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I just finshed the game 

So far password has become one of my top 3 favorite Vns, if not maybe my favourite in general.

I loved the way its written, and i love the way you have to really think and look for what you need, to get your preferred outcome.

Im amazed, but sad that its over(?)

Main story wise atleast.

I hope if I ever gave writing a try, that it'd be even half as good as this vn was.

Spoiler pls dont look

Is it possible to get the 13th medal? Also did my comment last time got deleted????


The 13th medal technically does exsist, but no you can't get it and you don't need it.

(2 edits) (+1)

Ok ive been following this vn for a while now and just finished all routes, my ideas are kinda everywhere right now so this post is gonna be sloppy.

(Spoilers obviously)

Ok so I wanna start off saying I was always a Tyson simp so I was glad that it was the most "official" ship but I 100% understand why people wouldn't like him, he threatened to SA Dave which could be indefinable in some peoples eyes. 

Something I couldn't shake off is the true ending where Dave asks Tyson if he's in love with him and he immediately says yes. Where in the A path, even after Dave constantly (altho this is optional) tells him that he loves him, he always responds with a "I'm not sure yet" or "I'm trying to figure it out". It just feels like the whole Tyson figuring out his sexuality was skipped in the true ending.

(1 edit)

I guess....

The Tyson in the true ending version is deeply terrified by Dave's sudden abilities. Not to mention that the new Dave totally exposed the "Master". So there is no point in hidding/lying,

(12 edits)

Different circumstances in the true end.

For one Dave is more confrontational about it and in a better mental state, directly asking how Tyson felt. Dave before had been too closed off to notice what Tyson was going through, or any of his friends really.

Second Tyson's defenses are lowered from the sedatives he's recovering from. It's mentioned he's lucid, but he's also tired from driving all night to the middle of nowhere and just waking up from being knocked out. The walls he keeps between them are paper thin at that point. Also he doesn't immediately say yes, there is that brief moment you can see him try to fight it before relenting and asking how long Dave has known. Even then, he seems sad or apologetic to admit it, like he's afraid of Dave's reaction.

It's not like those are new feelings either, Tyson has loved Dave for a long while and the denial on the mountain had a fair bit to do with his self worth issues along with being a way to push Dave away to someone better. All those negative feelings haven't had a chance to fester and take hold here. Dave in return already has love for Tyson, main game he's pretty much the first of the six Dave will start to question if he's in love with, plus all the new memories he's seeing of past lives along with that encouragement from Roswell clearing things up.

Heck, special mention to Roswell's line about seeing all the different iterations of the universe, but the one thing that never changes is how much Tyson loves Dave. With Dave having his own set of memories now probably showing him the same thing.

Things on path P line up to where feelings just get acknowledged and reciprocated in a cleaner way. After all they've gone through, and how deep we know those feelings run, it feels good they get that chance to just have that happy ending together on this new prime timeline and all future iterations of the universe.


without too much detail, can i get a clue on how to get to path B?

Ive done all the path a routes

And now im trying to find path B, but i keep getting path C



Come for the gay, stay for the story~

What a satisfying ending UwU

I kind of like the game, but it makes absolutely no sense why Dave's friends must die. And no sense on how Tanathos is used.

It's mostly the idea of time convergence. Alternate timelines will tend to play similarly. So if someone dies at a certain point, even if you save them from the cause of death, they will still die in another way.

So they die anyway? That would be an argument if it would conform with the true ending.

No? If it helps contextualize it. Just think of it as 'fate' wants some number of them dead and if Dave dies it's a TPK. In the true end, someone still fulfills this condition for them, saving the boys.


I understand what you mean. But that's not an answer to "how or why?". Why does fate wants them then and there? How the special someone came to the conclusion that killing some is beneficial? And why the fate is sated just by killing someone else? How can there be variance in timeline without the "butterfly effect"?  Why doesn't "the vault" work earlier, before all that, to prepare? There are just many questions without conclusive answer.

I feel like you're looking for answers to questions that go beyond what's reasonable for a story. If there weren't certain things to incite things, to create a situation, there'd be no story.  I answered someone else's question as to how things work and there's an explanation using quantum mechanics, if that answer helps then that's something I'm already trying to make a bit clearer in-text. If not though, then you're wanting a level of explanation that'd make the story a lot more bloated.

I think it's better to understand "fate" as a natural phenomenon. It's not that it "wants" someone to die, it just has to happen. If you are really interested "Steins; Gate" is a 24 episode anime with a huge emphasis on this concept. Similar timelines will wield similar results and, while possible, it's very difficult to move to a timeline that will bypass that. The special someone had access to memories of many past iterations and likely came to the conclusion that someone has to die because it always happens. The vault not working earlier because it goes to it's very principle that of unlocking past iterations memories, if something hasn't happened before it's just not going to work. Eventually it reaches a point that it has accumulated enough information that it can work "earlier". As for the "butterfly effect" that theory for time travel is more popular, but it's opposite to the convergence theory on how it functions, i doubt it'd be possible to have both in the same story.

(1 edit)

The reader does't know what Thanatos and his Master did behind the scenes and who they were able to trick fate while David senior was not.

Dave was meant to die. Most of the time by getting gun downed or driven over by one of Memphis Goons. as Memphis was destined to kill or order some killing around day 24 to kill.


Thanatos and his Master find a variance to keep Dave alive be bringing him to the mountain. But doing so either result in the Death of everyone, everyone except Dave (and Oswin), or just Dave first followed by everyone else. So someone was killed to appease DEATH, so Dave could live.

Yes, the reader doesn't know, but it would be nice to explain it, otherwise it just creates a plot hole which you can fill with all kinds of farfetched speculations with lots of assumptions. But it's just not satisfying. A more radical example to make my point: Dave was teleported to London without explanation. You sure can speculate how that happened, but that wouldn't be good.

Hi guys I didn't download the game yet but last time I played it was it's just Day28...but since I have read the comments saying it's finished and has spoilers... So I'm just asking if it is okay to go for any route to get the ending?

you need to do every path pretty much to get the true ending, doesn't matter what route you're on though some routes can't get on some paths because of the role they play in the events.

(6 edits) (+1)

This visual novel has one of the most complex and fascinating characters I've ever seen in any type of fictional media (I think most people here can figure out who I'm talking about). I was pleasantly surprised to find a character that deeply flawed who was also capable of deeply loving someone that much. Grizz, you're an incredible talented writer and never let anyone convince you otherwise.

Regarding the ending (potential spoiler) ...

The true end was incredibly satisfying. The depth of the relationship of the lovebirds always made my heart beat fast when I was playing the game, thus I'm so happy that they can continue living their lives together. This game was amazing from beginning to end (I cried tears of joy after finishing it).

(2 edits)

Does anyone have a list of passwords for each route and day ? Please i`m begging youuu !! i know i know  where`s the fun in that? what`s the point ? That`s completely the whole purpose of the game to know and to fully experience the game. 

To tell you the truth i`ve been  playing this game  over and over for months that i thought their is only one ending i didn`t  know that there was Zodiacs to collect or  even correct passwords .

sorry for my bad grammar .

(1 edit)

Wait so you've been stopping at the first bad ending all this time? Well anyone who posts passwords get their comments deleted since it does ruin things, but it fine to tell where to find the first password on each route and thats in the letter you get.

(1 edit)

i didn`t know there was other endings , i thought the only ending was them dying , and i didn`t know till now that i need to collect stuff like Cancer and others .

Update: Okay after digging some information on reddit I have never been more embarrased in my life that the passwords was in dialogue's all along, i was soo into what happening to the story that it didn't click in my head about paying attention. Now i feel stupid about asking the password, i feel like the person who was asking " Does Tiktok needs Wifi" ..

Did you by any chance play the Dean-Route first?

sorry for the very late response that`s very rude of me, i played Dean the last, why is there like in order for each route to further progress in the game?

Nope, Dean Route on Day 6 is a little more difficult than the others to figure out the password. His Route doesn't exactly teach the "gameplay" like the other routes. 

A finished VN? Now that's a rare sight.

As for the secret end.....

What was the point of the experiment? Dave remembers everything, so that must mean the lethal medicine Oswin created is going to work or something? Paths A and B both had pretty good endings, but path P is just "what if we went to the beach instead?". Sure, it's the best trauma free timeline (assuming the brain damage from memory overload won't be a problem), but I don't see it working at all with the rest of the story.

the point was can the vault work, the fact dave remembers everything proves it.

I get that, but does that affect the medicine any? Also, Roswell clearly remember things way before that point.

(1 edit)
but does that affect the medicine any


a) NO: Oswin medicine had always been a succes; the Events on Judgement Day happend because the experiment at the hospital was sabotaged or botched. ->The treasure hunt was created to unlock the password and encourge Oswin to try again.

b) YES: Oswins Medicine was a Failure and -> The treasure hunt was created to unlock the password and encourge Oswin to change the medicine for another try.

It fits with Flora Message for Dave: If Dave and his friend would have known thats impossible to get all the medals on one iteration, why wouldn't have tried. Life is not about Goal, Succes and Regrets, but rather trying/not giving up, making choices and variance.

Alright, but this serves as a conclusion to the game. It really shouldn't be ambiguous in it's message. I'm not saying that a definitive answer is required, but it could have been explained that the whole thing was to tell Oswin to keep trying even if it might be impossible.

First question, whose experiment? There was like 3.

(1 edit) (+1)

In this case, Florencia's. The medals collecting was her thing, and is what opens that path.

I guess what bothers me most is if just not going to the mansion at all solves everything, why Roswell didn't call it off before? Besides that, I'd like a explicit explanation how this version of the events, makes using the medicine a viable option. Berek07's conjecture is good, but I was hoping that the story would have told me that.

Florencia's experiment was to save her brother and her son. Roswell was terminal with no prospects outside obsessing over a rat that had seen how things play out, and Oswin had given up hope living after his experiment and had to watch his son call someone else dad.

The reason Roswell didn't call it off before is because not going to the mansion doesn't solve the problem. He's tried, it's why we see glimpses of a timeline where Dave is a sole survivor, so that was a no-go. I think an important thing to remember is that Roswell's goal was to keep Dave alive, Thanatos's goal was to keep Roswell alive as much as he could, even in the face of Roswell's wants, and then Florencia just wanted her family fixed.

So why the medals? Because they're impossible to get in one run. They could've been anything at all, just a set of objects that she could've hidden in the same way. It would've required Dave to experience/remember the fact he's looped even with Thanatos as a witness. 

The normal question now is usually "So does the medicine work or doesn't it?" the answer is "We don't know." It's a quantum mechanics thing referred to as a wave function collapse, though most people recognize the concept as Schrodinger's cat. All the possibilities of how this medicine works, if it works, is now consolidated into one outcome: which we know due to outside sources that yes, it will work.

As far as providing this explicitly in game, it becomes hard to treat readers with respect for their intelligence with things like this when the alternative is to just open a Wikipedia page on the subject and deliver it up-front. I could have Florencia or someone monologue for a while to get it all down, but at what point does it just become a clunky mess when in-universe Dave isn't going to understand anyway.

It didn't have to be a long winded explanation from her. Florencia could have been like, "Oh so it's actually happening. See, I told you Oz that as long as you try, the impossible could work. This right here is proof of it." and then Oswin, "You know what, you are right. But I'll let Roswell to choose if he wants to risk it or not". Dave doesn't need to understand that interaction. 

Isn't that incredibly out of character for Oz considering he's incredibly stubborn

How is prompting Dave to remember multiple timelines meant leading to saving Oswin and Roswell?
Was the idea that Dave remembering would change the family's morale and convince them to try the cure?

Because after all, they can't know if the cure works until they try?

meant to lead to saving Oswin and Roswell*

Well, for Roswell it's easy. Dave remembering the vacation means he won't be able to follow with his plans. So it forces him to reevaluate things. Oswin is the one that i just can't find the reasoning. My best guess is seeing Roswell distraught might make him more willing to present the option of the medicine. It's a stretch but i can't come up with something better.

(3 edits)

If calling off the mansion doesn't stop people from dying is there any reason not to believe that someone/everyone is likely to die at the beach vacation in the true end?

Edit: Nevermind, read the other comment about how Thanatos dying counts as "the death" that is required for fate to by filled. Guess that makes sense enough now.

This VN was a rollercoaster from start to finish and i loved all of it. I got the most satisfying feeling from this story. I really liked the ending. Overall i think this story was extremely well written. I can already see myself in the future rereading this VN and enjoy it just as much as I did the first time.

I'm so glad I got to experience the emotions that came from this VN, truly one of my most favourite VNs.

 I have just one question though. Can you actually get the password to open the vault or is that not a thing? And also: 

(sorry if this is a spoiler)

does the Ophiucus medal even exist? If so can someone please tell me if they have found it and how. Because from what I've experienced it looks like there isn't one.

1. Nope.
2. Technically yes but no.

How do you access the new track, I've completed the new update and it still shows up as "?????"

If its something related to a spoiler, please label it as is

It's a bug, i've messaged Grizz about it on patreon since this was ment to be the last public build so i'll post a comment when i get a response since Grizz's patreon doesn't show him notifications.

Yeah, it's weird. I'll get notifications for everything else (including Patreon having coupons?) just not messages.

The way renpy handles gallery unlocks is through persistent data. If it flags that you've 'experienced' the content, it'll unlock. Except when arbitrarily it decides it won't unlock because of reasons. These reasons are completely alien and not explained at all. In testing, it also decided it wanted to un-complete my gallery for seemingly no reason so I can only assume this is a renpy problem and not something I can solve outside coding in a master unlock password or some hard check at some point to force unlock everything in the gallery. But given the tendency for renpy to also just ignore code, that might not work either.

Yeah, ive noticed this same issue in previous builds where the gallrry would display "Gallery Completed", yet the last image added would still be locked. Its fixed now, but im thinking it might be the same predicament happening for the music gallery as well, since this is the first track being added in a long time.

(3 edits)

Spoiler alert

Do benson and rosswell dies on the other paths too? I've only played path A so iam curious


Benson doesn't on path A

Wait he don't?

(2 edits)

Well guess I played wrong, because he got ###### on day 24, I even watched two playthroughs were the same thing happens


no wait he does i'm either misremembering or getting confused with path P (true end) which comes after path A. Path A is pretty much regarded as the one where everyone lives at least with normal means.

(1 edit)

Cool I didn't remember having a path P, how can I get it?

Route:Hoss Path:B so i found this bug?? When I'm almost near the end 

Does anyone know how to use this password? There is this password that appears available from Day 6 and before that I 'accidently' lucked and guessed this password after doing the Epilogue. I'll put the password below for spoilers

The password I found was called 'the end'. Apparently typing this on Day 1 would just automatically close the game but any other day before or during Day 6 would say that its an available password. I only found 12/13 of the Zodiacs, could this be part of the Ophiuchus?


It isn't that used to be an easter egg password that actually opened the vault it can still be seen if you download like build 15 from the public patreon post for that build i think.


I have deliberately deleted all of my save files in order to fully relive the experience of reading and savour every moment of this VN once again; this is how much I love it

(1 edit)

I seem to have an error with the gallery though. I have all the pictures, but the gallery only reads 98/104. None of the pictures are missing though.

That being said, I just finished the ending after getting the twelve medals. That was quite the interesting end to things! Well done with the story Grizz! I loved it.


The ending mentions a 13th medal though? Is there even more that I've yet to see, or is that it?

How knows? I am too lazy at the moment to try any passwords on day 1 + 2, after unlocking the true ending. If i find something in the future  i let you know.

I have the same problem, though mine is stuck at 85.

Put it down here cuz spoiler but, can you tell me how to get the two CGs that are between broken Thanatos and Dom's woods ambush? Those are the only two I'm missing

(1 edit)

Where is Gemini? That is apparently the only one I'm currently missing.

(1 edit) (+1)

Gemini is path B. If you've already played it, try replaying the ending or at least the part it gets found.

It didn't register for me that I had done it but a quick run through the last day unlocked it for me.

(2 edits) (+1)

If this still doesn't work; play Route Tyson Path B from the start. But it shouldnt be neccesary cause Grizz already fixed the bug.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the help. Replaying Ty's Path B was what I needed!


I just got the best ending, after getting all requirement.

Just here to say that I'm tearful and full of joy. This VN is surely one of the most interesting I played, and the vault system implanted is interesting. I was just lucky enough so that when I reached end A for the first time, I had 11 of 12 requirements, but the feeling of completion is still vivid.

Anyway, chef kiss Grizz, for this surely has been one hell of a ride, and a very emotional one.  So thank you for the story and  the time you put in it, the wait was very much worth it and your ability at handling the timelines is nothing short of amazing.


Gotta say that I love the game and all of the guys but the true ending didn't really feel satisfying to me.  Maybe it's because I finished most of the routes before this final update so the payoff didn't hit as hard like if I had played from start to finish in like a day or two.

That said, I'm really glad to have gotten to go along for the ride and will have to reset everything for a chance to experience it without the ability to skip forward 

(1 edit)
didn't really feel satisfying to me.

After the very satisfying Ending of Path A, it felt like getting "cheated" doesn't it?  

But objectivly i liked it anyway. Look at the bright site: At least it wasn't some kind of stupid "It was all just a dream" Ending. Every creator/author who pulled off any "It was all just a dream" Ending deserves defenestation!!

Don't get me wrong, I think it ended a good way but I guess I got my hopes up expecting at least to decide who I end up with.

(4 edits) (+1)

This seems to have surprised more than a few people. It had been known for some time there would be a true ending boyfriend and that final choice for partner would be Dave's, not the player. So I guess that's why I went in expecting no choice there.

For me at least, I was really happy how it played out. For Dave's character and what's been established in story, it makes a lot of sense and honestly was cathartic to watch after all these years.

to decide who I end up with

I concur, BUT... any Romance beside Dean, Tyson and Orlando feels kinda uk-ward and out of nowhere. The canon romance for Dave is at least  natural. 

In the end Grizz needs a canon ending for the next story in the password universe if Dave and his boyfriend returns as (side-) characters.

The true Ending fits Dean as character: MVP but NEVER LUCKY. 

i want to reboot my game so i can replay it without missing the route specific stuff or having to re-read the same day 6 times, how do i do that?

I think you delete your persistant save data and that should do it and make it so the skip button will still only skip things you have already seen unless you tell it to skip unsceen things.  I haven't done it before so i dont know the details.

tried that already

where's the Virgo medal?, i can't for the life of me remember

end of path A I believe

(1 edit)

i though that was scorpio, since Thanatos mentions that it was given to us by the one who started all this


You're thinking of the one in the letter. Virgo is in the graveyard.

oh, i assumed that one was Sagittarius like in the end of path B, thanks for the clarification

Deleted 325 days ago

See, that's the thing. Path G is not available on Tyson's route.

(3 edits)

Yep there is one medal that is very difficult to find:

(Spoiler: you ruin your own acomplishment finding it yourself, if you take a peak.)

Gemini: Route Tyson - Path B!!


It shouldn't just be there. Though the flag has been adjusted slightly, and a replay of that Path to troubleshoot, should fix it.


Grizz edited Path B a bit so you might need to replay that in order for it to register Gemini.

There's a Path G??


New build (it will be the final public one too) -

No account needed to read or get it

(3 edits) (+2)

Opinion/Review: [no talk about endings!]

[Spoiler, duh]

Dean was my first Route and it kept my investesd quite alot. After his day 6  i wrote down every sus word that i was reading. So the password mechanic also forces the reader to read carefully. That's quite unique.

I totally like movies with timeloop style mechanics and Password did a great job in writing to keep me engaged with my favorite Characters. 

The emotional highlights are the Appearance of David and when the other cast finally opens up about their past including dave resulting in the wonderful group-hug at day 15. Dave death on day 24 path A was a similiar succesful moment. This only works bi cared about the characters. They are clear cut with their strenght and weaknesses and got a very relatable personality (although overdramatic sometimes). 

From Emotion to OPINIONS: I am not a writer or creater, just a gamer. 

So i go straight to OPINIONS and potential ideas for improvement. Mostly Character and also the "timeloop". I also highlight example i still don't fully understand.

Dave and Dean:

I put them together as Deans solutions of a character are partially related to Dave.

Dave is very likeable. He is afraid and sometimes helpless, but unlike the Hero of Adastra (or even Echo)he isn't a totally helpless/useless bi***. 

However he is sometimes inconsistent. Sometimes he is rather too dense and too passiv, other times he is clever. On the early bad endings Dave left his friends with Tyson and later endangerd Benson (if Sal isn't present); loosing a bunch of sympathy by/from the reader.

While on Path A/B he takes matters in his own hands more often. It's explained in the story through his dream and talk on the sunrise, still seems a little bit aprupt.

The second problem with Dave: Dean or someone else: "how are you Dave?" Dave: "I am fine." It repeats itself too often for my taste. And Deans Character suffers the most of it. 

Dean is established as the "nsfw-playful" + care-bear of the group. The players gets more information about Dean by not playing Deans-Route. The moments of Dave's "I am fine" excuses can be used as oppertunity for Dean to get more and more brave to push Dave a little bit more (exspecially after day 15).

Maybe Dean can try to make Dave comfortable with small story of his family life or wisdom he inherited from his grandparents or family-workplace - among other things. 

Or the other way around: When Dean comes up with an lude joke or takling point, Dave may start to tease him back and go into smalltalk, nostalgia or striaghtout tells them what he likes about him or others - whatever fits Deans and Daves Character.

Having more part of Dialog for Dean may also help to improve his other Role: being one of the main-Suspects behind the incidents at the mansion. Nyz Cait: " I still don't trust this bear!" A role Dean shares with Hoss. 

Dean mostly sus for overly caering about Dave that it almost seem weird while the player barely get to know Dean or his motives. Rather late Dave is finally asking Dean what he likes about him in the first place. But i cannot recall what Dave likes about Dean except his honey+earth scent and his biceps (Tyson Route). 

Maybe an idea in the far future: The option to push Dean into the friend-zone on his own Route because Dave cares more about Tyson or Roswell, while also an option on the Hoss, Roswell + Sal Route to reject any of them and pursue/ go back to the Dave + Dean Romance instead and slightly changing the end of the path.

In general both Dave and the other Character would profit if Dave reveals more often what he like about them. It's important to know for the reader why he was dating Dean in the first place also also why he is willing to brak up with Dean.

Hoss: There is hardly any negativ i can recall about this character. 

His ark went pretty smoothly. Maybe too smoothly as his Route felt like a vacation compared to the overall drama within the group. So enough room to improve his "Suspect" Role. He already got that role mostly because of his personallity and traits, being able to lie and detect lies without effort and natuarel charisma + the ECm incident.

Still the Hoss Romance felt the most forced (including the Dean Relationship) for me. Hoss and Sal are the people Dave barely know anything about. So both may profit from an Option for Dave to put them into the friendzone (and go for Dean or Tyson relationship). Dave was just curious about them and want to spend some time before the great breakup.

Sal: One of the best Route. Clear Personallty + troublesome past.  

I played his Route the last because;  a) I am not into scale at all  b) His first impression being rather slow/sloth character  c) his second imprission as of violent brute. Punshing Dean on his nose for no good reason.  Luckly his Route was a pleasent surprise.

Roswell: My least favorite Route. I like Roswell as the nerd of the party making him a good sidekick. But as Relationship i barely spend time on his Route. It was also the only Route that i stopped reading and switched to another Character. He is slightly confused in his relatioship with Dave, like Tyson; but his talk about Death (heavy topic) followed by  his gluttoney/sweettooth rubbed me the wrong way.

While Tysons past and therefore his behaviour is a drama in itself, talking with Roswell barely lead to anything. Without playing the entire Novel atleast once, i could not appreciate the Roswell Dialog at all. After his illness is reaveled it finally makes sense but it's too heavy of a topic and Dave insisting to get back to this topic over and over again isn't helping, nor Dave or Roswell as Character.

Maybe the Roswell + Dave combo should simply spent more time with the group and less Dialog between just the two. Maybe make the magic show happen. 

Olando: the second Route it played. I was mostly intrested in his vision of the vault and his family. His Route was fine, but Orlando reluctance in the investigation among other thing was sometimes tireying. Dialog sometimes repeat itself. His secrecy is also kinda a pain. Just like Dean he needs a little bit more dialog.

In contrast his fear of the supernatural has been amusing. I liked his Relationship with Dave; it's innocent and was most naturel and believable romance that could end up in a breakup between Dean and Dave.

Tyson: I could write several pages about him so i rather keep it short, because i got mixed feeling about his Character and Route. His Interactions with Dave are the most "edgy", sometimes forcing the reader/player to re-asses his opinion about Tyson and Dave. 

His Character is potentially the most fleshed out: It's clear right early what made him the way he is. Being left behind or abused by his parents, resulting into copy this behaviour being a bully and absuer himself. Poor guy. A good Route with a great Character.

That's it for now. For the Endings, i write on patreon or discord.


Panicking, sweating and crying... just whyyy?? After playing twice already, i was hunting down answers now on how to save all of them cuz i dont want someone to die;(

On the other hand, i love this vn cuz its uniqueness and how much this mystery got into me. 

Also me hoping havin updates on how to save em all cuz i ain givin up 

(5 edits)

I just finished the patreon version and all the Endings.  So good.  I am gonna write Grizz a small review/opinion-piece this weekend. This Novel is absolutly worth it. IMO Password is the new top-tier among Furry-Novels.



That's incredibly flattering but Password has its flaws that make it top-tier questionable. At least insofar as its current state. After I've had a good shot at editing it down and cleaning some stuff up, then we can see.


its 9/10 for me, but just barely, it's this close of 10/10, and my 5th favorite FVN at the moment


Password extended lore:-

Its for the public no account needed


No public update this month so im just going to post links to the extra password stuff. (you dont need to be a patreon or even have a patreon account to get these.)

Foreign affairs: - tennis ace/password crossover. Travel to japan with Orlando and Hoss.





I don't know why, but I'm really hoping that some unforeseen circumstance befalls Jack, and he just, I dunno... dies. Becomes roadkill. Something.
I'm also hoping that Dom redeems himself. ...Redeems himself further.


I'm with you on both counts. Jack dying would make me happy. I hated him right from the very first time he showed up. Dom, though, I hope does something that redeems himself, and part of me has hope that he will just based on some of the flashes of events Dave has been forced to see with Dom actually there. Dom is a bit weird, but Jack is just plain creepy and needs to go... 


Dom already redeemed himself, like, 20% when he decided to stick around with Dave in Path... uh, I think it was F? These paths confuse the hell out of me. I also kinda want Dom to become an anti-hero. Not quite on the side of the heroes (our protagonists), but also not on the side of the villains either. Wishful thinking, I know, but, like... I kinda want it to happen.

I'm more or less hoping something happens with him on Path A that shows he's more willing to help Dave. Dom just... doesn't seem like he belongs with Memphis.

Based on his interaction with Hoss, he's more fit to be something like a vigilante.

Yeah, I can kinda see that.

I'm also hoping that Dom redeems himself. ...Redeems himself further.

The anwser to that is .... complicated.

And I can see why-

Deleted 325 days ago

The sex scene ones aren't part of the gallery.

Sal route, B path, Android. Also kinda wondering why Florencia is "Florenica" all of a sudden.

Regardless, it's a great game. I can't express with words, how much fun i had reading through it. Dam', i even created account just to leave some feedback for this game.


Memphis got a VR model -

public post anyone can read no patreon account needed

(1 edit)

Anyone know how not to get tysons bad ending? Doesent matter what i do i cant get past day 6 with him and I cant use The password thats supposed to save him


You just use that password at the vault. Even if you use it before the day you're supposed to it will just say it's no used on that day. If it doesn't give you that message you've got the wrong password.


this is one of the routes that just inputting the password won't do. there's also a certain choice you gotta make. iirc it's when he's going out into the woods

Does anyone know how to get path F I tried many things but i cant seem to get it.


Be on path A, fail the password on day 17. The path will shift to F at the end of day 19.

Also can't be on Tyson's route since he can't get path F.

what is the new update anyway for this month 

Path B, the only path not done at this point is path A

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