PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IT IS! I haven't been taking notes too often, and
So I went Tyson's route, and at day 11, When I am at the vault, I am supposed to decide whether Sal or Benson was the killer. It says something about a pattern, and I haven't been taking notes... I am supposed to enter a password, but I don't know what it is... I tried things like 'sleep', 'bed', 'mind control' and stuff, but it didn't work. Can you tell me the password please?
I kept oz a secret, best I can do without being too obvious about it is pay attention to Benson and what it says at the vault. The 'what's the worst possible outcome' is a good hint after speaking with Benson.
When i choose what is writen on the coffee how many choices are there and on vault with tyson i can only choose to write something or nothing right?(no secret?)
Guys, if it will help to keep your interest and attention on this game I can help anyone that needs the password or passwords that I have unlocked. I mean if you are just interested in the story but have no time to invest into finding out what the passwords are, PM me. This game is not for everyone, as not everyone likes solving puzzles, but many people I know, loved this game and story, just that were really stuck and could not find the passwords no matter what and in the end they would just abandon this great VN.
Exactly, the game does have easter eggs, but according to the actual storyline, I would say that there is 1 password for each character that you wish to save, so we have 1 for Benson, Ty, Dean etc.....
You need to find 2 passwords in order to save Benson, remember that saving Benson is the key of being able to move forward in some of the currently avaible routes, such like Ty's and Dean's. The first password will allow certain conversations to take place, where a keyword will be repeated, that's the one that will allow you to save Benson.
Again... you don't actually need all of the passwords. Just focus on the character whose route want to play. Like Ty.... YES I FUCKING LOVE TY LOL.
Could you answer something for me? I played Orlando's route and got the password during his bad end on day 7. When I went back and entered it, I still got the bad end. Is there a different password I need?
Uh...well the thing is that first you need to prevent your Route option from Dying, then you HAVE TO save Benson in order for the real route to continue. Not all of the routes are currently long, I think the ones where you can advance the most are Ty's and Dean's.
I LOVED this game, I hope we can get all 30 days or however long the final full game will be. I'll get a Patreon account just for Grizz and this game, I really want the full game lol. Is the game for Patreon supporters longer (more routes, days, dialogues, cgi, sprites, etc)? How many passwords are in the game in it's current free release? and Are there more in the Patreon's update?
I have some questions :3 maybe someone can give me a tip or hint.
I found out that there are two passwords for Benson's day. Is there any other day with more than 1 password? Which one(s)? And any hint for the password on day 1? Just a hint T.T
patreons are one build infront of the public build, the next public build will be the next day for tyson and dean and thats the one patreons curently have.
yep the bad end is actually in two parts or at least there parallel to each other, and each has their own password.
I only realised when looking in the tiding of doom gallery and noticed another blank box after bensons, since there wasn't a password after that at the time i fiddled around with bensons vault again.
Hey can someone tell me how can i kiss Dean on day 6 please ? I tried everything I could think of . Because Before entering the hot thub you have two options : to enter it or to kiss Dean. But the latter is shadowed like it is not available .
It's available, you just need to make different choices. That option is unlocked if you've already kissed him before that point, namely in the hot tub scene the night before.
You have to enter the password in the vault the day before, his and Dean's are the only passwords highlighted in the game I think. You find them after getting their bad ending, it would be very difficult to guess them before that tbh.
I wonder. What would happen if Dave got a password that showed him his death. How would he react to it? In fact what if someone like Roswell got somebody else's password!?
There are so many things that could happen!
Also why do I find Dave playing video games with Orlando so bloody wholesome.
I know! when Orlando says he used the vault too and saw Dave's death I was expecting more explanations about it. Like Orlando already "saved" Dave the same way Dave saved the others? Or is he still in danger? They just mentioned it once.
you're in luck it does go into more depth later, im more anoyed that Oz doesn't seem to know or care that orlando has apparently used the vault. Tho that could be the codeing making him give a generic answer if the word vault is used, not sure about that part.
Ok first of all great work Grizz as this is such a great furry vn, I specially love Tyson route , my absolutely fav character. Kudos for being able to manage and achieve a good balance between, mistery , romance and sexual themes, at first playing this feels like any other furry vn until you realize the plot won't be about a super sexualised bunch of characters that only want to fuck with the Mc making it absolutely so obvious by constantly puking sex innuendos out and lewd flirting , this vn doesn't feel that cringy at all. One tiny little detail I might complain about are the sprites of the characters, specially Tyson's, what I mean is that his body for example when seen from a frontal of point is kind of disproportionate compared to the CGI where his body can be seen from other angles, this is even more noticeable when you compare it to the car CGI.This vn is of course still in very early stages of development so I know for sure it will just get better and better.
Now there's something that's been bothering me for a while.... and that is the attitude some players are showing towards those who still can't find the way of saving Benson. Some people in the comments are complaining about how is it possible for players to be so dumb when the answer is so clear... well NO, I have to say that of course this vn isn't the most fucking difficult game ever made, but the password that allows you to save Benson is not that obvious either. In fact some players are claiming that the "word " is constantly being repeated by all of the characters, well that is some big BS. Now, you want to save Benson? Pay attention to the dialogue of course, but dont expect for the characters to be constantly repeating a KEY word that it will finally end up acting as a subliminal message so that you are conditioned to guess the password LOL, it is indeed a key word and it is an important one, but it is not THAT OBVIOUS AT ALL, in fact there are many more words that the characters are constantly repeating and that would make more sense for one of those to be the actual password if the premise of "THE PASSWORD IS A WORD THAT IS BEING CONSTANTLY SAID BY THE CHARACTERS " were true.
So please people that have saved Benson, stop trying to make new players or those that still haven't figured out how to save Benson feel as if they were tards.
PS: Btw if you like the storyline so much then you must absolutely play the ZERO SCAPE trylogy of japanese visual novels.
think there being done on the side along with the updates and will eventually be released with a full overhaul. New sprites will be in the same form and quality as Bensons
Can confirm, I've been working on them in the background while I've been pushing out updates so that when I can swap them out, they all get swapped out together for the sake of consistency.
I wouldn't compare it to Benson's though, as his isn't quite finished, nor is Oz's, but with a bit of shading they'd be about right. I can't say when they're going to be ready as honestly I don't know, but at this stage I'm pushing to have them in the overhaul around April, maybe May depending on how far along the UI is by that time.
I've heard of reports of it being buggy and I'm still looking into it. It's a fanmade one, so if you do grab it and it doesn't work, I won't be able to help.
I like the dialogue changes to the first five days in 0.17 but I feel that Dave's new internal monologue breaks the "show don't tell" rule of writing much more often. There's no need for exposition about the mansion we're going to hear about in a few minutes or how Dean is a perv when he's going to flirt with us in ten seconds time or how Roswell is a nerd etc. One of the strengths of 0.16 is how compact the writing is while still keeping the audience engaged, each scene was a little mini-mystery and each line of dialogue is a clue.
Normally I'd agree, which is why I'd had it that way originally, but my god are players dumb. Not as a personal attack on anyone in particular, but the amount of people that operate on base level lizard brain and then complain about character archetypes not being "clear" or motivations from the get go being obscure making them seem bland is amazing. At least that's what the feedback form results showed me.
For Dean especially where there were a lot of comments about him coming across as predatory and sleazy with no justification as to why, which is why there were lines added to solidify that Dave liked it to some extent rather than it being Dean's default setting.
I'll absolutely be doing another pass over it at some point, but at least that's why those lines of internal monologue were added. Result of feedback.
That's fair enough, perhaps if time permits maybe consider a "Character Profiles" menu similar to the system in "After Class" where there is a separate menu where all the characters are listed which automatically updates as the player learns more about the character, with plain descriptions so you can be blatant without hindering the writing. Or maybe when it's all over and done with release a "directors cut" where you've taken out all the superfluous exposition.
A lot of it will hinge on UI features. There's a possibility for a codex of sorts using Dave's holiday journal to hold this information to achieve basically what you're describing.
Buuuuut yeah, Director's Cut would be nice too. Maybe if I ever get to the point it's polished enough for PSN.
People catch on to thing at different rates, some cant comprehend thing that you find simple. That's just people being people everyone is different which can be troublesome. Such as the amount of people who have got stuck on Bensons route, which is a majestic amount, despite every character in the bad end saying the word multiple time one after another and people still not noticing.
Sometimes sacrifices have to be made regarding writing simply to be as inclusive as possible. I don't mean that in the 'dark souls: oh its just too hard for you just say away' elitist nahhaha, way. But trying to make something that everyone interested in it can enjoy means setting the bar to the most common point. (god reading all this back makes me sound so snarky and condescending its shameful that I cant think of another way to reword this)
If the majority cant overcome a certain point in the story, the story needs to be adjusted in some way usually by making sacrifices. Of course the story should only be sacrificed to a point, such as in the Benson bad end, the answer is given is such a way it could be put on a neon billboard, there isn't much more that could be done to make it more clear without just straight up saying it.
These things happen and need to be accounted for but its up to you how far you want to bend over backwards for. No matter the choice when everything is finished up or more complete I have no doubt someone will make a full walkthrough for those who don't mind spoilers so I wouldn't worry too much about it in the long term, as disheartening at it may be in the short term.
deans has them, ty too with the shower I guess. There not fully done as a vote on patreon a while ago was slow down work for fully done images or half do them but increase how much work can be done over all. The CGs getting half done won the vote so there just sketches right now but its worth it overall IMO.
okay so please help.I have been trying to update to 0.17 but it always says that no compatible file was found.If anyone knows how to deal with this please help me
Any um... hint for the easter egg cause i like this game a lot and at some points i even try like EveRy WoRd in every conversation to see if the vault react :)
(And yes that a waste of time but that is just how much i love the game wish i have money to support but i'm broke T^T)
Depending on when your save was made, it's not flagging a variable that it should be to enable that choice. Starting a new game will fix it as much of a pain as it is, but why it works this way now was to address a much bigger bug, so there was no real way around it.
I strated the game over then went onto roswells route(i really like him) the same thing happened when asking them how they would confess there love but that time i couldn't pick roswell.
That's... odd. I pulled up a fresh download and tested it and it's working fine for me. What sequence of choices did you make? I might've missed a flag somewhere but otherwise I'm seeing nothing immediately wrong in the code.
If you're wondering about sprites, they'll all happen at the same time. There's no Orlando specific rework as far as dialogue goes outside of what was in the latest build.
You should pay attention to the Key Word.You saved someone in day5 but the password is not on the txt that before U input the password.So I think you should try the rest past of game and always keep eyes bright.I shouldn't say too much,and I think if U will find password by yourself and will be excited too.This game is so amazing.XD
I just finished playing every route last night. Now I'm in love hehe. The way how all the characters interact with Dave, the art is really cute and adorbs, everything about this vn is amazing so far. Hoping for more future update, nyaw~ ^w^
For those struggling still in saving Benson, what sort of clues would assist in you knowing what to look for?
For those that have already saved Benson, without spoiling anything, what would you suggest as a hint that would've made it easier for you without being obvious?
I tried 12 hours to go though the Benson Bed Ending.But it's so excited for me when I figured it out by myself.I think if someone struggling in saving Benson.I suggest you should play other's line one by one and there must have some important word for u and maybe it's the ture password.And soetime you should know,there are one password for one predicted picture.So you should think if I am Dave,Can I save Benson when I see this picture?
I know this is nearly 2 weeks old, but I only played through Benson's bad end 3 times before the word clicked for me. I thought you did a fantastic job of making it clear what the key word was while making the players work for it at the same time.
The people who miss it repeatedly have probably failed to pay close enough attention to the dialogue. That was my issue at first, until finally I was like "Okay, what is everyone saying" and paid super close attention.
It was a 'Eureka' moment for sure. Makes me feel like a detective which is awesome.
I finally found the 2nd Benson password. a lot of people in the comments here said it was a repeated word, but for me the word was only ever said once by one character. I also thought the part of the conversation where the word was said was because of the route I was playing, since I thought it had more to do with that character than Benson's death (I'm guessing now that scene is probably the same for all routes). I would have expected the word to have been said in the dining room scene after his body was found, there were plenty of "key words" that actually were repeated by different characters, and the connection to his death seemed more obvious to me
Even though I don't have a computer to play the game... yet. I just have to say this game is pretty dang good. I also love all the bloody characters! I like all the references in it. Including that one about having the power of god and anime on Hoss's side lol. Once I get my computer I will be getting this game instantly.
Also danm Dean in the start of the game you were in the friendzone danm I know how you feel xD.
The funny thing is I'm playing this on my phone since the beginning. Go on their Patreon site and you should be able to get not the latest version, because of patronage of course.
Good for you I found your comment randomly...
Sometimes you have to search a little longer to succeed.
Oh cool thanks for telling me. I assumed their wasn't a android port so I didn't go looking. I found out there was one when I encountered a random Password fan on the Internet.
Who's your favorite character? I find the MC overly annoying and will address this to Grizz, I think. Tyson is my number 1 go to love interest, because of his past and we all know he definetly cares, but I sure hope he won't rape Walter (fixed main character name).
Have you heard of Echo? It's also horror, but much more gruesome. At some point I didn't want to continue on playing. I just don't like (some of) the characters. Although the writing is fantastic, I give them that much. I also don't really have a problem with horror outside of these kind of games. Password is an exception.
(spoiler) (last theory here than moving to discord to rant) wait, wait, wait, in the benson bad end it says Orlando and Sal went to visit Sal's sister but we later learn she's dead isn't that like super sus and we don't ever hear from them again did they pull a Roswell and go to the masion or something else? but then it made me realise dean knew too why didn't he think it suspicious? and now that I've revisited that conversation is so foreshadowy just like Deans really
That can mean they went to visit her grave or the place she died. we know this is something he doesn't want to talk about with just anyone. He spoke about his sister as if she was alive before he told MC as well. I don't think that's Sus I think that's just part of his grieving process.
Damn it just let me tell Orlando I wold rather him then Dean!!! I saved on the last Choice for Orlando I can't tell what Orlando needs right now, I feel like the more I try to get Close to him the more he pushes me to be with Dean (I'm really starting to hate Dean) but the second Choice doesn’t feel like it did any good. I just want Orlando to know I like him as more than a friend T.T why do you hate me Grizz!!
Just a theory I had not long after I posted about that bad ending XD. No real evidence to back it up yet maybe In the next update. I look forward to seeing if I'm Correct.
Probably, Tysons bad ending dean acts odd and they say it looks like he was attacked by a bear and deans bad end is the only one that isn't caused by another. He just accidently forgot to wash his hands, all other bad ends are murder but not his.
I said this in a different comment I think but when dean dies he was trying to kill the MC. I think he was trying to do a murder suicide like thing. Remeber he tried to hand feed you with is poisoned hand. The reason the others die except for benson is because the MC was getting closer to them. I don't think he's the main villain in the story there's definitely something else going on. I think the MC will have to stop everyone from killing each other but they don't always know what there doing. The only reason I think this is because of the axe Sal finds in his room.
*Spoiler (major)* this is just a theory but Orlando put sacrifice and saw you hanging from a meat hook and Dean said he feels that you will need to hurt yourself one day to do the right thing perhaps the MC came to the conclusion or was forced into a position where that someone had to die or they all would, thus the sacrifice being the MC for his friends lives that still wouldn't explain the meat hook since there are other ways to KYS so perhaps the white ghost has some thing to do with it? Or Dean means emotionally hurt not physically like letting the love interest go or die? dont know whats some other thoughts?
I hope your wrong or at less I hope we can somehow avoid it. I already had one disappointing ending to a VN I really liked with in the last few months where you have no way to save the person you date. I'm still upset about it and I really hope they go back and give us a good ending at some point I don't even want to read any of their other VN because of this I just don't trust them anymore XD. My theory is that the meat hooks are in the Cabin I bet it’s a hunting cabin and the meat hooks are used to hang the animal as you clean and cut them up.
I'll tell you this much. This VN does have a good end planned where everyone survives including a romantic end for your husbando if you've opted for romance instead of just friendship.
Cause otherwise... yeah, spending a whole game without a clear 'good' ending when you're strung along to believe there should be is rough.
well yeah I expected that since the point of this game is kinda experience the bad to learn more and get to the good I was just thinking that you are going to sacrifice something and through that sacrifice you learn the truth and the way to save everyone perhaps a password or something else. on a side note Deans starting to worry me a bit he has a lot of foreshadowing in his route and I kind of had an epiphany with his death it said he died because of poison or similar and it wasnt deathcap since it takes ~6 days to die (Mycology book) so what if he found something that hut that was mentioned or a lab, where there are poisons stored he touched something there and forgot to wash his hands but the question if this is true why didn't he tell anyone perhaps he didn't think it mattered? or another case is it didn't seem to have anything dangerous with a brief look, sorry for ranting writing helps sort my thoughts
No worries XD I actually have some suspicion for Dean myself. I think he may actually be the one killing people. Don't forget he did try to feed you with that unclean poison hand. Grizz did tell me there is a reason you are being pushed towards Dean. In Orlando's case I think Dean is trying to get Orlando to set you up with him. I think Dean is targetting the others because you are getting closer to them. Ty was killed by what looks like a wild bear Sal was receiving medicine from Dean. Dean is linked to at less one of these deaths and the other is a strange coincidence. I'm starting to think Dean maybe trying to Romeo and Juliet you. The night Dean died he may have intended for you both to die. I'm not saying Dean is behind it all. Its possible he thinks the only way to save the others is to kill you but he doesn't want to live without you so he intended for you both to die. I think as the story progresses we will need to stop all of them from killing each other. Maybe even your self at some point.
Yeah Echo is about the horror not the romance. That being said the horror is amazingly well done you should play all the routes each one exspands the lore around the town and it's secrets.
Content-wise, Cerberus is right. Whatever the patrons get, public gets a month later.
But I take feedback from the people only on the public builds too and tweak things constantly, so don't feel like your input is invalid just because you're an update behind.
Heheh. Anyone else try: (SPOILERS) The words from that list Hoss had? Most of them say Invalid... so do you think other characters are hiding things? Or do you think they were used in the past? Do you think they're for the future?
Not so much a fan group as one of the Patrons makes a port of it whenever a new build comes out. Because I don't personally handle the builds and check them I don't upload them here.
They're not always entirely bug free, but they are typically thrown up on the public update posts on Patreon.
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I got the password at the end ;w;(I use all the word that I written down in my note)
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IT IS! I haven't been taking notes too often, and
So I went Tyson's route, and at day 11, When I am at the vault, I am supposed to decide whether Sal or Benson was the killer. It says something about a pattern, and I haven't been taking notes... I am supposed to enter a password, but I don't know what it is... I tried things like 'sleep', 'bed', 'mind control' and stuff, but it didn't work. Can you tell me the password please?
the password is given on that day and is said twice, if your not taking notes just replay the day and keep an eye out
can you tell me in with scene or something because in day 11 is good hint but doesnt help?
and is it better to keep Oz (oswan i thing)secret or tell then?
I kept oz a secret, best I can do without being too obvious about it is pay attention to Benson and what it says at the vault. The 'what's the worst possible outcome' is a good hint after speaking with Benson.
OMG are you kidding me? i got it before but wrote password wrong wow PS thanks
Thank you so much yo! I got the password!
cant find it.
pls help
Do you want me to just say it?
When i choose what is writen on the coffee how many choices are there and on vault with tyson i can only choose to write something or nothing right?(no secret?)
what day are you playing if day 10 there is a password you can put in the vault
Coffee - At the moment, all the cast have unique reactions. Patrons will also be getting their names in there over time potentially too.
Tyson - If we're talking Day 1 Vault? Yes, there's one as an easter egg.
Mystery at always =3
And that easter egg would be password to open the vault right?
It's a password, but uh... Well if you get it right, you'll know what it does.
Okay idk why but i can not download the game on my laptop still ;-;.Can anyone help please ?
Gimme a couple minutes and I'll put the new version up.
It is working now,thankyou very much
I really love password so im really looking forward for the next public update any idea when i should expect it to come out Grizz?
15th of every month!
Could u make this game for android too plz
I'm looking into supporting Android in the future, but as of right now it's not working properly.
Guys, if it will help to keep your interest and attention on this game I can help anyone that needs the password or passwords that I have unlocked. I mean if you are just interested in the story but have no time to invest into finding out what the passwords are, PM me. This game is not for everyone, as not everyone likes solving puzzles, but many people I know, loved this game and story, just that were really stuck and could not find the passwords no matter what and in the end they would just abandon this great VN.
Do you know how many passwords are currently in the game? I'd like to crack them myself, but knowing how many there are would help a lot.
10 i believe, mite be a few more that are just easter eggs, that can be entered into the vault before day 6 but im not certain.
Exactly, the game does have easter eggs, but according to the actual storyline, I would say that there is 1 password for each character that you wish to save, so we have 1 for Benson, Ty, Dean etc.....
You need to find 2 passwords in order to save Benson, remember that saving Benson is the key of being able to move forward in some of the currently avaible routes, such like Ty's and Dean's. The first password will allow certain conversations to take place, where a keyword will be repeated, that's the one that will allow you to save Benson.
Again... you don't actually need all of the passwords. Just focus on the character whose route want to play. Like Ty.... YES I FUCKING LOVE TY LOL.
I'm really not used to using You can... Pm on Facebook, my user is Aion Roxas, my profile pic is an image of the Milky Way
Sorry I don't have any Pm on facebook
Can you please tell me how to obtain Bensons passwords? I think I found one but it's most likely not it.(a gun)
Sure, Pm in or leave me a message at my facebook "Aion Roxas"
Could you answer something for me? I played Orlando's route and got the password during his bad end on day 7. When I went back and entered it, I still got the bad end. Is there a different password I need?
Uh...well the thing is that first you need to prevent your Route option from Dying, then you HAVE TO save Benson in order for the real route to continue. Not all of the routes are currently long, I think the ones where you can advance the most are Ty's and Dean's.
a0.18, which comes out in 4 days, will have Dean and Tyson updates.
Otherwise every route terminates on Day 9.
Could you please give me a clue for the Password on Day 10?
Im playing Dean route if it's important.
I LOVED this game, I hope we can get all 30 days or however long the final full game will be. I'll get a Patreon account just for Grizz and this game, I really want the full game lol. Is the game for Patreon supporters longer (more routes, days, dialogues, cgi, sprites, etc)? How many passwords are in the game in it's current free release? and Are there more in the Patreon's update?
I have some questions :3 maybe someone can give me a tip or hint.
I found out that there are two passwords for Benson's day. Is there any other day with more than 1 password? Which one(s)? And any hint for the password on day 1? Just a hint T.T
benson has 3, 2 wrong 1 right,
patreons are one build infront of the public build, the next public build will be the next day for tyson and dean and thats the one patreons curently have.
3?!?! T_T
Took me 4 replays to find 2. Although I like the difficulty.
yep the bad end is actually in two parts or at least there parallel to each other, and each has their own password.
I only realised when looking in the tiding of doom gallery and noticed another blank box after bensons, since there wasn't a password after that at the time i fiddled around with bensons vault again.
Hey can someone tell me how can i kiss Dean on day 6 please ? I tried everything I could think of . Because Before entering the hot thub you have two options : to enter it or to kiss Dean. But the latter is shadowed like it is not available .
It's available, you just need to make different choices. That option is unlocked if you've already kissed him before that point, namely in the hot tub scene the night before.
Good luck!
Newbie-Trap: Dean prefers Comedy, BUT you must pick a Romance on the Movie Night, while sitting in his lap and holding his hand.
My Mistake:
At Movie-Night i always picked Comedy, cause that's Dean favorite. But you must pick Romance (while sitting in his lap and hold his hands).
Ok, I'm desperate. How to keep Ty alive?! It's like no matter what I do, he dies! What I'm doing wrong?
the password you need is in the bad ending, you need to use it on the vault the day before he dies. the password should stand out from other words.
You have to enter the password in the vault the day before, his and Dean's are the only passwords highlighted in the game I think. You find them after getting their bad ending, it would be very difficult to guess them before that tbh.
So, there is no way to get Ty's good endindg at first walkthro?
nope its intended for you to fail in order to progres
I wonder. What would happen if Dave got a password that showed him his death. How would he react to it? In fact what if someone like Roswell got somebody else's password!?
There are so many things that could happen!
Also why do I find Dave playing video games with Orlando so bloody wholesome.
I know! when Orlando says he used the vault too and saw Dave's death I was expecting more explanations about it. Like Orlando already "saved" Dave the same way Dave saved the others? Or is he still in danger? They just mentioned it once.
you're in luck it does go into more depth later, im more anoyed that Oz doesn't seem to know or care that orlando has apparently used the vault. Tho that could be the codeing making him give a generic answer if the word vault is used, not sure about that part.
Ok first of all great work Grizz as this is such a great furry vn, I specially love Tyson route , my absolutely fav character. Kudos for being able to manage and achieve a good balance between, mistery , romance and sexual themes, at first playing this feels like any other furry vn until you realize the plot won't be about a super sexualised bunch of characters that only want to fuck with the Mc making it absolutely so obvious by constantly puking sex innuendos out and lewd flirting , this vn doesn't feel that cringy at all. One tiny little detail I might complain about are the sprites of the characters, specially Tyson's, what I mean is that his body for example when seen from a frontal of point is kind of disproportionate compared to the CGI where his body can be seen from other angles, this is even more noticeable when you compare it to the car CGI.This vn is of course still in very early stages of development so I know for sure it will just get better and better.
Now there's something that's been bothering me for a while.... and that is the attitude some players are showing towards those who still can't find the way of saving Benson. Some people in the comments are complaining about how is it possible for players to be so dumb when the answer is so clear... well NO, I have to say that of course this vn isn't the most fucking difficult game ever made, but the password that allows you to save Benson is not that obvious either. In fact some players are claiming that the "word " is constantly being repeated by all of the characters, well that is some big BS. Now, you want to save Benson? Pay attention to the dialogue of course, but dont expect for the characters to be constantly repeating a KEY word that it will finally end up acting as a subliminal message so that you are conditioned to guess the password LOL, it is indeed a key word and it is an important one, but it is not THAT OBVIOUS AT ALL, in fact there are many more words that the characters are constantly repeating and that would make more sense for one of those to be the actual password if the premise of "THE PASSWORD IS A WORD THAT IS BEING CONSTANTLY SAID BY THE CHARACTERS " were true.
So please people that have saved Benson, stop trying to make new players or those that still haven't figured out how to save Benson feel as if they were tards.
PS: Btw if you like the storyline so much then you must absolutely play the ZERO SCAPE trylogy of japanese visual novels.
new sprites are in the works -
think there being done on the side along with the updates and will eventually be released with a full overhaul. New sprites will be in the same form and quality as Bensons
Well those look great! This will improve the playing experience sooo much
Can confirm, I've been working on them in the background while I've been pushing out updates so that when I can swap them out, they all get swapped out together for the sake of consistency.
I wouldn't compare it to Benson's though, as his isn't quite finished, nor is Oz's, but with a bit of shading they'd be about right. I can't say when they're going to be ready as honestly I don't know, but at this stage I'm pushing to have them in the overhaul around April, maybe May depending on how far along the UI is by that time.
Android version?
It should be on Password's patreon.
I've heard of reports of it being buggy and I'm still looking into it. It's a fanmade one, so if you do grab it and it doesn't work, I won't be able to help.
I like the dialogue changes to the first five days in 0.17 but I feel that Dave's new internal monologue breaks the "show don't tell" rule of writing much more often. There's no need for exposition about the mansion we're going to hear about in a few minutes or how Dean is a perv when he's going to flirt with us in ten seconds time or how Roswell is a nerd etc. One of the strengths of 0.16 is how compact the writing is while still keeping the audience engaged, each scene was a little mini-mystery and each line of dialogue is a clue.
Normally I'd agree, which is why I'd had it that way originally, but my god are players dumb. Not as a personal attack on anyone in particular, but the amount of people that operate on base level lizard brain and then complain about character archetypes not being "clear" or motivations from the get go being obscure making them seem bland is amazing. At least that's what the feedback form results showed me.
For Dean especially where there were a lot of comments about him coming across as predatory and sleazy with no justification as to why, which is why there were lines added to solidify that Dave liked it to some extent rather than it being Dean's default setting.
I'll absolutely be doing another pass over it at some point, but at least that's why those lines of internal monologue were added. Result of feedback.
That's fair enough, perhaps if time permits maybe consider a "Character Profiles" menu similar to the system in "After Class" where there is a separate menu where all the characters are listed which automatically updates as the player learns more about the character, with plain descriptions so you can be blatant without hindering the writing. Or maybe when it's all over and done with release a "directors cut" where you've taken out all the superfluous exposition.
A lot of it will hinge on UI features. There's a possibility for a codex of sorts using Dave's holiday journal to hold this information to achieve basically what you're describing.
Buuuuut yeah, Director's Cut would be nice too. Maybe if I ever get to the point it's polished enough for PSN.
People catch on to thing at different rates, some cant comprehend thing that you find simple. That's just people being people everyone is different which can be troublesome. Such as the amount of people who have got stuck on Bensons route, which is a majestic amount, despite every character in the bad end saying the word multiple time one after another and people still not noticing.
Sometimes sacrifices have to be made regarding writing simply to be as inclusive as possible. I don't mean that in the 'dark souls: oh its just too hard for you just say away' elitist nahhaha, way. But trying to make something that everyone interested in it can enjoy means setting the bar to the most common point. (god reading all this back makes me sound so snarky and condescending its shameful that I cant think of another way to reword this)
If the majority cant overcome a certain point in the story, the story needs to be adjusted in some way usually by making sacrifices. Of course the story should only be sacrificed to a point, such as in the Benson bad end, the answer is given is such a way it could be put on a neon billboard, there isn't much more that could be done to make it more clear without just straight up saying it.
These things happen and need to be accounted for but its up to you how far you want to bend over backwards for. No matter the choice when everything is finished up or more complete I have no doubt someone will make a full walkthrough for those who don't mind spoilers so I wouldn't worry too much about it in the long term, as disheartening at it may be in the short term.
So no NSFW image or shit like that
deans has them, ty too with the shower I guess. There not fully done as a vote on patreon a while ago was slow down work for fully done images or half do them but increase how much work can be done over all. The CGs getting half done won the vote so there just sketches right now but its worth it overall IMO.
Basically this.
There will be sexually explicit images where relevant, and tasteful nudity where relevant.
But as far as NSFW content, I literally show you brutalized corpses as warned by the warning screens that show up when you hit new game.
hmm...thats sounds more for me
So... Benson as potential romance?
In the future?
I mean, look at him! He's freaking adorable! Was worth it to ask.
Route? Yes.
Potential romance? No.
Guy is the oldest in the cast by a wide margin and potentially 40+ years Dave's senior.
okay so please help.I have been trying to update to 0.17 but it always says that no compatible file was found.If anyone knows how to deal with this please help me
Is it also playing up on the Patreon side of things or just on
Honestly I have no idea.I only have it on atm.
Okay so i was going to reinstall the game and it says "open page" and redirects me to chrome
Wow this rework you did on the first 5 days really gave them an uplift to the personalities and details, nice job!
Btw, could I get a clue for the first day password? Couldn't find them sadly •◡•
Password for the first day? My, who says there is one? :3c
You won't find it in the dialogue. It's more an easter egg if you stumble across it, but you're not missing out on anything if you don't.
...Huh alright, guess I'll lay this one to rest then ;)
Any um... hint for the easter egg cause i like this game a lot and at some points i even try like EveRy WoRd in every conversation to see if the vault react :)
(And yes that a waste of time but that is just how much i love the game wish i have money to support but i'm broke T^T)
I encontured a bug in the new update when we were talking about big brother crap like i couldn't select dean after ty and roswell no matter what i did
Depending on when your save was made, it's not flagging a variable that it should be to enable that choice. Starting a new game will fix it as much of a pain as it is, but why it works this way now was to address a much bigger bug, so there was no real way around it.
I strated the game over then went onto roswells route(i really like him) the same thing happened when asking them how they would confess there love but that time i couldn't pick roswell.
That's... odd. I pulled up a fresh download and tested it and it's working fine for me. What sequence of choices did you make? I might've missed a flag somewhere but otherwise I'm seeing nothing immediately wrong in the code.
What character's update is a0.17?
This update was a rework of the first 5 days (Partial for days 4 and 5).
Ah alright thanks
I'm keep waiting orlando's rework
If you're wondering about sprites, they'll all happen at the same time. There's no Orlando specific rework as far as dialogue goes outside of what was in the latest build.
how to save Benson ...TwT
please tell me how
You should pay attention to the Key Word.You saved someone in day5 but the password is not on the txt that before U input the password.So I think you should try the rest past of game and always keep eyes bright.I shouldn't say too much,and I think if U will find password by yourself and will be excited too.This game is so amazing.XD
I've gone over it 50 times and still cant figure it out
Sorry,it's ‘part’ not ‘past’。UwU
I just finished playing every route last night. Now I'm in love hehe. The way how all the characters interact with Dave, the art is really cute and adorbs, everything about this vn is amazing so far. Hoping for more future update, nyaw~ ^w^
Anyone have any clues or hints on what questions oswin will reply to? Having trouble finding the right ones
Found out about this VN recently and it's looking very promising so far! Best of luck to the team!
For those struggling still in saving Benson, what sort of clues would assist in you knowing what to look for?
For those that have already saved Benson, without spoiling anything, what would you suggest as a hint that would've made it easier for you without being obvious?
I tried 12 hours to go though the Benson Bed Ending.But it's so excited for me when I figured it out by myself.I think if someone struggling in saving Benson.I suggest you should play other's line one by one and there must have some important word for u and maybe it's the ture password.And soetime you should know,there are one password for one predicted picture.So you should think if I am Dave,Can I save Benson when I see this picture?
I know this is nearly 2 weeks old, but I only played through Benson's bad end 3 times before the word clicked for me. I thought you did a fantastic job of making it clear what the key word was while making the players work for it at the same time.
The people who miss it repeatedly have probably failed to pay close enough attention to the dialogue. That was my issue at first, until finally I was like "Okay, what is everyone saying" and paid super close attention.
It was a 'Eureka' moment for sure. Makes me feel like a detective which is awesome.
I finally found the 2nd Benson password. a lot of people in the comments here said it was a repeated word, but for me the word was only ever said once by one character. I also thought the part of the conversation where the word was said was because of the route I was playing, since I thought it had more to do with that character than Benson's death (I'm guessing now that scene is probably the same for all routes). I would have expected the word to have been said in the dining room scene after his body was found, there were plenty of "key words" that actually were repeated by different characters, and the connection to his death seemed more obvious to me
This game is sooo well made!!! I love the characters, the story, and the arts pretty too!
Although I cant figure out how to save benson,,, im p sure thats just me being dumb tho, I've basically given up lol
well if i simply told u i would ruin the fun to people so lets say that way:is related to his personality in the opposite way
if u still down get it here my discord so only you will get the answer @WolfKuugo#8158
also awesome game again grizz,looking forward for more of tyson
how do i save benson? i found no clue about what could be the password. Besides, i'm not that good at English so i'm a little bit lost.
add me on Instagram @TRXSH.Jin i could give you some tips :)
I actually cried when I got my first bad ending lol
Even though I don't have a computer to play the game... yet. I just have to say this game is pretty dang good. I also love all the bloody characters! I like all the references in it. Including that one about having the power of god and anime on Hoss's side lol. Once I get my computer I will be getting this game instantly.
Also danm Dean in the start of the game you were in the friendzone danm I know how you feel xD.
The funny thing is I'm playing this on my phone since the beginning. Go on their Patreon site and you should be able to get not the latest version, because of patronage of course.
Good for you I found your comment randomly...
Sometimes you have to search a little longer to succeed.
Oh cool thanks for telling me. I assumed their wasn't a android port so I didn't go looking. I found out there was one when I encountered a random Password fan on the Internet.
So yeah! I can play while on the go ya hoo!
Right? Do you mean me with “random Password fan“?
Who's your favorite character? I find the MC overly annoying and will address this to Grizz, I think. Tyson is my number 1 go to love interest, because of his past and we all know he definetly cares, but I sure hope he won't rape Walter (fixed main character name).
Have you heard of Echo? It's also horror, but much more gruesome. At some point I didn't want to continue on playing. I just don't like (some of) the characters. Although the writing is fantastic, I give them that much. I also don't really have a problem with horror outside of these kind of games. Password is an exception.
Well, clearly you haven't played alot VN's then. But I love this game aswell, though only because of Tyson. 🐺 (admittedly)
(spoiler) (last theory here than moving to discord to rant) wait, wait, wait, in the benson bad end it says Orlando and Sal went to visit Sal's sister but we later learn she's dead isn't that like super sus and we don't ever hear from them again did they pull a Roswell and go to the masion or something else? but then it made me realise dean knew too why didn't he think it suspicious? and now that I've revisited that conversation is so foreshadowy just like Deans really
That can mean they went to visit her grave or the place she died. we know this is something he doesn't want to talk about with just anyone. He spoke about his sister as if she was alive before he told MC as well. I don't think that's Sus I think that's just part of his grieving process.
yup already had it explained thanks though it is nice of you
Damn it just let me tell Orlando I wold rather him then Dean!!! I saved on the last Choice for Orlando I can't tell what Orlando needs right now, I feel like the more I try to get Close to him the more he pushes me to be with Dean (I'm really starting to hate Dean) but the second Choice doesn’t feel like it did any good. I just want Orlando to know I like him as more than a friend T.T why do you hate me Grizz!!
1) <3
2) Maybe there's a reason he's pushing you towards Dean
3) Maybe you'll get to tell Orlando soon. :3c
Dean's the one that kills you? ;P
Just a theory I had not long after I posted about that bad ending XD. No real evidence to back it up yet maybe In the next update. I look forward to seeing if I'm Correct.
I'm REALLY invested XD
Probably, Tysons bad ending dean acts odd and they say it looks like he was attacked by a bear and deans bad end is the only one that isn't caused by another. He just accidently forgot to wash his hands, all other bad ends are murder but not his.
Just some observations
I said this in a different comment I think but when dean dies he was trying to kill the MC. I think he was trying to do a murder suicide like thing. Remeber he tried to hand feed you with is poisoned hand. The reason the others die except for benson is because the MC was getting closer to them. I don't think he's the main villain in the story there's definitely something else going on. I think the MC will have to stop everyone from killing each other but they don't always know what there doing. The only reason I think this is because of the axe Sal finds in his room.
Sounds like some people haven't been paying attention in some of the other routes. :V
Come the next update you'll probably have a better idea on the presumed nature of how Dave 'dies'.
Noooooo!!!! Spoiler..... Argh i wanna play his route for the last part..... You cruel!!!
*Spoiler (major)* this is just a theory but Orlando put sacrifice and saw you hanging from a meat hook and Dean said he feels that you will need to hurt yourself one day to do the right thing perhaps the MC came to the conclusion or was forced into a position where that someone had to die or they all would, thus the sacrifice being the MC for his friends lives that still wouldn't explain the meat hook since there are other ways to KYS so perhaps the white ghost has some thing to do with it? Or Dean means emotionally hurt not physically like letting the love interest go or die? dont know whats some other thoughts?
I hope your wrong or at less I hope we can somehow avoid it. I already had one disappointing ending to a VN I really liked with in the last few months where you have no way to save the person you date. I'm still upset about it and I really hope they go back and give us a good ending at some point I don't even want to read any of their other VN because of this I just don't trust them anymore XD. My theory is that the meat hooks are in the Cabin I bet it’s a hunting cabin and the meat hooks are used to hang the animal as you clean and cut them up.
I'll tell you this much. This VN does have a good end planned where everyone survives including a romantic end for your husbando if you've opted for romance instead of just friendship.
Cause otherwise... yeah, spending a whole game without a clear 'good' ending when you're strung along to believe there should be is rough.
thank you much love X3
well yeah I expected that since the point of this game is kinda experience the bad to learn more and get to the good I was just thinking that you are going to sacrifice something and through that sacrifice you learn the truth and the way to save everyone perhaps a password or something else. on a side note Deans starting to worry me a bit he has a lot of foreshadowing in his route and I kind of had an epiphany with his death it said he died because of poison or similar and it wasnt deathcap since it takes ~6 days to die (Mycology book) so what if he found something that hut that was mentioned or a lab, where there are poisons stored he touched something there and forgot to wash his hands but the question if this is true why didn't he tell anyone perhaps he didn't think it mattered? or another case is it didn't seem to have anything dangerous with a brief look, sorry for ranting writing helps sort my thoughts
god I just realised how big this comment was and youre talking about Echo aren't you
No worries XD I actually have some suspicion for Dean myself. I think he may actually be the one killing people. Don't forget he did try to feed you with that unclean poison hand. Grizz did tell me there is a reason you are being pushed towards Dean. In Orlando's case I think Dean is trying to get Orlando to set you up with him. I think Dean is targetting the others because you are getting closer to them. Ty was killed by what looks like a wild bear Sal was receiving medicine from Dean. Dean is linked to at less one of these deaths and the other is a strange coincidence. I'm starting to think Dean maybe trying to Romeo and Juliet you. The night Dean died he may have intended for you both to die. I'm not saying Dean is behind it all. Its possible he thinks the only way to save the others is to kill you but he doesn't want to live without you so he intended for you both to die. I think as the story progresses we will need to stop all of them from killing each other. Maybe even your self at some point.
Was it echo? xD
yep it was Flynn's route I'm not playing the other Routes I don't trust them. XD
Yeah Echo is about the horror not the romance. That being said the horror is amazingly well done you should play all the routes each one exspands the lore around the town and it's secrets.
I'm not intrested in the other characters though also after the way it ended I don't want to put my self through that again.
Okay so I was just wondering if there is a difference content wise between the patreon version and the public version?
patreon is one update ahead but that's all really, other than patreons also getting some input on the project with their feed back
okay np,thankyou
Content-wise, Cerberus is right. Whatever the patrons get, public gets a month later.
But I take feedback from the people only on the public builds too and tweak things constantly, so don't feel like your input is invalid just because you're an update behind.
okay,thank you
This game is great!
But I am a Chinese, I can only speak a little basic English, and I translate by translator all the time (including now). qwq
Also, I seem to have found a bug
The third day and dean explore the mansion, and roswell dialogue name error
Machine translation...can read? awa
Heheh. Anyone else try: (SPOILERS) The words from that list Hoss had? Most of them say Invalid... so do you think other characters are hiding things? Or do you think they were used in the past? Do you think they're for the future?
managed to get all but two to work, so they are useful. two of them are useful for filling out the tidings of doom with benny
Hey everybody! Where can i find the android version of this? I heard about a fan group that created the android version.
Not so much a fan group as one of the Patrons makes a port of it whenever a new build comes out. Because I don't personally handle the builds and check them I don't upload them here.
They're not always entirely bug free, but they are typically thrown up on the public update posts on Patreon.
OMG,I like Tyson.But for real,I was totally scared by the self-voicing TWICE!!!(played in night close light press "space" to "v").I like this game.XD
Could someone tell me a link to the playthrough? Or even tell me the passwords, can't seem to find the passwords, thanks
Just pay attention to those words marked as red, you will find out what to type in the vault
that strategy won't work on Bensons death, or the bonus scenes on day 7 though
after tyson dies the ending will give you a clue about what to type into the vault