Great update , but uh I replayed until the "end" of day 24 on Dean's Route then I loaded a save from Day 19 on Sal's route and weirdly enough. Dave and Sal didn't happen and Dave didn't get together with anyone. I've loaded multiple saves on Sal's route and this keeps happening and I'm not entirely sure why.
Also are there any Sonas or OCs from Grizz or Cerberus I kinda wanna spare some time to make art of them if that's ok
I'm not a dev or anything i dont even work on password i'm just a patreon who decided to lurk and help out in the comments. Grizz is the only dev for password its very much a solo project though Civ does some music aswell.
As for what happened with Dave and Sal, the other characters have a say in if you get together too. You just didn't romance your route partner good enough.
Dean and Tyson may have the highest chance of survival; But imo it's still a bad move cause Dean is the only one among dave friends being able to use the revolver.
Speculation, spoiler:
There is also the possibility the Dean is on Memphis payroll all the time. There are two very subtle hints to that. Would be quite ironic, but also a crazy payoff: The only way for everyone to survive is to follow the Dean-Romance Path A, to make Dean defect from Memphis gang.
It would certainly be... a choice to lock the best ending behind Dean's route. But I just don't think it'll play out that way.
As someone that spent basically the entirety of their time playing, convinced he would have some kind of heel turn. I'm just not seeing it. Not this close to the end. At some point we need to accept he's just a normal character that needs a rewrite to his route. Because right now his most notable moment is everyone else's day 19 when his romance subplot with Dave finally ends.
I think it's genre paranoia to not trust the character who's "just nice".
But to feed into my old suspicions, he still has moments that make me hesitate. That vision in the forest where he doesn't react right to Dave bloody while also armed with a gun. When Tyson finds Dave dying Dean is somewhere in the forest allegedly looking for Dave. He's intentionally left out when Thanatos goes through the list of who died after Dave does. Tyson is shot immediately, Orlando right after, Hoss, Roswell, Benson and Oswin all burn up in the fire with Sal maybe still being alive right outside. The fact on both path A and B his location is unknown at the "to be continued" point.
Thanatos even mentions that Dean has so far always been good on every timeline. But he also admits the group has never made it this far accompanied with the knowledge some of his memories have been deleted.
I don't see him working for Memphis. But I can see him breaking under the threat of death and abandoning the group. I believe Sal even mentions Dean and Tyson as the most likely to snap first. But with Tyson (who I'm personally worried wth he's up to on path B) he's at least loyal to Dave no matter what because that's all he has. Dean has a nice life outside of the mansion he'd probably want to get back to.
Now that I think about it, going back to the part where Thanatos lists who dies, I remember noticing that Dean hadn't been listed as well, but didn't think much of it for some reason.
Back to everything else, you do make a valid point. I can also kind of see Dean abandoning the group when sh*t hits the fan.
Personally, I just hope everyone makes it out okay, and when it happens, I hope Roswell will pass away knowing his friends are alive and safe.
At some point we need to accept he's just a normal character that needs a rewrite to his route.
What kind of rewrite? I personally enjoy the "normal guy" Dean. His Story feels like a vacation compared to most character with their (family) issues. The main flaw of his Story is the missing bridge/logic between his character-flaw "Abadonning Rami" to his "dating" problems and other parts of his bahaviour.
But I can see him breaking under the threat of death and abandoning the group.
He already abandoned Rami. So Dean coming to the rescue of Dave or Hoss or even Tyson would be a nice end of his Story-arc, no matter if he is on Memphis Payrole or not. I think Dean is pretty brave.
a) Dean volunterd (it's only brave if he does not work for Memphis) b) Dean tried to stop Sal from killing Roswell, but gets himself killed c) On Benson death, Dean and Tyson are the first to spring into action. d) He took a hit from Sal without resisting/dodging.
I only mention the rewrite because a touch up is apparently happening once the story is finished. I don't even think he needs that much of one. Mostly just getting more of his personality to shine through would be nice.
And realistically the one most likely to mess things up, at least on path B, is Tyson. His actions on C/D are what escalated everything to go to hell as quickly as it did. Because if I'm right about why he snuck into the forest... ugh, if he doesn't get killed Dave really should invest in that collar once they get home.
But yeah, Dean doing something courageous is the more likely scenario. Hopefully by saving someone.
I'm just so curious how B is going to end. I can see it being the path characters are about to die in comparison to A, I just hope it isn't as "kill em all" as C/D/E/G have been. Characters individually living or dying based on our choices instead of scripted has always been my dream mechanic.
I only mention the rewrite because a touch up is apparently happening once the story is finished.
I misunderstoood you. I guessed you demand specific rewrite for Dean being too normal=bad writing.
Spoiler part.
I only mention the rewrite because a touch up is apparently happening once the story is finished.
I guess i would be poetic justice if the mastermind dies because of that. However: considering Dave Vision on Path F i think the hostage/colletarel is going to die without Oswin being around.
I want to clarify: Dean on Memphis Payroll means that Dean is not part of the Mafia Clan. Memphis does not hesitated to kill Dean on Route F. Instead Dean got blackmailed by the mafia to keep and eye on Orlando and his sus frined the small hyena Dave. And Dean wanting to protect his large bear family and his brother agreed to that and started flirting with Dave,
Speculation-time !!
Path B:
1. Dean dies as hostage OR
2. Dave sacrifice himself, Dean losses his mind -> hook ending of Orlandos Vision. OR
3. Dean is on Memphis Payroll -> Everyone dies if you broke Dean's heart (Roswell Route), only one Character dies because Dean takes to much time to decide OR everyone survives (Dean Route only, because Dean backstabs Memphis instantly or convince Dom to join the other team.)
Path A:
1. Oswin dies instead of Dean after an exchange of hostages
2. Dave act as a bait, but get rescued by Dean, Oswin , Orlando and Roswell to fight the Endboss Memphis.
3. Dean is on Memphis Payroll. But Dean (and Dom?) betrays Memphis anyway.
The rewrite is basically just to make Dean's personality and who he is shine through more on his route as most of the things that makes him interesting or rather, about him, exist more on other routes. So that needs to change.
Consider B... not nearly as dire as the others. Expect a lot more survival, or at least that's the intention. Granted so far it's maybe been one or two surviving so that's not much of a stretch. As far as living or dying based on choices, the original plan was to have the final run be something closer to Mass Effect, choosing the characters for different jobs based on what they are good at and if you choose right they live, wrong they die. This was cut though due to a few factors, scope not being part of them. Mostly with people not really wanting to engage with mechanics in their visual novel, along with me botching character details in their delivery for people to properly understand.
Maybe in another project we can have something like this, but for now just expect a clear(ish) run to the end.
🙂 apologies im kinda new to this and didnt know thas how you updated it, i thought it was through Development log, but now i just feel stupid thamks a bunch
Public Service Announcement:- There will be no public build in December due to Grizz doing a charity event NaNoWriMo that he participates in each year in november.
I was hoping someone who knows for sure would have replied by now since i only know pc ut i believe you need to download it through the phone AP.
So I actually first played this when it started development but had to drop it and I decided to pick it back up now because I had time to just sit down and play a game and OML I just finished what there is of Path A and I'm so invested in all of this, I was having a lot of fun finding the other paths (even though a random comment just spoiled it for me) and I love the vault mechanic. I did feel like there were times where I was given too much (like at the start of every route) or too little direction for the password and ended up just writing down a list of notable words BUT direction is good for people that might not understand the gimmick and I'm really excited for more even if my emotions are a mess rn
By far one of the best VN's I have played. It's a bit of romance but a lot of mystery. Played Sal's route first and now playing through Tyson's. New update when MC dies in Tyson's arms made me cry :(
I congratulate the dev so much for making something so interesting, intriguing and different from the rest.
Just curios: Is there any player who got the Password Day 6 (Dean Route) right away, first try? For me it's seems impossible to get the password on day 6 without experiencing the "BAD ENDING" at least once.
Typ: "yes" if you got the password right away without sseing the bad ending first, on your first playthrough.
Typ: "No" if it's possible put you just missed important clues (like me).
If i don't get any anwser i conclude the the bad ending is nessasary for first (and blind) playthrough.
God, sex bots really? I was hoping it would be something at least a little entertaining but no just straight sex bots on a gay VN project. Makes sence.
The scene with Dave hallucinating, thinking he was seeing his dad, when it was actually Tyson made me so happy, but I knew in the same exact moment what it meant was going to happen, and that reduced me to tears. It's officially the first time since I started reading the VN that I've done more than just tearing up a little.
This leads into the second thing I wanted to say. I'd known it for the last SEVERAL updates, and had been waiting patiently for confirmation of it... I knew Roswell was Thanatos' master. There were several things about Roswell that, throughout the story so far, felt strange to me and led to my belief of it.
The fact that Roswell had a condition where he knew he was going to die was one. My guess? He created Thanatos to use what time he still had to help secure answers for Dave's questions about what happened to his dad. After all, if he could keep going back in time, by means of both the vault and Thanatos, maybe he could bring Dave some kind of closure he never got? What better way to use the time you have left than to help a friend with the deepest wound in his heart? Bringing him to the mansion, where he had Thanatos waiting, made sense.
Similarly, but aside from the above point, there was the slowly growing connection between Roswell and Oswin. It went from "Oh, we don't know eachother", with it even being said when you initially question Oswin, to the photo with that message "I love you" that Oswin wanted Dave to give him. I don't know this to be factual (and heck, it probably isn't) but my personal thought is that Oswin was left in charge of Thanatos while Roswell wasn't there, with knowledge that he was coming back because he'd been through it before. And the picture he gives Dave that he asks Roswell to pass along, with the "I love you" message, was meant as a way to say he still cares even despite the fact he's being repeatedly put through this many times. The picture itself told me Roswell was more a part of things than Dave had been led to believe up to that point too.
The biggest clue for me though was Roswell knowing (in what was the path B timeline if I remember right) that Thanatos had baited Dave with the intention to knock him out after he'd handed over the medal. Yes, Thanatos could have just TOLD him that, but given how unhelpful Thanatos had been through the whole story, it seems more likely that Thanatos, at that point in time, was intent on just trying to get to the bottom of things his way, against Roswell's wishes, and Roswell was trying to put a stop to it, but fell short of being able to.
I openly admit a lot of what I've just said sounded a lot better in my head than it did trying to type it out and explain it, but it's around 3:30 in the morning as I'm typing this.
The TL:DR version of it is, for the past three or four updates now, I had figured out Roswell was Thanatos' master, simply because several things about the story left me focused on him during the last few updates, and, the more I did, the more sense it made. Despite knowing now that Roswell is Thanatos' master though, it doesn't make me hate that rat any less. I say this somewhat jokingly, but a part of me is annoyed with Roswell for creating Thanatos with as much of an attitude as he has.
The only other thing that worries me about knowing Roswell is Thanatos' master is the fact that I think I also know why the deaths keep happening too... I don't have a solid answer for that just yet though. Interestingly enough, Dave dying leads to what will tell me whether or not my thought process is correct or not. Especially now that I know Thanatos belongs to Roswell.
Keeping Dave and the rest alive always fails because of the traitor among them. And both Roswell and Thanatos knew this. They can't do anything as long as the traitor among them is hidden. I played the DEAN Route first and there was one very disturbing vision when Dave was bleeding running through the Wood (day24) but Dean (while holding a gun!) found him, saying prett coldly something like: So it's you. Instead of "I finally found you!"
On the real Day24 Dave experienced two vision of his Dad while bleeding: The second was obvisoiuly Tyson. The first Dad-version however walked away too fast for Dave to keep up, meaning the first Dad Illusion was potentially Dean who found Dave first but abandended him because he was part of Memphis gang. I also suspected Dean being the potential murderer of Berson because Dean is left-handed. If Dean is the traitor, it also makes somewhat sense for Roswell to kill Dean on Day6; not only to trigger Dave's capabilities but also potentially killing a traitor , if Dave fails with his first password. Basicly a WIN or "at least the traitor is dead" situation. What speaks against Dean being the traitor is Thanatos behaviour towards him. "Keeping his options open".
Well i played a few other routes and the patreon version.... so
I turns out the MASTER was indeed Roswell and he was behind the murder on day 6 and Benson. Benson let Roswell kill him to save his friends. Pretty obvious in hinsight as Benson is an assasine who cannot be killed by a bunch of halfgrownups except he allowed any of them to murder him. Route A; Also the group agreed to send Dean into the woods (with Oswin) instead of Dave or Roswell. So aside from the sus vision with Dave and Dean (who is holding a gun) in the woods, there is no more evidence towards my traitor theory. Even more disproven; Dean always dies if you fail the password on day 10...
I normally don't leave comments, but this story is too good not to leave one. Sincerely! This new update hit the feels like no other and I can't wait to see what the next update brings!
Also SPOILERS so please do not click on the view more button if you don't want to be spoiled. You've been warned.
There are so many questions now lmao. I'm sure everyone is now thinking : Is Dave now actually dead? What happens now? I mean cuz the way it was shown really made it look like Dave was dead. But if the memory of the house burning is still going to happen, then shouldn't Dave still be alive?
But one thing I am curious about if the outcome is invetible or of it can actually be avoided after experiencing it for the first time like on Day 11 with Oswin after he injects Dave . I've tried a few times so I kinda doubt it now but it's a thought I just wanted to throw out there.
Anyway, freaking excellent job with this Grizz. You've taken my breath away with this. Keep up your amazing work and I hope your planning on making more VNs in the future after Password is finished. Your work is just that good.
I- Spoilers i guess, day 24 do not enter unless you wanna ruin everything for yourself :p
Btw I love everything, thanks Grizz!
So path "A" it's the good one? but then- we won't get other days? it ends on day 24? Do we see what's next from someone else's point of view? maybe the one that we choose or the "master"?
I'm not sure and I can't wait until next month I- It felt like the first time I saw someone dying in the vn (It was Dean, I used to love him), it was devastating
I don't know what to say anymore, this is great Password has won the first place in MY favorite vns, I still have a lot to experience but for now, I have to say I love everything! Well... I got scared with David's new sprite like I saw it as a corpse, without color and as a ghost, but then saw him change position and everything was "better"
So, it really is HIM, huh?...
I don't want to say anything, but that felt a little too obvious... Def heartbreaking update anyways, this is by far one of my favs because it just- portrays the whole thing so well?
I swear to God Grizz,if anything happens to Dave there will be bloodshed 😂
Jokes aside this is probably one of the best VNs I have read so far, the story and characters stick to me so well and I fear for their well being often XD.
Also I've noticed alot talking about different Paths as well such as A, F, G or whatever and I'm not entirely sure on what this means since I had just finished Path A of Sal and Dean's route. If someone can enlighten me on this I'd really appreciate that.
Keep up your excellent work Grizz, so far this VN has been an amazing read 😊
Tiny bit spoiler I realized aka, it's just me doing another blah blah XD and I haven't played the new update, this is my thoughts about the whole game so far leading up to the update for Day 22
1. The story of the Three Little Pigs might just be a red herring, but I found something interesting. The first pig dies from sickness and something about a rabbit giving the pig chocolate. The second doesn't die but turns into the rabbit. The third survives. Sounds familiar? Now if you replay the game, keep the story in mind, and compare it to the order of character deaths, events, and endings too if there's an order, is Roswell meant to resemble the first pig? You'll know what I mean if you got far enough. Is Sal supposed to be the second one? Given one of the bad endings, he did join Orlando's father to save Dave. And finally, is Dave the last pig in the story? I'll tell you why in a few.
2. After playing through the game multiple times, I just noticed the Path G which took me by surprise because all I know that there are only these paths; Path A, B, C, D, E and F. Each with different outcomes depends on the route you take Who you pick for the Medal Hunt and your choices are, like Florencia said.
3. Here we go, the reason why I think The Three Little Pigs story is a reference to the characters I mentioned above, especially Dave is because of Path G. The ending of Path G surprised me by the way, it seems like Florencia had already met Dave before, he even felt like they had, and like those past memories that Dave lived through, they really had met before and even Dave's dad knows her, but. Like Reginald would say, not in this timeline.
4.Here's what I think. David's father, Roswell, Dean, Hoss, Sal, Tyson, Orlando, Benson, Oswin, possibly Thanatos too and the rest of the cast. This is how the order of deaths happened and I'm not talking about just their main deaths before you figure out the password for each character. At least that's how I think, I know there's probably not an order but the patterns are plain to see did you've played it for like, ten times.
5.Dave being the only one who is remembering ever death and past memory, he's the first important one, and Roswell somehow getting roped into all this meaning he could be the second life that Thanatos's master wants to save. Sal could be that too, based on his backstory alone. It can't be Tyson because, well, he's just Ty. No offense to the Tyson lovers. Dean, Hoss and Orlando is a variable, even though Orlando has access to the Vault. Hoss has already been to the mansion and I think he's hiding something, especially when he know now that the set he went to was apparently some sort of recruitment thing, but Sal had met Memphis before and he probably just sent him there to investigate that place, and then Dean. Thanatos literally went to Dean "just in case", is it also possible that he could be the second one that needs to be saved?
6.Who is Thanatos's Master? We can rule out a few, that being Benson and Tyson. Which leaves the possible ones, Oswin is the first on my list because the game wanted to be obvious at first but we soon learn that it isn't the case, Dean because, I have a feeling it could be him but he doesn't remember? It's not possible tbh. It could be in a different timeline for all we know. Hoss is, well, he's one that I don't expect for at all. I'm not too sure about Sal because he literally was manipulated, by Hypnos, and who is/was Hypnos? Yeah, it was Thanatos's first name. Orlando has a lot of knowledge about games, and it being some sort of murder mystery in a mansion, maybe it could be him? But there's not much hints to know if it was him. Then Roswell, he's already on the thread and he could die at any moment but I have a feeling that he knows more, and he's more secretive than Hoss and Tyson. And we can't say it's Florencia too, you'll know why if you read it. My final guess that it could be... Dave? Once he starts to remember, and all leading back to the past. He was meant to die, and then that started a lot of chain events, much like what is happening after you[Dave] solved the first death in the game. Then the events happen slowly until you reach Day 17.
Umm yeah there's a lot I talked about and I'm pretty much as confused about it myself. I already memorized all the passwords of the game so it already triggers when it's time to put one on the Vault lol.
So... I'm in the process of actually going through and getting caught up on all routes with all six characters because I was bored and wanted something to do today. Something I hadn't bothered with aside from Tyson and Orlando up to now, due to me not having wanted to repeatedly go through the story over and over, and I appear to have hit a snag.
I'm currently trying to get through Sal's different routes, but, even though I'm doing what I'm supposed to with them, Routes C and D keep getting redirected back to Route A. I save once I have the path set, but a few days later, I save again and the save shows I'm back on Path A. Same occurs for me trying to play Path D.
Similar to how Paths F and G are unobtainable for Tyson, are Paths C and D unobtainable for Sal?
How many words can you use to ask or interact with the owner of the house? So far I found 12 words, with 2 pairs of different words but have the same dialogue and 1 word if repeated gives a different dialogue than the first time you use it. I just wanna let on what I know because maybe I left some words out because it might impact some parts of the story and dialogue otw, and maybe gib me a hint about the amount of words in total ehe
Oh, thank god. I'm not crazy. LOL. I remember seeing a google Doc a LOOOONG time ago that had a list of questions you could ask Oswin, but I could never find it. This appears to be a different document entirely but I'm asuming it's referring to the old document.
So, I have a bit of a theory to posit. It's about Dean.
But, something that might at least be entertaining to think about. It involves Dean being more than he appears to be, but a more positive spin on it versus the "Dean is secretly villain" theories I always see pop up.
Though, fair warning it's the definition of a crackpot theory so take none of this too seriously. Also, some story spoilers for various routes/paths/endings.
Simply put, Dean is from a rival family in opposition to Memphis' mafia. It's mentioned during his bad ending that he comes from a massive family of bears. What if that's a separate mafia family? David, knowing he's about to die calls in a favor to Dean's family. Mama bear agrees and after David's death, sends one of her sons to watch after Dave. He comes into Dave's life not long after David dies, in a way similar to a romance movie. What if that was planned? The reason he acts the way he does in the beginning of his route? He's simply playing the role of the Casanova he feels he's supposed to. Notice that the act drops around day 10 when he realizes just how fragile Dave's mental state is and that the flirty thing wasn't what Dave needed. This is also when he starts developing deeper feelings for Dave.
On Tyson and Orlando's route, he handles the date and breakup well. Realizing that Dave's feelings were elsewhere and maybe it's for the best in terms of Dave being happy. He's blindsided on the other three though, his mission is in jeopardy at that point and he'd started to have feelings for Dave.
Dean is far from the flirty, dumb, himbo people treat him as. He's smart, cunning, and capable with maybe the highest skillset in the group. He's calm under the stressful situations we've seen him in (path F and G) with C and D obviously lacking data. He's shown handling Oswin's revolver in the title art and chooses the close quarters fire axe as his weapon of choice in path F and G, so he can apparently fight. He never really directly involves himself in the group planning sessions, choosing to stay back and observe mainly. Look how often he's keeping watch over the group in the background. Think back to his behavior during some of the bad endings. In Roswell's, look how quickly he wants to get Dave away from that situation. The only ending he doesn't in some way stay with Dave is Roswell's (and his own of course) where Dave is under Tyson's care and they both leave the area, away from Memphis' influence.
For this, I'd include Dom as potentially being from the same "family", but undercover. The sheer fact a "Bad Ending: Dom" exists, means the guy has a good ending somehow.
← Return to game
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Public patreon post about fun stuff:-
Great update , but uh I replayed until the "end" of day 24 on Dean's Route then I loaded a save from Day 19 on Sal's route and weirdly enough. Dave and Sal didn't happen and Dave didn't get together with anyone. I've loaded multiple saves on Sal's route and this keeps happening and I'm not entirely sure why.
Also are there any Sonas or OCs from Grizz or Cerberus I kinda wanna spare some time to make art of them if that's ok
I'm not a dev or anything i dont even work on password i'm just a patreon who decided to lurk and help out in the comments. Grizz is the only dev for password its very much a solo project though Civ does some music aswell.
I have a fursona, but it's not visible in game.
As for what happened with Dave and Sal, the other characters have a say in if you get together too. You just didn't romance your route partner good enough.
Spoilers ahead (or not idk-)
i honestly hope Dean makes it back safe-
at the start of the novel, when Dave discovered Dean's body in the greenhouse, I almost bawled my eyes out TvT
Dean and Tyson may have the highest chance of survival; But imo it's still a bad move cause Dean is the only one among dave friends being able to use the revolver.
Speculation, spoiler:
There is also the possibility the Dean is on Memphis payroll all the time. There are two very subtle hints to that. Would be quite ironic, but also a crazy payoff: The only way for everyone to survive is to follow the Dean-Romance Path A, to make Dean defect from Memphis gang.
It would certainly be... a choice to lock the best ending behind Dean's route. But I just don't think it'll play out that way.
As someone that spent basically the entirety of their time playing, convinced he would have some kind of heel turn. I'm just not seeing it. Not this close to the end. At some point we need to accept he's just a normal character that needs a rewrite to his route. Because right now his most notable moment is everyone else's day 19 when his romance subplot with Dave finally ends.
I think it's genre paranoia to not trust the character who's "just nice".
But to feed into my old suspicions, he still has moments that make me hesitate. That vision in the forest where he doesn't react right to Dave bloody while also armed with a gun. When Tyson finds Dave dying Dean is somewhere in the forest allegedly looking for Dave. He's intentionally left out when Thanatos goes through the list of who died after Dave does. Tyson is shot immediately, Orlando right after, Hoss, Roswell, Benson and Oswin all burn up in the fire with Sal maybe still being alive right outside. The fact on both path A and B his location is unknown at the "to be continued" point.
Thanatos even mentions that Dean has so far always been good on every timeline. But he also admits the group has never made it this far accompanied with the knowledge some of his memories have been deleted.
I don't see him working for Memphis. But I can see him breaking under the threat of death and abandoning the group. I believe Sal even mentions Dean and Tyson as the most likely to snap first. But with Tyson (who I'm personally worried wth he's up to on path B) he's at least loyal to Dave no matter what because that's all he has. Dean has a nice life outside of the mansion he'd probably want to get back to.
Now that I think about it, going back to the part where Thanatos lists who dies, I remember noticing that Dean hadn't been listed as well, but didn't think much of it for some reason.
Back to everything else, you do make a valid point. I can also kind of see Dean abandoning the group when sh*t hits the fan.
Personally, I just hope everyone makes it out okay, and when it happens, I hope Roswell will pass away knowing his friends are alive and safe.
What kind of rewrite? I personally enjoy the "normal guy" Dean. His Story feels like a vacation compared to most character with their (family) issues. The main flaw of his Story is the missing bridge/logic between his character-flaw "Abadonning Rami" to his "dating" problems and other parts of his bahaviour.
He already abandoned Rami. So Dean coming to the rescue of Dave or Hoss or even Tyson would be a nice end of his Story-arc, no matter if he is on Memphis Payrole or not. I think Dean is pretty brave.
a) Dean volunterd (it's only brave if he does not work for Memphis) b) Dean tried to stop Sal from killing Roswell, but gets himself killed c) On Benson death, Dean and Tyson are the first to spring into action. d) He took a hit from Sal without resisting/dodging.
I only mention the rewrite because a touch up is apparently happening once the story is finished. I don't even think he needs that much of one. Mostly just getting more of his personality to shine through would be nice.
And realistically the one most likely to mess things up, at least on path B, is Tyson. His actions on C/D are what escalated everything to go to hell as quickly as it did. Because if I'm right about why he snuck into the forest... ugh, if he doesn't get killed Dave really should invest in that collar once they get home.
But yeah, Dean doing something courageous is the more likely scenario. Hopefully by saving someone.
I'm just so curious how B is going to end. I can see it being the path characters are about to die in comparison to A, I just hope it isn't as "kill em all" as C/D/E/G have been. Characters individually living or dying based on our choices instead of scripted has always been my dream mechanic.
I misunderstoood you. I guessed you demand specific rewrite for Dean being too normal=bad writing.
Spoiler part.
I guess i would be poetic justice if the mastermind dies because of that. However: considering Dave Vision on Path F i think the hostage/colletarel is going to die without Oswin being around.
I want to clarify: Dean on Memphis Payroll means that Dean is not part of the Mafia Clan. Memphis does not hesitated to kill Dean on Route F. Instead Dean got blackmailed by the mafia to keep and eye on Orlando and his sus frined the small hyena Dave. And Dean wanting to protect his large bear family and his brother agreed to that and started flirting with Dave,
Speculation-time !!
Path B:
1. Dean dies as hostage OR
2. Dave sacrifice himself, Dean losses his mind -> hook ending of Orlandos Vision. OR
3. Dean is on Memphis Payroll -> Everyone dies if you broke Dean's heart (Roswell Route), only one Character dies because Dean takes to much time to decide OR everyone survives (Dean Route only, because Dean backstabs Memphis instantly or convince Dom to join the other team.)
Path A:
1. Oswin dies instead of Dean after an exchange of hostages
2. Dave act as a bait, but get rescued by Dean, Oswin , Orlando and Roswell to fight the Endboss Memphis.
3. Dean is on Memphis Payroll. But Dean (and Dom?) betrays Memphis anyway.
The rewrite is basically just to make Dean's personality and who he is shine through more on his route as most of the things that makes him interesting or rather, about him, exist more on other routes. So that needs to change.
Consider B... not nearly as dire as the others. Expect a lot more survival, or at least that's the intention. Granted so far it's maybe been one or two surviving so that's not much of a stretch. As far as living or dying based on choices, the original plan was to have the final run be something closer to Mass Effect, choosing the characters for different jobs based on what they are good at and if you choose right they live, wrong they die. This was cut though due to a few factors, scope not being part of them. Mostly with people not really wanting to engage with mechanics in their visual novel, along with me botching character details in their delivery for people to properly understand.
Maybe in another project we can have something like this, but for now just expect a clear(ish) run to the end.
Umm so theres no download option? Is everything ok?
Is this not showing for you?
🙂 apologies im kinda new to this and didnt know thas how you updated it, i thought it was through Development log, but now i just feel stupid thamks a bunch
Ah, that's partially on me. I'll go copy the dev log over later.
Public Service Announcement:- There will be no public build in December due to Grizz doing a charity event NaNoWriMo that he participates in each year in november.
New build spoilers
New public build
how do I download on iPhone
I was hoping someone who knows for sure would have replied by now since i only know pc ut i believe you need to download it through the phone AP.
Don't delete your 0.45.2 Version prematurely,
when upgrading/downloading the next Version (0.46).
Edit: See below. I will mostly play with 0.45.2. for now.
Its not a bug, Grizz responded to it on patreon.
Question: how can i replay the events of the 23/24 in another route? every time i try it skips straight to the day ???
Grizz: As of right now you can't, for reasons explained in-game. An option to allow replaying those scenes is currently being considered however.
Just be mindful that there is a persistent variable that attaches to the save file itself, so an older version may not necessarily help.
The best thing I can recommend is create a save before the event, and use that to replay content until the replay option is implemented.
So i must NOT copy any save files from 0.46->0.45. Or reinstall 0.45.2 without any Saves. Thx for the warning.
More like rolling back saves won't help potentially if you've already crossed that line.
Failing that i can still delete all saves including the %appdata%
Hopefully this should work.
So I actually first played this when it started development but had to drop it and I decided to pick it back up now because I had time to just sit down and play a game and OML I just finished what there is of Path A and I'm so invested in all of this, I was having a lot of fun finding the other paths (even though a random comment just spoiled it for me) and I love the vault mechanic. I did feel like there were times where I was given too much (like at the start of every route) or too little direction for the password and ended up just writing down a list of notable words BUT direction is good for people that might not understand the gimmick and I'm really excited for more even if my emotions are a mess rn
Do you Guys know in Dean Route Password I got The bad Ending i think I missed something But i cant still figured out where is it
Im still stuck at Day 6 please help me Huhu
Can yall gave me some Guide and Password to😭
the day 6 password is in the bad end check the letter dave gets.
By far one of the best VN's I have played. It's a bit of romance but a lot of mystery. Played Sal's route first and now playing through Tyson's. New update when MC dies in Tyson's arms made me cry :(
I congratulate the dev so much for making something so interesting, intriguing and different from the rest.
Just curios: Is there any player who got the Password Day 6 (Dean Route) right away, first try? For me it's seems impossible to get the password on day 6 without experiencing the "BAD ENDING" at least once.
Typ: "yes" if you got the password right away without sseing the bad ending first, on your first playthrough.
Typ: "No" if it's possible put you just missed important clues (like me).
If i don't get any anwser i conclude the the bad ending is nessasary for first (and blind) playthrough.
Yes, Dean wasn't my first choice of route so i expected something to happen and kept and eye out.
I dont think ur expected to figure it out before seeing the bad end for day 6
Thanks Guys.
Oh god... Tf happened to the comment section O_O
Stupid people. 😂
God, sex bots really? I was hoping it would be something at least a little entertaining but no just straight sex bots on a gay VN project. Makes sence.
the straights are attacking 😭
So umm im stuck on the password required for day ten pls someone give me a clue about it
After you've failed the password, pay attention to what people say in the aftermath.
Biggest clue is what dave thinks at the vault ''what is the worst case senario''. Its said during day 10.
I just finished the update...
The scene with Dave hallucinating, thinking he was seeing his dad, when it was actually Tyson made me so happy, but I knew in the same exact moment what it meant was going to happen, and that reduced me to tears. It's officially the first time since I started reading the VN that I've done more than just tearing up a little.
This leads into the second thing I wanted to say. I'd known it for the last SEVERAL updates, and had been waiting patiently for confirmation of it... I knew Roswell was Thanatos' master. There were several things about Roswell that, throughout the story so far, felt strange to me and led to my belief of it.
The fact that Roswell had a condition where he knew he was going to die was one. My guess? He created Thanatos to use what time he still had to help secure answers for Dave's questions about what happened to his dad. After all, if he could keep going back in time, by means of both the vault and Thanatos, maybe he could bring Dave some kind of closure he never got? What better way to use the time you have left than to help a friend with the deepest wound in his heart? Bringing him to the mansion, where he had Thanatos waiting, made sense.
Similarly, but aside from the above point, there was the slowly growing connection between Roswell and Oswin. It went from "Oh, we don't know eachother", with it even being said when you initially question Oswin, to the photo with that message "I love you" that Oswin wanted Dave to give him. I don't know this to be factual (and heck, it probably isn't) but my personal thought is that Oswin was left in charge of Thanatos while Roswell wasn't there, with knowledge that he was coming back because he'd been through it before. And the picture he gives Dave that he asks Roswell to pass along, with the "I love you" message, was meant as a way to say he still cares even despite the fact he's being repeatedly put through this many times. The picture itself told me Roswell was more a part of things than Dave had been led to believe up to that point too.
The biggest clue for me though was Roswell knowing (in what was the path B timeline if I remember right) that Thanatos had baited Dave with the intention to knock him out after he'd handed over the medal. Yes, Thanatos could have just TOLD him that, but given how unhelpful Thanatos had been through the whole story, it seems more likely that Thanatos, at that point in time, was intent on just trying to get to the bottom of things his way, against Roswell's wishes, and Roswell was trying to put a stop to it, but fell short of being able to.
I openly admit a lot of what I've just said sounded a lot better in my head than it did trying to type it out and explain it, but it's around 3:30 in the morning as I'm typing this.
The TL:DR version of it is, for the past three or four updates now, I had figured out Roswell was Thanatos' master, simply because several things about the story left me focused on him during the last few updates, and, the more I did, the more sense it made. Despite knowing now that Roswell is Thanatos' master though, it doesn't make me hate that rat any less. I say this somewhat jokingly, but a part of me is annoyed with Roswell for creating Thanatos with as much of an attitude as he has.
The only other thing that worries me about knowing Roswell is Thanatos' master is the fact that I think I also know why the deaths keep happening too... I don't have a solid answer for that just yet though. Interestingly enough, Dave dying leads to what will tell me whether or not my thought process is correct or not. Especially now that I know Thanatos belongs to Roswell.
My Guess: (SPOILER, dude.)
Keeping Dave and the rest alive always fails because of the traitor among them. And both Roswell and Thanatos knew this. They can't do anything as long as the traitor among them is hidden. I played the DEAN Route first and there was one very disturbing vision when Dave was bleeding running through the Wood (day24) but Dean (while holding a gun!) found him, saying prett coldly something like: So it's you. Instead of "I finally found you!"
On the real Day24 Dave experienced two vision of his Dad while bleeding: The second was obvisoiuly Tyson. The first Dad-version however walked away too fast for Dave to keep up, meaning the first Dad Illusion was potentially Dean who found Dave first but abandended him because he was part of Memphis gang. I also suspected Dean being the potential murderer of Berson because Dean is left-handed. If Dean is the traitor, it also makes somewhat sense for Roswell to kill Dean on Day6; not only to trigger Dave's capabilities but also potentially killing a traitor , if Dave fails with his first password. Basicly a WIN or "at least the traitor is dead" situation. What speaks against Dean being the traitor is Thanatos behaviour towards him. "Keeping his options open".
I'm definitely curious to see if either of us finds any more info that leads to our theories or thoughts being proven right in the future.
Well i played a few other routes and the patreon version.... so
I turns out the MASTER was indeed Roswell and he was behind the murder on day 6 and Benson. Benson let Roswell kill him to save his friends. Pretty obvious in hinsight as Benson is an assasine who cannot be killed by a bunch of halfgrownups except he allowed any of them to murder him. Route A; Also the group agreed to send Dean into the woods (with Oswin) instead of Dave or Roswell. So aside from the sus vision with Dave and Dean (who is holding a gun) in the woods, there is no more evidence towards my traitor theory. Even more disproven; Dean always dies if you fail the password on day 10...
A nova versão do jogo já está disponível no patreon
I normally don't leave comments, but this story is too good not to leave one. Sincerely! This new update hit the feels like no other and I can't wait to see what the next update brings!
I dunno how to get to path b 💀
Basically get all of the passwords and tell everyone about Oz.
thanks dawg
Day 24 was like half an hour long, but I'm EXHAUSTED
Ah yes... emotions. Time to eat feelings.
Crying screaming pulling hair
Grizz know how to build up emotion to the extreme, isn't him?
Yes but it makes stuff interesting
That ending to Day 24 has left me speechless.
Also SPOILERS so please do not click on the view more button if you don't want to be spoiled. You've been warned.
There are so many questions now lmao. I'm sure everyone is now thinking : Is Dave now actually dead? What happens now? I mean cuz the way it was shown really made it look like Dave was dead. But if the memory of the house burning is still going to happen, then shouldn't Dave still be alive?
But one thing I am curious about if the outcome is invetible or of it can actually be avoided after experiencing it for the first time like on Day 11 with Oswin after he injects Dave . I've tried a few times so I kinda doubt it now but it's a thought I just wanted to throw out there.
Anyway, freaking excellent job with this Grizz. You've taken my breath away with this. Keep up your amazing work and I hope your planning on making more VNs in the future after Password is finished. Your work is just that good.
How to unlock cg between Dean hot tub and date scene... i played all character route but only this one still locked
Its a NSFW of dean and dave that will be getting removed. Grizz might of disabled even getting it now until it gets removed from the gallery.
Which path got updated
Day 24 path A and B
I'm speechless
I- Spoilers i guess, day 24 do not enter unless you wanna ruin everything for yourself :p
Btw I love everything, thanks Grizz!
So path "A" it's the good one? but then- we won't get other days? it ends on day 24? Do we see what's next from someone else's point of view? maybe the one that we choose or the "master"?
I'm not sure and I can't wait until next month I- It felt like the first time I saw someone dying in the vn (It was Dean, I used to love him), it was devastating
I don't know what to say anymore, this is great Password has won the first place in MY favorite vns, I still have a lot to experience but for now, I have to say I love everything!
Well... I got scared with David's new sprite like I saw it as a corpse, without color and as a ghost, but then saw him change position and everything was "better"
I saw the ending of Day 24 coming but damn that buildup was beautiful.
How do I get Deans good end
On what day?
What a horribly brilliant, Adastra-like ending to Day 24! X'o
. !So, it really is HIM, huh?...
I don't want to say anything, but that felt a little too obvious... Def heartbreaking update anyways, this is by far one of my favs because it just- portrays the whole thing so well?
Thanks for this masterpiece Grizz <33
New public build -
I swear to God Grizz,if anything happens to Dave there will be bloodshed 😂
Jokes aside this is probably one of the best VNs I have read so far, the story and characters stick to me so well and I fear for their well being often XD.
Also I've noticed alot talking about different Paths as well such as A, F, G or whatever and I'm not entirely sure on what this means since I had just finished Path A of Sal and Dean's route. If someone can enlighten me on this I'd really appreciate that.
Keep up your excellent work Grizz, so far this VN has been an amazing read 😊
F and G are done from other paths just failing the day 19
E is path D but aim to kill everyone as fast as possible
Ah KK , thanks fam
do the characters have official MBTI types?
i have heard that the ones on PDB are inaccurate
Tiny bit spoiler I realized aka, it's just me doing another blah blah XD and I haven't played the new update, this is my thoughts about the whole game so far leading up to the update for Day 22
1. The story of the Three Little Pigs might just be a red herring, but I found something interesting. The first pig dies from sickness and something about a rabbit giving the pig chocolate. The second doesn't die but turns into the rabbit. The third survives. Sounds familiar? Now if you replay the game, keep the story in mind, and compare it to the order of character deaths, events, and endings too
if there's an order, is Roswell meant to resemble the first pig? You'll know what I mean if you got far enough. Is Sal supposed to be the second one? Given one of the bad endings, he did join Orlando's father to save Dave. And finally, is Dave the last pig in the story? I'll tell you why in a few.2. After playing through the game multiple times, I just noticed the Path G which took me by surprise because all I know that there are only these paths; Path A, B, C, D, E and F. Each with different outcomes depends on the route you take
Who you pick for the Medal Huntand your choices are, like Florencia said.3. Here we go, the reason why I think The Three Little Pigs story is a reference to the characters I mentioned above, especially Dave is because of Path G. The ending of Path G surprised me by the way, it seems like Florencia had already met Dave before, he even felt like they had, and like those past memories that Dave lived through, they really had met before and even Dave's dad knows her, but. Like Reginald would say, not in this timeline.
4.Here's what I think. David's father, Roswell, Dean, Hoss, Sal, Tyson, Orlando, Benson, Oswin, possibly Thanatos too and the rest of the cast. This is how the order of deaths happened and I'm not talking about just their main deaths before you figure out the password for each character. At least that's how I think, I know there's probably not an order but the patterns are plain to see did you've played it for like, ten times.
5.Dave being the only one who is remembering ever death and past memory, he's the first important one, and Roswell somehow getting roped into all this meaning he could be the second life that Thanatos's master wants to save. Sal could be that too, based on his backstory alone. It can't be Tyson because, well, he's just Ty. No offense to the Tyson lovers. Dean, Hoss and Orlando is a variable, even though Orlando has access to the Vault. Hoss has already been to the mansion and I think he's hiding something, especially when he know now that the set he went to was apparently some sort of recruitment thing, but Sal had met Memphis before and he probably just sent him there to investigate that place, and then Dean. Thanatos literally went to Dean "just in case", is it also possible that he could be the second one that needs to be saved?
6.Who is Thanatos's Master? We can rule out a few, that being Benson and Tyson. Which leaves the possible ones, Oswin is the first on my list because the game wanted to be obvious at first but we soon learn that it isn't the case, Dean because, I have a feeling it could be him but he doesn't remember? It's not possible tbh. It could be in a different timeline for all we know. Hoss is, well, he's one that I don't expect for at all. I'm not too sure about Sal because he literally was manipulated, by Hypnos, and who is/was Hypnos? Yeah, it was Thanatos's first name. Orlando has a lot of knowledge about games, and it being some sort of murder mystery in a mansion, maybe it could be him? But there's not much hints to know if it was him. Then Roswell, he's already on the thread and he could die at any moment but I have a feeling that he knows more, and he's more secretive than Hoss and Tyson. And we can't say it's Florencia too, you'll know why if you read it. My final guess that it could be... Dave? Once he starts to remember, and all leading back to the past. He was meant to die, and then that started a lot of chain events, much like what is happening after you[Dave] solved the first death in the game. Then the events happen slowly until you reach Day 17.
Umm yeah there's a lot I talked about and I'm pretty much as confused about it myself. I already memorized all the passwords of the game so it already triggers when it's time to put one on the Vault lol.
so like yeah that's it haha ;w;
So... I'm in the process of actually going through and getting caught up on all routes with all six characters because I was bored and wanted something to do today. Something I hadn't bothered with aside from Tyson and Orlando up to now, due to me not having wanted to repeatedly go through the story over and over, and I appear to have hit a snag.
I'm currently trying to get through Sal's different routes, but, even though I'm doing what I'm supposed to with them, Routes C and D keep getting redirected back to Route A. I save once I have the path set, but a few days later, I save again and the save shows I'm back on Path A. Same occurs for me trying to play Path D.
Similar to how Paths F and G are unobtainable for Tyson, are Paths C and D unobtainable for Sal?
Ah! Okay. Noted. I wrote my other post not realizing you responded to this one.
Spoiler maybe just to be safe
How many words can you use to ask or interact with the owner of the house? So far I found 12 words, with 2 pairs of different words but have the same dialogue and 1 word if repeated gives a different dialogue than the first time you use it. I just wanna let on what I know because maybe I left some words out because it might impact some parts of the story and dialogue otw, and maybe gib me a hint about the amount of words in total ehe
[SPOILERS] Someone made a list!
Oh, thank god. I'm not crazy. LOL. I remember seeing a google Doc a LOOOONG time ago that had a list of questions you could ask Oswin, but I could never find it. This appears to be a different document entirely but I'm asuming it's referring to the old document.
Ah, actually, after a bit of digging I found [SPOILERS] a copy of the old doc too… 😅 (Not sure if it has any questions not on the other list.)
Thank you so much for this and the people contributing to it, I think this might have helped me speed up on some thoughts on things
So, I have a bit of a theory to posit. It's about Dean.
But, something that might at least be entertaining to think about. It involves Dean being more than he appears to be, but a more positive spin on it versus the "Dean is secretly villain" theories I always see pop up.
Though, fair warning it's the definition of a crackpot theory so take none of this too seriously. Also, some story spoilers for various routes/paths/endings.
Simply put, Dean is from a rival family in opposition to Memphis' mafia. It's mentioned during his bad ending that he comes from a massive family of bears. What if that's a separate mafia family? David, knowing he's about to die calls in a favor to Dean's family. Mama bear agrees and after David's death, sends one of her sons to watch after Dave. He comes into Dave's life not long after David dies, in a way similar to a romance movie. What if that was planned? The reason he acts the way he does in the beginning of his route? He's simply playing the role of the Casanova he feels he's supposed to. Notice that the act drops around day 10 when he realizes just how fragile Dave's mental state is and that the flirty thing wasn't what Dave needed. This is also when he starts developing deeper feelings for Dave.
On Tyson and Orlando's route, he handles the date and breakup well. Realizing that Dave's feelings were elsewhere and maybe it's for the best in terms of Dave being happy. He's blindsided on the other three though, his mission is in jeopardy at that point and he'd started to have feelings for Dave.
Dean is far from the flirty, dumb, himbo people treat him as. He's smart, cunning, and capable with maybe the highest skillset in the group. He's calm under the stressful situations we've seen him in (path F and G) with C and D obviously lacking data. He's shown handling Oswin's revolver in the title art and chooses the close quarters fire axe as his weapon of choice in path F and G, so he can apparently fight. He never really directly involves himself in the group planning sessions, choosing to stay back and observe mainly. Look how often he's keeping watch over the group in the background. Think back to his behavior during some of the bad endings. In Roswell's, look how quickly he wants to get Dave away from that situation. The only ending he doesn't in some way stay with Dave is Roswell's (and his own of course) where Dave is under Tyson's care and they both leave the area, away from Memphis' influence.
For this, I'd include Dom as potentially being from the same "family", but undercover. The sheer fact a "Bad Ending: Dom" exists, means the guy has a good ending somehow.
OMGGGG DAVE IS RECALLING!!!!!!!!!!!! Cliffhangers be damned, I must contain and wait.