XD and I haven't played the new update, this is my thoughts about the whole game so far leading up to the update for Day 22
1. The story of the Three Little Pigs might just be a red herring, but I found something interesting. The first pig dies from sickness and something about a rabbit giving the pig chocolate. The second doesn't die but turns into the rabbit. The third survives. Sounds familiar? Now if you replay the game, keep the story in mind, and compare it to the order of character deaths, events, and endings too
if there's an order, is Roswell meant to resemble the first pig? You'll know what I mean if you got far enough. Is Sal supposed to be the second one? Given one of the bad endings, he did join Orlando's father to save Dave. And finally, is Dave the last pig in the story? I'll tell you why in a few.2. After playing through the game multiple times, I just noticed the Path G which took me by surprise because all I know that there are only these paths; Path A, B, C, D, E and F. Each with different outcomes depends on the route you take
Who you pick for the Medal Huntand your choices are, like Florencia said.3. Here we go, the reason why I think The Three Little Pigs story is a reference to the characters I mentioned above, especially Dave is because of Path G. The ending of Path G surprised me by the way, it seems like Florencia had already met Dave before, he even felt like they had, and like those past memories that Dave lived through, they really had met before and even Dave's dad knows her, but. Like Reginald would say, not in this timeline.
4.Here's what I think. David's father, Roswell, Dean, Hoss, Sal, Tyson, Orlando, Benson, Oswin, possibly Thanatos too and the rest of the cast. This is how the order of deaths happened and I'm not talking about just their main deaths before you figure out the password for each character. At least that's how I think, I know there's probably not an order but the patterns are plain to see did you've played it for like, ten times.
5.Dave being the only one who is remembering ever death and past memory, he's the first important one, and Roswell somehow getting roped into all this meaning he could be the second life that Thanatos's master wants to save. Sal could be that too, based on his backstory alone. It can't be Tyson because, well, he's just Ty. No offense to the Tyson lovers. Dean, Hoss and Orlando is a variable, even though Orlando has access to the Vault. Hoss has already been to the mansion and I think he's hiding something, especially when he know now that the set he went to was apparently some sort of recruitment thing, but Sal had met Memphis before and he probably just sent him there to investigate that place, and then Dean. Thanatos literally went to Dean "just in case", is it also possible that he could be the second one that needs to be saved?
6.Who is Thanatos's Master? We can rule out a few, that being Benson and Tyson. Which leaves the possible ones, Oswin is the first on my list because the game wanted to be obvious at first but we soon learn that it isn't the case, Dean because, I have a feeling it could be him but he doesn't remember? It's not possible tbh. It could be in a different timeline for all we know. Hoss is, well, he's one that I don't expect for at all. I'm not too sure about Sal because he literally was manipulated, by Hypnos, and who is/was Hypnos? Yeah, it was Thanatos's first name. Orlando has a lot of knowledge about games, and it being some sort of murder mystery in a mansion, maybe it could be him? But there's not much hints to know if it was him. Then Roswell, he's already on the thread and he could die at any moment but I have a feeling that he knows more, and he's more secretive than Hoss and Tyson. And we can't say it's Florencia too, you'll know why if you read it. My final guess that it could be... Dave? Once he starts to remember, and all leading back to the past. He was meant to die, and then that started a lot of chain events, much like what is happening after you[Dave] solved the first death in the game. Then the events happen slowly until you reach Day 17.
Umm yeah there's a lot I talked about and I'm pretty much as confused about it myself. I already memorized all the passwords of the game so it already triggers when it's time to put one on the Vault lol.
so like yeah that's it haha ;w;
So... I'm in the process of actually going through and getting caught up on all routes with all six characters because I was bored and wanted something to do today. Something I hadn't bothered with aside from Tyson and Orlando up to now, due to me not having wanted to repeatedly go through the story over and over, and I appear to have hit a snag.
I'm currently trying to get through Sal's different routes, but, even though I'm doing what I'm supposed to with them, Routes C and D keep getting redirected back to Route A. I save once I have the path set, but a few days later, I save again and the save shows I'm back on Path A. Same occurs for me trying to play Path D.
Similar to how Paths F and G are unobtainable for Tyson, are Paths C and D unobtainable for Sal?
Ah! Okay. Noted. I wrote my other post not realizing you responded to this one.
Spoiler maybe just to be safe
How many words can you use to ask or interact with the owner of the house? So far I found 12 words, with 2 pairs of different words but have the same dialogue and 1 word if repeated gives a different dialogue than the first time you use it. I just wanna let on what I know because maybe I left some words out because it might impact some parts of the story and dialogue otw, and maybe gib me a hint about the amount of words in total ehe
[SPOILERS] Someone made a list!
Oh, thank god. I'm not crazy. LOL. I remember seeing a google Doc a LOOOONG time ago that had a list of questions you could ask Oswin, but I could never find it. This appears to be a different document entirely but I'm asuming it's referring to the old document.
Ah, actually, after a bit of digging I found [SPOILERS] a copy of the old doc too… 😅 (Not sure if it has any questions not on the other list.)
Thank you so much for this and the people contributing to it, I think this might have helped me speed up on some thoughts on things
So, I have a bit of a theory to posit. It's about Dean.
But, something that might at least be entertaining to think about. It involves Dean being more than he appears to be, but a more positive spin on it versus the "Dean is secretly villain" theories I always see pop up.
Though, fair warning it's the definition of a crackpot theory so take none of this too seriously. Also, some story spoilers for various routes/paths/endings.
Simply put, Dean is from a rival family in opposition to Memphis' mafia. It's mentioned during his bad ending that he comes from a massive family of bears. What if that's a separate mafia family? David, knowing he's about to die calls in a favor to Dean's family. Mama bear agrees and after David's death, sends one of her sons to watch after Dave. He comes into Dave's life not long after David dies, in a way similar to a romance movie. What if that was planned? The reason he acts the way he does in the beginning of his route? He's simply playing the role of the Casanova he feels he's supposed to. Notice that the act drops around day 10 when he realizes just how fragile Dave's mental state is and that the flirty thing wasn't what Dave needed. This is also when he starts developing deeper feelings for Dave.
On Tyson and Orlando's route, he handles the date and breakup well. Realizing that Dave's feelings were elsewhere and maybe it's for the best in terms of Dave being happy. He's blindsided on the other three though, his mission is in jeopardy at that point and he'd started to have feelings for Dave.
Dean is far from the flirty, dumb, himbo people treat him as. He's smart, cunning, and capable with maybe the highest skillset in the group. He's calm under the stressful situations we've seen him in (path F and G) with C and D obviously lacking data. He's shown handling Oswin's revolver in the title art and chooses the close quarters fire axe as his weapon of choice in path F and G, so he can apparently fight. He never really directly involves himself in the group planning sessions, choosing to stay back and observe mainly. Look how often he's keeping watch over the group in the background. Think back to his behavior during some of the bad endings. In Roswell's, look how quickly he wants to get Dave away from that situation. The only ending he doesn't in some way stay with Dave is Roswell's (and his own of course) where Dave is under Tyson's care and they both leave the area, away from Memphis' influence.
For this, I'd include Dom as potentially being from the same "family", but undercover. The sheer fact a "Bad Ending: Dom" exists, means the guy has a good ending somehow.
OMGGGG DAVE IS RECALLING!!!!!!!!!!!! Cliffhangers be damned, I must contain and wait.
*cries in cliff hanger*
i just finished path A with Dean.... ooo boy goosebumps and feelings all over the place. That is one masterfully done cliffhanger
So, after playing the new update, I have some... Thoughts.
Where did the new sprites come from? (David's and Jack's).
A pretty big surprise indeed.
Does this mean we're going to get all the characters in this artstyle soon? While I don't dislike the artstyle, I still dunno how to feel about it. I do like it a bit, but I'm not too sure if it fits the game a lot.
This also brings up a question I wanted to ask Grizz for a long time.
Why are the side characters the ones with different eye colors and poses? Iirc, all Dave's friends' sprites have a "default pose" and black eyes. I may be thinking about it too much, but it was always weird how the side characters had more developed sprites than the main characters'.
This new build gives me a lot of hope, though. The story is coming to an end, and I am definitely excited for it. I actually also am quite intrigued by how the rest of the cast will look like with this new style.
Thanks a lot for bearing with me as usual!,
They've been getting reworked in the background. These are really old examples back from day 8 or before, the newer ones are on discord and i dont go there.
Orlando - https://www.patreon.com/posts/sprite-reworks-31963293
Hoss - https://www.patreon.com/posts/sprite-reworks-30027755
Sal and Tyson - https://www.patreon.com/posts/sprite-reworks-29670294
Here's a slightly more recent post as well.
In that post you can see Dean and Roswell's new look and early sketches of the others. (Though each of them have progressed a lot since then, pretty sure Tyson is finished and the others as well by this point). All the guys will have eye color, various poses and expressions. The new title screens and recent cgs show off their final designs pretty well also.
And honestly, I think it'll just be an adjustment since we're used to the way the characters look after all this time. But I like the newer ones more at this point. Tyson for example isn't as wide as Dean or so fluffy now which fits how he's described in game better. Thin, unapproachable, and scruffy.
No updates
There is the update, Grizz just forgot to announce it. Check the download files.
It was updated here on itch just with no devlog
What's in this update?
- Day 23 (Path A/Path B)
This was an easy-ish one to write if only because ultimately the update itself isn't all that big. Almost all of it is set-up for next build which... Well, you'll get an idea once you're playing likely. Expect a few revelations and some reveals but the next update is going to have more.
Ah, I knew I forgot something. I had my hands full fixing the patron build.
Wait is it just me or August 15 is Tsumugi Shirogane's bday-
And Password updates are always on the 15th-
Grizz what are you trying to tell us 👁️/j
august 15th is also kagerou day whats your point
Just played the game. and I guess I'll leave the review(Only played Tyson route for now)
Warning : This contain spoiler and a lot of personal opinion.
At first for inserting name, I thought it for mc name so I just put the first character that mc interact with , just to mess around and PFFTTTT, I love that interaction, I happen to repeat to input any characters name that appear until Liam and Betson which don't really give any special interaction, kinda sad but still NICE easter egg. I happen to pick Dean first because well, he's look better with mc compare to other and then Tyson come up , CHANGE SHIP WE GOING TYSON ROUTE , I mean the mc bring him and u gonna leave him alone? HELL NAH. I like how u make him stay in character and change him slowly, like how he's... *cough"* dumdum but caring a lot, does he's a tsundere type? H M M, anyway when It start pathing to path c(Because I don't know the pass yet), I think huh 2 characters dead but not Tyson, I save the game before the vault insert and after the 'incident', I happen to unlock the vault and go to path A, but I going back to path C, with in mind planning to get BAD ENDING but with Tyson Alive only #OnlyTyson , and oh man I regret it so much. Back to path A we go, when the questioning Oswin happen, I couldn't ask anything, I guess I'm too dumb, been writing a lot and man, it not working, hell I also ask "Theodore" but well I guess it doesn't matter. The whole backstory with mc,dad, and Tyson is heartwarming, I kinda want a full backstory mode with them only, just to feel more heartbreaking knowing the result what gonna happen *cry*. I also love how mc just anxious about the whole thing like in day 6 will happen again which is well, it totally not easy to forget, also love how it go back to the question Hoss/Tyson which is I think quite nice, and the whole pie thingy. It make ya feel the choice u made have impact even tho not much I believe. I guess that all I gonna say related to Tyson route, now talking about other.
I seen a Liam sprites and why he have sprites when he contribute like almost nothing? also Oswin, Betson, and Orlando's dad sprites look different compare to other, I mean other are just looking at ya with half legs gone, and they appear to have full sprites which is not consistent(Also it make Betson look smaller compare to other, IDK if he really small compare to other characters). Also the whole CG, I seen the early days it have colors and the latest days is... colorless, Personally I don't mind about it, Hell I prefer the colorless CG, just preference. Curious what's actually happen because of the inconsistent.
Other thing I wanna mention. the ost remind me of minecraft not sure why. Overall I think very good game. Not expecting this much content.
Side talk, long time ago I wanted to play this game but change mind because I scared if I'm too dumb to realize what the password are from reading the comment, but it actually not that hard when we actually pay attention at the time the incident will happen. Also.... where auto button? and also where I could buy the keychain? I wanted to buy the Tyson one If I have enough money. That's all my overall review for now. Hope the creator could answer some of my questions. Wish u the best Creator.
The Visual novels going to have an update where all the sprites get updated, its been in the works for a while which is why the newer sprites look different. The CGs being sketches was a patreon voted thing, the full colour ones would take longer so it was voted to do sketches and then finished later on.
Key chains:- https://store.pawprint.press/collections/frontpage/products/password-acrylic-key...
Liam gets a sprite because he's a certain tier of patron. Like the other custom sprites that'll be added over time as well.
Auto button will also be added back in eventually. It was removed as it was voted for the most part unused and the screen real-estate was already tight.
Will we ever get Password unused content? Just for pure curiosity, one day I'd like to find out more about the game and some scrapped ideas. Of course, I am not saying like, now, but it's definitely something that interests me.
There will be a post-mortem report after the game is out of beta.
This one is a variation on the one right after it:
Go Path B, fail day 10 password, then don't forgive Sal.
Quick question, Grizz. Does knowing Day 11's password have any effect on anything....
Other than knowing that Oswin had intended to inject you after Thanatos distracted you?
Only altered dialogue. Originally yes, but analysis on what enjoyers of Password actually want means an idea had to be scrapped.
Did the same apply to the Day 2 password? As of yet I haven't ever actually figured that one out, let alone what it does.
There's no Day 2 password.
1. Don't share passwords.
2. There was no plan to retain that after full release as it was for testing. There is nothing prior to that as it wasn't intended for the public to have it in the first place.
I hope I am not too annoying LMAO
quite the choice to assign kokichi to yourself
Not my fault if I read this in their voices smh/j
Is Sal canonly ace 👀
Canonically, he's a crocodile.
I was wondering if anyone has made a compilation of all the information we have so far about the game?
I mentioned in a previous comment I was writing a fanfic for myself and I like to do things that make it as realistic as possible, and I wanted to make a compilation in text form of all the information we have to help myself before continuing;
(By compilation of information I mean general character profiles, description of characters deaths, profile of killers, timeline of events, things like that)
I should also say that I like organizing, so it actually feels good to organize everything, but also... It would too feel quite the waste of time to find out in the end that someone already made it or is making? So... Does anyone know?
If the answer is no one made or is making I might do it myself, though I have no idea how long that would take
(If someone did make one already please tell me where I can read it )/
If they had, it'd be news to me. I was considering for a while to create a wikia but the problem you run into is how people edit it and how spoiler free you can keep it. (Or really who draws the line where for spoilers)
The best you'd get is asking in the spoiler channels on the discord server given a few people have done their breakdowns but given I haven't 100% confirmed or denied anything as far as documents submitted by fans, it's still mostly guesswork.
I guess I'll do it myself then, I also checked the discord server and there were some useful information there (Along with some questionable comments-..)
I'll take care in separating the facts from my own speculations, the main reason I'll doing this is to compile information and not theorize after all; thank you for answering!
No probs! Poke me on the server if you're unsure of something and I'll point you in the right direction if it's in-game, or tell you if someone's made a wrong assumption somewhere.
I'd love having something like that, since I don't think anything like that exists. Kinda sounds similar to something I put together for Tennis Ace.
I'm currently writing it, and even though I don't plan on writing everything word by word, there's still a lot of information to gather; so it might take a while. As I said before I'm not sure how much time it might take
Also just to vent a bit, but I never realized how suspicious some of the lines are until I started transcribing them-.. I wonder what exactly I'm going to find out as I progress? Only time will tell
I've had my theory on the murderer behind this whole thing for a while, and the most recent update that was done has me more heavily leaning toward one character of the three that I thought the murderer could be. There's so much going on that I've found myself replaying routes multiple times to see if I spot anything that would give me cause to believe I was either right or wrong, but yeah, I'd definitely be interested in seeing what info you end up putting together.
oh haha funi game about ppl in house, oh murder mystry too? coolio
15 hours of gameplay later"WHAT THE FUCK IS HApening ples omg whyguhbgsli.bkhu d;kgjl'bm/lrkhn'
Could someone help me get into path F?
I read a comment saying that you need go through path A, and then not use the password on day 17, and that Tyson's route doesn't work.
I tried this on Roswells' and Orlando's route, but it didn't work-... I believe this one and G are the only paths I haven't gone through yet and from pieces I read in comments it seems to be so different; so it feels like I'm missing something really important
Do I have to, like... Get absolutely no affection with Tyson during the route? Help?
A branches to F if you fail the password on Day 17, B branches to G if the same.
Given Tyson auto-clears the Day 17 password for plot reasons, any other character should do.
Given there are no other checks, I'd be curious to know what issue you're hitting given by that stage the game kind of falls apart logically with who should be dead otherwise.
On my first playthrough I got the password right on first few attempts, but I got curious to what would happen if I got it wrong so I went back; but nothing actually happened so at the time I just assumed that Thanatos was lying or something?
I did see the scene of Tyson killing Orly by failing the password though, but it only worked for me on the paths where I reveal Oswin.
I wondering if it's a bug and perhaps I should reinstall the game..
It sounds like a bug. Failing the password auto-boots you to F and G unless you're on Tyson's route. You CAN put the password in on Tyson's route and see the password scene as well, which changes some dialogue but it's already auto-solved.
You can't do Tysons route at all for path F and G because Tysons route automatically skips day 17 password
Skips as in... The game doesn't give you an opportunity to put a password that day? For me Thanatos still guides Dave to the vault the same way of the other routes
You can still use the password on Tyson's route for day 17. The investigation will happen and you get the prompt to enter a password like would happen with any other route. You can get the CG and everything.
The difference is, when the other routes shift into F or G at the end of day 19, Tyson's won't. By being on his route, even if you get the password wrong, Dave will stop anything bad from happening naturally through the story. You're pretty much dealing with the problem directly since he's your partner whereas you ignore him on the other routes. Affection level doesn't matter either, that has no impact on the main story (so be nice to him).
Really all it should take to be on path F or G is not use the password on day 17 and be on anyone but Tyson's route. You're technically on F/G the moment the password isn't entered, but the game will show as A/B until day 20. Since, ya know, Dave doesn't find out until then that he's on a bad timeline.
I see it now, thank you!!
My Roswell Theory"
Obvious spoilers, dummy! I also made an Orlando Theory not too below. You can check it out if you'd like, I don't know.
Now that those pesky people that haven't finished the game yet have left, WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH YOU ROSWELL!!! YOU KILLED BENSON!!! WAAAAH!
Now, let's get to this theory that was purely fueled by my anger towards that gremlin.
Why he's a prime suspect? Well, given the fact that his health was deteriorating, I'd say he's probably a one-time tool for Memphis. Memphis wanted the vault. Didn't it occur to you that Roswell somehow hosted this vacation exactly where Oswin lives? That can't be a coincidence. Moreso, I think Memphis and Roswell (or by extent, his family) have arranged a deal.
AFAIR, the thing that is hiding inside the Vault is Oswin's failed work, a magical syringe that can cure anything possible (again, AFAIR). So, given that Roswell had some brain cancer, it would make sense that Roswell would team up with Memphis. After all, Memphis was only interested with the "time travel" mumbo-jumbo of the Vault. It's a fair trade for both parties!
Now let's see about Roswell's death in the 1st Password. His head is open wide by blunt force... by a book. Weird. But it's also another odd one out of the bunch. Hoss was killed by (what seems to be) Jack's hunting knife, the same knife that killed Oswin in B & G. Dean was poisoned by not washing hands (or Orlando poisoned him), Sal was locked inside a freezer (although I'm sure this was Hypnos/Thanatos' fault), and Tyson was ravaged by an animal of some sorts (Probably Dom's doings since Dean DID say it was probably a bear, and Dom is the only bear we have seen so far other than that bus driver Liam).
The reason why I brought up Roswell's death is because it was definitely inflicted by Oswin or Benson. Sure, Oswin did deny killing Roswell by saying he was in the lab all day, and later said he was hiding behind the shelves, but you seriously trust him 100%? Nah. Oswin is a dirty man himself (still gives me chills with the Thanatos reveal in the good timelines). It's possible that Oswin somehow knew of Roswell's head condition. He DID have possession of a robot that literally has access to every single dialogue of them in the known multi-verse. What's there to say that Oswin asked Thanatos anything about Roswell.
I don't really know what Oswin would do with Roswell's brain. To be frank, I'm not even sure if he did take Roswell's brain. But that's not important. We'll be talking about Roswin. And no, this is not a ship (maybe). Memphis and Oswin has talked in the past before. Maybe SOMEHOW Memphis knew about Oswin's desire to care for children. And sure after that disastrous trial where he killed ~100 children, Oswin was plainly ruined and vowed himself unfit for nurturing kids. Well, who else is a prime pick other than Roswell? Sure, both are boars which gains sympathy points, but that's the perfect way for Memphis to sneak in a mole. A mole Oswin would probably least suspect.
Now let's go to the point where I'm SUPER pissed. Benson's death in F. Roswell stated that Benson pulled a gun at him and fired, causing Roswell to shoot back and kill Benson. Dean literally said that Roswell couldn't have gotten a gun... UNLESS he stole it from Jack's corpse. Roswell was the only one that inspected the corpse (ISTG Dave if you only checked it yourself...) and who's to say he hid a gun from Dave and only revealed the remote detonator. And about the 2 gunshots the gang heard, who's to say Roswell's 1st shot killed Benson, then he fired another shot to his direction just to stage Benson's sudden urge to kill him. Roswell definitely did this because now that Jack was gone, Memphis was gonna have a hard time getting in with Benson still alive. And with Oswin PRESUMABLY being deceased during this time, it was a perfect opportunity when him and Benson were alone.
EDIT: Foolhardy for me to instantly cook up this theory without even going through the Interrogation. But Roswell is just too smart for this. He's answering so badly that Hoss found out. Sure you can say it's the brain cancer but I don't think that's the case. Sure it gave Roswell colds, fevers, harsh breathings, but I doubt that's the reason why his intellect decreased to the point of not answering straight and saying an "I don't know" when asked how Benson missed his shot. Not going to be fat shaming, but in a dialogue in Tyson's route when he was about to leave Dave behind, he described Roswell and Orlando as "two lard-asses" meaning they're... big-boned... yeah. So you'd think a target like that, Benson would miss? He literally shot Jack, which I'd presume is slim AND fast. If Roswell WAS just dilly-dallying and looking for some C4, you'd think Benson just killed him there and then? NOPE. Roswell is suspicious.
Well that's all! I literally just came up this theory today, while typing (also did the same method with the Orlando Route). I find it hilarious I immediately made a Roswell Theory because he killed Benson, it's probably because I just find Benson so reassuring.
Thoughts? Try debunking me!
Try debunking you? Well... Alright.
You may want to re-examine those deaths you mentioned. Your memory of the crime scenes isn't accurate, mostly in the murder weapon but in an auxiliary manner the method of execution.
But let's talk about guns. There's a bigger problem with what you put forward about Path F.
We know Jack's method of violence is a knife. He's never had a gun, so to that end Roswell can't have picked one off his body assuming we're playing fair. Which then leads us with a problem of where Roswell got the gun. Mostly because we know that Oswin's gun was handed off to Sal before Jack's arrival, and Benson has his own.
Because we (as Dave) haven't seen the state of the room where Benson fell, we only have one testimony to go off. But I'm sure you can already see the problem in what was reported based on what we know of the weapons in play on that day already.
HMMMMMM... (Spoilers ahead again, buckar0o)
Eep, sorry about that misconception about Roswell's murder, I'll probably do a marathon run of Password again XD.
Well to be fair I'm kind of stumped. If there's 2 guns in the manor, then dang how did Roswell even get a gun to shoot Benson? Roswell said he "found it". And to be fair we (As Dave) has yet to see the crime scene.
Or idk, maybe Jack somehow had one for safety measures? I know he's a knife person, but when you're in a mission like invading a giant ass mansion housing a butler which is the biggest threat with guns? Yeah... i'll admit, this point is kind of weak...
But one thing's for sure, Roswell is just too suspicious. It's just raising too many red flags. As Dean (or the one that went up to investigate the gunshot, I forgot :((( ) said, Roswell had a gun when literally the only 2 known guns were with Sal and Benson. Does this mean Roswell had a gun all along? Possible. After all, I AM condemning Roswell as the secret killer right now. It's possible. And with the fact he was lying about it is just too suspicious, is it not?
Also I dug deeper during the interrogation. About where Roswell was during Day 17 (W-----L-) was happening. During those times when Dave was asking Tyson and Orlando, Roswell was somehow always in the foyer, seemingly watching Dave just go down the Vault. Maybe trying to figure out the pieces. He probably figured out that Tyson and Orlando are marked for death, y'know, them just yelling upstairs and shit, and Dave just frantically asking both of them. So when Dave failed this day's PW, Roswell hatched a plan for Tyson to get super pissed at Orlando, as well as finding a way for Jack to sneak in and kill Oswin.
It just aligns too perfectly as well. Tyson, having killed Orlando, will definitely look bad on him especially when everyone sees it. Knowing that Benson would shoot down anything that is a threat (just like with Jack in The Chase, but effin' missed), Benson would definitely shoot a ballistic werewolf that just murdered without reason. When everyone was outside witnessing Tyson covered in dragon blood, it was a golden opportunity for Roswell to let Jack in and end Oswin. This will obviously lead Benson in a sorry state. But sadly this didn't really make Benson tired.
And so when Jack returned to avenge Dom, he died to Benson's gunman skills. Roswell definitely thought "Fuck, how will Memphis get here if Benson still exists?" And so that's why Benson died. Roswell decided to pull out his gun and shoot the unsuspecting otter. This would give Memphis more of a chance to fight.
Holy shit, it MAKES SENSE NOW!!! I love making theories by scratch.
So when we revealed Oswin, that probably led the traitor (assumingly Roswell rn) to tell Jack. This in turn, killed Oswin earlier. When he was dead in Day 17, it went earlier to Day 11. And because Oswin was dead, Benson vowed to keep watch of the mansion. AND THIS in turn caused Benson to lose sleep. And if you chose Path G whereas Oswin died early AND Tyson and Orlando dies, Benson couldn't handle the pressure no more. He DID pass out. So that's probably why he failed shooting Jack at the time, because he was tired af. RIP Benson.
And so during F, that's when Oswin only died, not really making Benson tired to miss the shot in F. RIP Jack!
Anyways this was fun, me insisting that Roswell is a killer just because he killed Benson. XD (Also hi again, grizz)
The guns Dom's, Dean picks it up after being told by Thanatos and just leaves it lying around in his room. The knife is Oz's you can ask him about it during the questioning. Oz says he just left it lying around the mansion but doesn't know where it is.
Correct, Dominic's gun is also in play though at what point would Roswell be incentivized to go and retrieve it? We know from the sequence of events that Benson's movements insofar as letting Hoss into the library, back through the passage and upstairs would imply that he was the one pursuing and not the one that had been ambushed. With this in mind, the rationale for Roswell to even consider getting the gun falls apart, unless you can find another reason why he'd have a motive to do any of that.
As Cerberus said, the knife was Oswin's. And as we see from the crime scene, the way in which he was killed doesn't line up for someone like Jack who is not the best at stealth from the amount of branches he supposedly steps on through the woods when Dave is around. Additionally, he has at least two knives of his own; why would you suddenly swap weapons when you have no hesitation of using your own as-is?
Then I suppose the final sticking point is the Benson v Memphis match-up. We see already from the bad path ends that Memphis isn't too concerned with Benson when they confront one another in the mansion, which gets them their escape after Benson threatens to shoot Oswin instead.
I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm not saying you're right, but your reasoning is fundamentally flawed based on what's in-game already.
Also hi.
jsfnakjfnakjfnasjksfn thanks for the debunk. I just made the theory for fun (and partially because I'm mad Benson died)
A- oh. I always thought that knife was Jack's... well... even then, Jack probably wouldn't just leave HIS knife when he killed Oswin. He probably found Oz's knife by luck and used it.
Can't have, Hoss's bad end day 6 means whoever is responsible would already have picked up the knife and jack isn't intrested in going near the mansion till he knows if bensons around.
Just passing down some wisdom, in case you know then great, if case you don't than hopefully you'll find it useful;
Something that I learned from a Phoenix Wright gameplay actually, but if you're stuck in a information because it doesn't appear to fit anywhere, or you can't think of an information that fits, try changing your line of questioning.
If you can't find a motive for X person to do something for example, change the question from "Why did they chose to do this?" To "Why did they had to do this?"
You don't have to do this all the time, but you could try it the next time you get stuck on an information, especially if it's a question; try changing the question itself.
Most often than not it might lead to possibilities that can be easily debunked, but even that can be useful. I sure hope it's helpful \( \)
Hold up when did Password have an unofficial Russian translation-
Route F spoiler but I guess if you haven't play that part this won't give you much clue.
Though it may sound kind of aggressive, isn't this some chance (you could say only chance) we possibly kill Mephis by using the c4 given the lethality of those bombs is enough. You could put them somewhere near the door(most likely the front door), or even with the bodies of Jack and Dominic which will probably attract Mephis' attention if able to make him come closer.
The detonation could be a problem though. If the ECM jammer is still working, guess the detonator won't work well. Benson could shoot the bomb though, much easier than shooting Mephis. But, yeah, we know what happened in day 22 which was also suspicious.
It seems off as something that Dave would decide on. But in "some" storyline, Dave could actually get driven by the thoughts of revenge (for all these danger and death of him, his friends and most importantly, his dad), let alone there already exists such example when Dave did "kill" someone in revenge. So such story development seems resonable, to me at least.
Even at the very least, I think throwing the bombs away is much safer than trying to disarm them. But now that Thanatos can ensure the security this won't be much a problem.
Still, just some if-storylines which I would definitely try. Or maybe I just want to see more "dark sides" of Dave. There are many mysteries that I want to find answers, looking forward to what could happen in the future. Thanks for your work, Grizz!
Spoilers, the same they said
I like your idea of the C4 to kill Memphis but that's the easy way out and we can't have that, can we? That would mean that this could end day 23 or maybe 24 considering they take those days to safely explore and search for a way out, and if I'm being honest? I want to see how these days develop and get more out of it than an easy solution, more content!
You'd seriously think Dean, Sal and Hoss would allow Dave to just charge at Memphis and detonate the C4, killing both? NOPE:
A) Dave can just be shot while charging towards him
B) Dave is the light of the whole group. Even with 2 down, he's still the most important since he's the one that keeps them intact
C) Sal would still insist in doing the deed, since he'd probably be the last person Memphis would just shoot. Sal can get close enough and detonate, killing himself and Memphis.
As usual, some blank for spoilers (well, should these even count?)
That's hardly what I meant, to be honest. I have no idea how you comprehend my words but meh.
So at the very first beginning, this is just some sort of plot outlines, rather than the whole scene. You could have some more reasonable story goings but it's not like I'm actually writing a fan-story, not here at least.
And I have never said the denotation should be done by "Dave charge at Mephis". If the remote denotator is working, then that is just the easiest way. They can hide somewhere safe enough and denotate it from distance when Mephis is close enough. If the remote denotator is not working, then Benson still have the gun! Why not trying to denotate it by shooting them? Again, these are just possible solutions. Chances are that Mephis could also have some backup measures.
(PS: While Google says C4 can withstand a rifle shot, I think it's not that much a problem. Like, hardly anybody would question about such scientific problems in these stories. )
I don't know how you get the "kamikaze idea", but yeah, I also agree that's pretty stupid and absurd.
This idea came to me because, across every storyline (at least for those which I've played), this F storyline seems to be most likely for them to have a bite back on Mephis, which neither negotiation or some police force will do. And those bombs being simply disamred seems kind of wasted to me. Thanatos have all past memories! If keeping Dave alive is one important task for him, why not utilizing him to the most? You can know how many bombs there are (though he could be lying). You can know which direction Mephis will come to the house. You can even know whether you've tried this plan and how it turns out.
SPOILERS lol again XD
Well Benson died anyways, so their only good-eyed gunman being able to shoot the C4 with Memphis near, is out of the equation.
About Thanatos being, Thanatos... we'll never know his truest intentions tbh. Maybe it's some physics, sciencey, universe-themed bs we can't comprehend. Might cause some time paradox lmao. He COULD say how many bombs, or tell us what is the most efficient way to END Memphis, but then again, maybe his master isn't allowing him so? During this time he's still controlled
My Orlando Theory"
Ok so major spoilers ahead. This is a theory. DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED YET!!! PLEASE!
major edit: I'm ashamed to say I am wrong.
You out? Ok.
I've been thinking of who's that secret killer. It overall probably makes sense. I think it's Orlando. (If Oswin WAS right and definitive that there's one killer among them). To be fair, I still don't think any of them is a killer. But if I were to suspect one, well... the person RELATED to the problem is obviously the easy pick.
Some evidence I've found involves a lot with Dean and his ex. Orlando is friends with Dean's ex, even obtaining a recipe from him that he used in Dean and Dave's date... Wait, whaaaat? That's a bit suspicious, don't you think so? I get that Orlando self-entitles himself as a "goach" but do you think he already despised Dean from the start since he's a bear? He knew that a BEAR was the one that broke his friend's heart, so of course provoking some sort of past trauma from Dean can derail this date that he planned for Dave. And you can say "But Orlando just knew when Dean was acting off about the pie!", well he could've faked it to get a genuine response.
(This is a bit far'fetched but I'll include it eitherway) Even IN the Dean route, Dean gets poisoned after a meal. The password gave it away by saying Dean just needed to wash his hands... but who's to say Orlando didn't poison Dean's plate?
"But WhatAmI, Orlando dies in Day 7! His father's goons shot him while he was recovering in the hospital!" Yeah. This is where things get spicier. I THINK the whole trip is a TEST for Orlando. You'd think Memphis (his dad) would want Orlando to run the family business. This is one of the conflicts in Orlando's route. We find out that Orlando can never achieve his dream of baking since his dad wants him to continue the family "banking" legacy. So seeing Orlando fail, (i.e. gets hospitalized during a gun conflict, cries over a friend getting shot) Memphis deems this behavior unfit for his business and might as well take him out as well. He LITERALLY values Sal more (afait).
It's a weird detail too, but Orlando is literally the only one with the least gruesome death in the First Password of each route. He's literally just sleeping there on the concrete floor. While literally everyone else gets ass-blasted with blood, but the other one is pretty... chill. I think the creator's are just hinting at the fact that Orlando is the odd one out.
EDIT: Some other follow-ups that I've forgotten to mention
In the Orlando Route, when Orlando and Dave were talking about Orlando's "Sacrifice" Password, he was semi-trying to convince Dave that he saw Dean chuckling at the site of Dave's body hanging on a meathook. Saying that the bear in his vision was wearing flannel and shit. Further proving his hatred to Dean.
Orlando may have a change of heart in his own route, probably. Citing that he'd wanna run away with Dave.
I'm just finishing Day 22 of F and I'm FURIOUS!!! I'm making another theory. And it regards a certain... suidae.
There are more details in the replies lol
So yeah, I think it's a hot take of mine. Feel free to debunk me lmao.
Hypothetically, if this is a test, then how do you resolve the conclusion of Dean's bad end insofar as what happened to Orlando? I would assume getting away with it would've been considered a pass.
Wasn't Orlando put in the slammer for a short period in time due to him being sussed? (My memory is foggy, but I'm for certain that he'd been watched for a while by the police). Not only did Orlando get in trouble by getting the blue men involved which Memphis already dislikes, the murder was almost not in Memphis' interest. I probably didn't make this idea of a "test" clearer.
I'd think this test Memphis tasked Orlando is to try and desensitize him to the point of seeing corpses don't startle him no more, doing the deed and KILLING someone, but overall, doing all of that without getting caught in any way. (Poisoning the food was a bad move since he's mostly the one cooking)
This is probably why I think Memphis just sent Orlando away in Bad Dean Ending to work at a bakery. Just so he can distance him. Memphis could've easily gunned Orlando down but, as a semi-pass for his test, he grants him a chance at life.
Plus it's also suspicious to me that Orlando is the only one ALSO messing with the vault, other than Dave. No one else toggles with it. Literally just him. For all I know, I think he's the one that narced on Jack/Anyone else when we revealed Oswin. That's probably how Oswin died. Orlando was the one that leaked the info.
I even think that Orlando is faking his "Password". He's saying that he saw Dave hanging in a meathook in a rundown place. Not only is he trying to make Dave believe he's protecting him, HOL' UP! Where is the other RUN DOWN place we saw throughout the game? THE MILL. And who do we meet there? Jack!
Just more proof that Orlando may be a baddie
(Also hi Grizz!)
True. Orlando is a sweet cinnamon bun. I love all of them equally. But sometimes, you have to experience heartbreak :,D
We still can't be sure though. Orlando's just the sussiest out of the 6.
Omg you're like, so right though
Everybody suspects Hoss or Roswell, but Orlando honestly has so much red flags, I really don't wanna believe its him but at the same time... qwqqqq
OK I can understand Hoss. He's been in the manor before... he's not well-known to Dave. He indirectly knew where Oswin was. BUT why Roswell. He's dying, why would he spend his last moments screwing his friends over.
Soo... I'm on path A and decided to see the bad timeline (F) but, now I wonder, What's the difference between A and B? Like, I can't get to B but I have an idea of to go get it but idk, it's below
I did say spoilers
I'm assuming by Hoss route, you can be just friends with him and by that go for route B, thinking this may apply for every route or maybe it's another thing and I'm wrong, the only time I got another ending was when in stand off for Ty, save Sal or Benson, then those got me to their endings, but aside from that, I can't seem to remember any decision that could lead me to path B
Paths: https://www.patreon.com/posts/on-topic-of-42690779
Thanks, and also sorry for talking all the time ^^'
Thats what the comment sections for.
Question! Doesn't have spoilers
I was checking the images that this page shows, and one of them is "Day 22" and I'm assuming Tyson's color and is it fake? Like, I feel like it has been there since the first time I saw this vn, now I'm in doubt if I'm crazy or if this day has been out a loooong time ago but for Patreon and was on display bc it didn't matter? Dumb thing but hey, details, I love them
I have no idea what you mean, i have the entire gallery (with gallery complete at the bottom) and i don't remember getting any new cgs for day 22 the last one we got was missing day 17s password i think.
Ah, I think they mean the images at the top of this page. They got replaced recently to show off the new UI and one is from Tysons day 22.
Yeah that, thank you I was with only an hour of sleep and idk, I feel like that image was in there all this time but at the same time is imposible, sorry for the dumb question haha
I had said after the last update that I had my suspicions about who I think the murderer is. This most recent update now has me leaning more heavily on one specific individual, and all I will comment on regarding the route specifically is that, Grizz, while the writing in the route was very well done for this one, I'm also extremely sad about the content revealed in this one. Last update was hard enough to take. This one actually made me want to cry, and that doesn't happen with me reading VNs very often.
i still dont know the password?
Which day?
day 7
Yo, sour creme here, love the story, keep up the good work!
Can someone give me a hint in what I'm doing wrong to access B? I've-
Already asked Oswin to tell me a story and even uttered the word "Rabbit" just to make him mad or something. What am I missing, why is he still alive ;w;
(I got it, nvm.)
Don't use the password on day 17. Path A leads to F, B leads to G.
Also Tyson's route can't access those paths.
note to self: never hide something in a huge package on a house full of queers. that's the first place they will look. :p
I can't help but laugh at that. 😂😂
Same! At first I saw it and was like "That's a good one" but now I understand and it's even funnier lmao