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I'm legit mad at Roswell for that...I was waiting for the bomb drop and I got damn dude really



Spoilers Ahead:

I had a feeling what Roswell was going to say before he actually said it. It's so sad that (at least so far in the story up to this point) that even if they all survive the month, not all of them will live for long. 😭😭😭😭


I felt like it was kinda predictable...the constant death talk and subtle guilt tripping was the kicker for me...also he has these random moments of being a little irrational (for him, at least) about certain things pertaining to his feelings,  that argument. I could understand being mentally hurt by Tyson and all that, but to have Dave literally tell him that 1) He's trying for the better and that he's human (hehe) like everyone else and 2) his home life was rough and thoroughly explained his behaviors, whether they're right wrong actions, and that 3) people deserve second chances or should at least be offered them, and then straight up be like "well still nope tough deal with me being sour," you know he's messed up in the head somewhere (no that was not meant to be a joke)

Yeah he had me feeling sorry for him but then he immediately follows it up with gass lighting Dave with a 'sure im in the wrong too but YOU'RE the one in trouble for it not me, i can just ignore it'. Only to then pretty much say all of Dave's choices and opinions for Dave's own life and future don't matter, that dave can't make decisions on his own and the only thing that matters is what Rosswell wants and thinks.

Then it was just ''Ah yes you're still a massive bellend ..... yay'' -_-.


This was maybe a little too subtle and in need of adjustment on my end.

Consider things from Roswell's perspective. He's only seen this guy who's been toxic lingering around someone he cares about. He's not seen anything to warrant that Tyson has changed, just the insistence from Dave that he has. For him, this is troubling because after the month is up, he's scared that he's leaving his friend with someone abusive and that has some level of emotional compromise over.

But separate to that, Dave's not giving Roswell a fair shot of it. He invited Tyson without considering the trauma of what Tyson did to them as kids. Dave also didn't acknowledge that what what Tyson did was wrong, just that he was different and painted Roswell as the villain for not letting it go. As far as friends go, Dave was very much in the wrong for dismissing Roswell's feelings even if they were not the greatest. I feel like Roswell's reasoning here is sound, if still mired by emotional baggage he hasn't let go, and he's justified in wanting Dave to apologize.

Imagine your friend broke up with their boyfriend and you brought said boyfriend to a party as a friend. If the breakup was messy as all hell, is that really all that appropriate?

(3 edits)

Roswell hasn’t noticed a change-

But Tyson had noticeably changed as Orlando who went through the same thing as Roswell admits that he noticed changes in Tyson and was willing to give him a chance. If Roswell hasn’t noticed it even though Orlando did and all the others even say he’s ‘’being good’’, then that just shows that Roswell is refusing to acknowledge any changes or even accept that he can change.  (rather shitty behaviour)


Dave invited Tyson without asking-

The point was already dealt with when Tyson called him out for it and you can apologise. If Roswell still refuses to accept that, it is his choice that he will not forgive his ‘’best friend’’ and would rather hold a petty grudge against him despite knowing Dave honestly never meant any harm. (rather shitty attitude and petty behaviour)


Dave doesn’t acknowledge that what Tyson did was wrong-

While not outright saying ‘Tyson was bad’ while explaining to Roswell why Tyson did what he did, he did indirectly acknowledge Tyson did bad stuff but did it to survive because if he didn’t he would starve to death.  Which Roswell says survival ‘’isn’t an excuse’’. (of course survival isn’t an excuse you should just accept you are going to starve to death and lay down and die )


Imagine your friend broke up with their boyfriend and you brought said boyfriend to a party as a friend. If the breakup was messy as all hell-

Have actually been in a similar situation where both of them was part of our friend group. Long story short after she caused a scene for about 2-3 days, she realised it changed nothing. Her causing a scene about it only harmed everyone around her, didn’t change the situation she was in and did nothing but make her feel better. Since no one was forcing them to interact with each other or just start making out with each other, she realised she could ignore his very existence rather than swing her emotional hang-ups around like a weapon damaging everyone around her.

Self-awareness and self-reflection are hell of a thing.

Did it this way because i want to try make the points clear that this isn't from a 'I <3 TYSON' view point. Roswells just genuinly seems to act like he thinks about all his options in a situation and then chooses to do the most shitty one. As i said in a patreon post i don't get Roswells motives for things. Not his 'get even' or just to be remembered and all thoes kind of things it's more his core motives.

Like when he first meets dave and his first instinct is to immediately manipulate him to get what he wants. No hesitation, no getting to know him just instant manipulation. 

And Dave looks back on that fondly. WHY?

AH yes that time i was manipulated by him, good times, such fond memories of being used.

(how many times will i edit this? currently 5 and still sure i've fked somthing up)


This circles back around to where I may have been too subtle. Roswell is meant to be in the right, but the interplay between a traumatised Dave using Tyson as a crutch along with Roswell's trauma of what still lingers from when they were kids is rough to balance. Emotional scarring goes deep basically.

And when they first met? You mean when they were like 4? :'D

Roswell did try to give Tyson a chance. Second or third day, he tries to have a polite conversation with him and says something mildly offensive which makes Tyson fly off the handle. 

Everyone deserves a second chance, but they have to actually be willing to own up to their mistakes. Tyson specifically makes a point of not apologizing for bullying them and refuses to until he's essentially forced into it. I get that he did what he had to to survive, but that doesn't stop him from acknowledging that he hurt people and trying to make amends with them. Not apologizing is 100% shitty behavior.

It seems Tyson's arc is about becoming a better person but for the first half of the month he was absolutely not there yet and I'd say Roswell's attitude towards him is justified 80% of the time.


LOL i cant figure out the password for day one ;-; 


Some days don't have passwords...story-relevant ones at least


It was 'the end' but it was an easter egg that you wont be able to see unless you download build 15 or earlier i think. Now it just force quits the game since quitting the game is 'ending' it.

What did the easter egg entail? I am curious now. 🤔🤔🤔


You can still download the build from the public patreon post:


That's... a worry. That file shouldn't be accessible anymore. I'll have to do something about that maybe.


Thought it was strange when i decided to do the day 1 password like last year but wasn't going to complain, it doesn't really seem to harm anything.


Well if Grizz does disable the download then i will just summarize it as entirely non cannon but you open the vault.


Also as an amendment to this, a vague nod to 999/Zero Escape as a whole.

wait wait wait day 19 is the end??


Of the romance arcs, yes. 


For clarification, does that mean the end of 1-on-1 partner days in general? Like no more "Dean Day x"

Or just the cut off point of whether the interactions will be platonic or romantic going forward.


Pretty much the former. If Dean is Dave's boyfriend and the scene is Dean centric, it'll play out slightly differently than if they stayed as friends. 

Consider it more a case of, I've potentially given Dave a boyfriend, now keep him alive.

Does that mean from day 19 onwards, there aren't gonna be anymore "Dave x Dean" CGs  for example ?


If you're talking insofar as romantically inclined, then correct. There might be CGs where those two feature prominently but the framing won't be as lovers.

The last bit of the game we're about into is very much a case of stopping the bad thing happening and not dating sim.

New public build:

are there any interactions that only happen when you input the correct password on day 3?

I hope this isn't too vague to answer, I don't know how well known the password is and I don't wanna spoil what it does.


Nope! That's really just a developer cheat code. It won't be in-game in the final release probably.


Would be a neat easter egg to have in the release but I wouldn't miss it much if it was removed.


im fucking scared to start this because i am afraid of bad endings (are there even a phobia like that?), but hey, i remember i survived Echo without getting most of the bad ends so i might as well give this a shot.


Don't be afraid of bad endings here and don't think you've done something wrong if you get one. Reading through and experiencing them is just part of the game and sometimes necessary to find passwords.


im just scared of accidentally letting pple dying ;-; but ok i will try it tks guys


The bad ends are necessary as most passwords you need for the vault are in them. Echo is just depression is VN form. Password has more nuance and isn't just doom no matter the choices you make. Any bad end leads to the better end, remember to save when you can go the vault.


Blackgate is the literal depression incarnate in VN form, Echo is more like anxiety in VN form lmao


okay you made me 3x more scared now (: but tks


Don't worry. Getting the bad endings are actually very useful in this game, because they will help you in figuring out the passwords for the good ending (i.e noone has to die).

(1 edit) (+1)

I have a theory about the vault in general that's been stuck in my head for a while and just want to get it out so here we go.

Ok let's start with something basic first. We know that the people who can use the vault are David, Dave, Memphis, Orlando, Oswin and possibly Florencia. From there we also know that the vault relies on trauma thus why David saw Dave die and tried to save him (Oswin's explanation in day 17 if I remember correctly), Dave sees his friends during the month dead and tries to save them and then finally Orlando for sure saw Dave dead and tries to save him.

Now Orlando does say on his route what was the word that he used to activate the vault. If you go to put the code on day 3 and/or 4 it says that the password date is incorrect as it does with every other password that isn't meant for day 3 and/or 4, meaning that the password can be used. The thing that messes this up is apparently that you cannot see your own death in the vault as Oswin and Thanatos have said. Another reference is when Dave says to Thanatos that since the vault can't show you dead, Thanatos should'nt be able to actually know what happens on a timeline after the vault opens and he agrees that it is possible though he doubts it.

Now here comes the theory. So basically we have info that the vault can't show us our death and it relies on trauma, but what if it CAN show us our death but the circumstances are specific?
As stated above only 4-6 people can use the vault from the story's cast and all of them except Dave haven't used it much. We know all the deaths and we can draw some conclusions. Every death is traumatic to Dave and that's why we are able to put a password for it. But what if Dave's own death wasn't traumatic enough for him? If you died instantly or if you were unconcious and then killed you wouldn't have time to process the event as traumatic. Same goes for Orlando. If he was in pain during his dying time he would not have a calm expression as stated by Dave thus the event wasn't exactly traumatic for Orlando. The very same fact could actually go for David, if he is dead, and Oswin! Oswin should have died instantly to not be able to call for help, so not enough time to make the even traumatic. Same for David. If he died in a shootout he wouldn't be able to see it because there is a chance that he would die instantly.

But then again there is Thanatos himself that could contradict this. But there is another fact that should at least be accounted for. Thanatos himself states that while he is an open-source AI he has commands he must execute, probably in account of Florencia, meaning he doesn't have complete control. That would mean that Florencia and Reginald could have set up a failsafe where Thanatos couldn't see his own death and prevent it, in case of an emergency where he became too dangerous and needed to be disabled. Also since Thanatos isn't alive it could be that he is lacking emotions thus not able to process trauma and see his own death.

With that done, there is one question? What would constitute a death traumatic enough but also able to be used by the vault, meaning that there is enough time to process it? Simple. A death like any of the other characters that don't use the vault. If you pay attention you will notice that everyone was at least alive for a bit (Hoss, Rosswell and Benson i will admit that they are debatable) and suffered a not so pleasant and quick death, in contrast to Benson's. It could be that somehow by either sheer bad luck or someone orchestrating events everyone who can use the vault die in a quick way while the others do not (again 3 people are debatable here). So there could be a new password that will show us Dave's own death and we have to prevent it, which in this case if this theory is correct it would mean that he didn't immidieatly and possibly suffered.

That is all people. Thank you for your time.


Ah, there might have been something that fell through the cracks but I'll try and clarify.

If you're getting a flag from using the password Orlando used, that might be a bug. There's nothing in the script on my end that checks for that word in particular.

Then as far as traumatic events go, morphic resonance works on trauma, by extension so does the vault. But we know after talking to Thanatos on day 17 that he's unaware if he's "died" at all too. The reason being you can't be traumatized by something if it kills you. This is the main reason you can't see your own death in the vault given a lot of it can be described as inherited memory from a past version of yourself. Dave is traumatized when he seems Benson dead. Orlando is traumatized when he finds Dave dead. Dave can't be traumatized by his own death, or rather pass on the memory of the trauma given he doesn't live through it to remember it.

Looking at David's example, he saw Dave die and it's presumed that in a previous loop to this one he survived the shootout whereas Dave didn't. The 'event' ended with David alive and traumatized and Dave was dead, fulfilling the requirements for a vault vision in the next iteration of the universe

For us to get a vault vision specifically of Dave's death, we'd need to be seeing things from (or more accurately in the perspective of) a different character.


Bruh imagine the extra layers of story we would get if we got different perspectives playable 🥴

is there any kind of guide?? my literal first play through i chose to go all tyson and i keep ending with the bad one, it keeps taking me back to the morning but it always comes back to the bad ending :( some sort of guide would be amazing!!!!


you need to input the right password at the vault. that's the main mechanic of this novel. pay attention to the words that get used.

Deleted 3 years ago

omg i didnt see it before, because i was so sad and a little mad about the whole situation that i skipped pass the password and that only made it more frustrating, so thank you for the tip!!! much appreciated :DDD!!!!!!!!!!!

I discovered this visual novel while searching games on, and i got to say that this game HITS hard. Right now its kinda hard for me to be happy and cheerful ; and when I l played this game it felt real. The characters feel so real, their expressions, their reactions, everything seems real and i love that. This experience made me reflect and think a lot of things in my life: what i'm searching for, the people around me, and more things. I got attached with some characters, i have a folder with a lot of pictures of moments in the game that made me laugh, or made me sad ; and its very nice to see them again. Thank you so much for bringing this great experience to us, it really helped me a lot ; i am very grateful. Great job :)


I feel like this is on purpose, but is my name locked as Dave? setting a name on the cup of coffee didn't change it in game.


You used to be able to name dave but since he has so much personality and established backstory it was decided he would be his own character so he's just dave. 

The cup name actually gives you +1 affection with who you put in it and you get some unique text of daves reaction. Just putting dave gets +1 with all.

(1 edit)

So, if I wanted to get a +1 affection with Sal (for example), I can just write his name on the coffee cup ? 

But writing "Dave" gets me a +1 affections with all the characters ? If so, what's the difference in both situations ?

 Sorry if I'm misunderstanding things correctly, English is not my first language.

(2 edits)

That right, the difference is Daves reaction to seeing the name. It does help getting the affection actions like kissing Hoss or Dean and getting a hug from Sal.

Seeing Daves reaction to getting a cup with Tyson's name on it from Roswell just makes me laugh.



They're bonus points, so if you get them it will make the game a little bit easier.

Does it actually do anything specific? I've never tried it because it just seemed like an easter egg, but I'd be willing to go to do it if anything changes beside that line of dialogue. I'm not expecting like an entire CG or whatever by doing it, but I like exploring this game :)


Yes, it's on purpose lol

The coffee cup serves a couple different purposes but setting your name is not one of them.

Huh, that's something new I learned. 🤔🤔

(1 edit)

Can someone reminde me which day is the NSFW scene in Dean's route?

7 and 9 i think


Guys, please help me with the password on day 17!

Im struggling


Pay more attention to Orlando, specifically.

Day 17 password is awkward because of what it is any hints are too specific. I suppose i can say it's said by orlando. Other than that i'm not sure if we need day 17s password (try going through tysons route without the password and then anyother character and you'll see what i mean)

hey there. i know the password already so i can help a bit.  just as Grizz and Cerberus said: pay close to what Orlando is saying. what did he say that connects him and Tyson. it could be almost anything sure, but there is something there that might be sooo obvious that you would be like "oh my gosh i wish i seen that sooner. I can give you a password that is like a hint but Thanatos wont give it away, hopefully Grizz doesn't think of this as cheating as long as i don't give away the actual password.  until i'm given approval that i'm allowed to say the actual password (not the one that gives it away) think of the sentence "He was just as irritable when I went to go talk to him." there is a password that wont give away anything but you wont access anything either except Thanatos saying you're close. make sure to read.

I really hope this helps

Oh I already passed it but thx for the explanation though, I'm sure alot of people would appreciate it

(2 edits) (+1)


What are all the characters full names?

I mean of Dave, Dave's friends, Oswin and Benson

the ones i know are

David "Dave" Halloway Junior

Orlando Noble

Oswin Hammond

and guessing from path D, Theodore Benson?

please correct if i mispelled their names


I don't think their names are a spoiler exactly but I guess just in case, spoiler warning.

For the other friends; Tyson Grey, Roswell Sinclair, Dean Orson, Sal Warden, and Hoss Warner.

I think that's right. I don't play his route that often so I might be wrong on Dean. But most of their names just get dropped on day 12 by Benson.


I have something to say; PASSWORD merch!!!!😍😍😍


Don't worry, it's coming. Just waiting on the test prints to arrive in the mail and I'll make a post about it once we're in production phase.




Dave is having depression, someone please help him



Started Passwords about a week ago and I love it! Went through pretty much most (?) of the routes and figured out most (if not all) of the passwords. But that week ago, I thought I saw that the status of this game said Released (i.e. Completed). I probably just overlooked it but I was sad when I realized I hit the end of several demos scenes.

You're in the mansion for an entire month so if the current build ends before day 30/31 it's not done yet.


Ah, that might've been the Devlog perhaps? That update itself is "Released" but the game is far from finished. When I search it publicly it still says as "In Development" in the game search so apologies for any confusion.

(1 edit) (+1)

That makes sense! And no worries. I love how far this visual novel has come. Best of luck to the future updates!



what if the mastermind is Dave?

like the Dave from the a previous timeline 

that would explain a few things

if we asume that Thanatos is reciving its orders from someone in a previus timeline then that means that the mastermind in this timeline might be just as clueless as everyone else

this also would explain what happen to Sal in day 10, whoever was giving orders to Sal would need to have a lot of imformation that couldn't be obtain on the spot, they need to know that Sal is vulnerable to hypnosis and that he could be leaded to kill someone, if the mastermind is from a previous timeline they could know all of that and order Thanatos to give commands to Sal

Florencia said that Dave could also a mastermind as his choices determined much of what happened, this could be foreshadowing

i know is kinda crazy but i still wanted to put this theory out there


Doesn't Thanatos get angry at Dave if you miss day 10's password saying he "killed my master"? By that shouldn't it be Rosswell or Dean?

(1 edit) (+1)

oh right, i forgot 

although i think that only happen in path D

also isn't Thanatos a robot incapable of empathy, why would he be angry at someone for causing his master's death, unless his master dying gets in the way of him getting  what he wants


I hope next update we get a sal's route update


You will, don't worry.

Possible Spoilers:

Plot twist- David is not really dead and he'll secretly show up sometime in the future. 😂😂🙂🙂

Also this is probably not true. I just like thinking about twists.


The question is...

which David?👀


Ahm... Grizz, i updated game but for some reason it crashes on startup

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 208, in script call

    call _gl_test

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 387, in script

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 208, in script call

    call _gl_test

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 387, in script

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 387, in <module>

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 317, in _m1_00gltest__gl_test


  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 342, in _gl_performance_test

    ui.interact(suppress_underlay=True, suppress_overlay=True)

Exception: Shader (u'renpy.geometry', 'renpy.solid') has not been given mesh attribute aPosition.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/", line 326, in bootstrap


  File "renpy/", line 617, in main


  File "renpy/", line 148, in run


  File "renpy/", line 922, in run_context

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 208, in script call

    call _gl_test

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 387, in script

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 208, in script call

    call _gl_test

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 387, in script

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/", line 922, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "renpy/", line 2218, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 387, in <module>

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 317, in _m1_00gltest__gl_test


  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 342, in _gl_performance_test

    ui.interact(suppress_underlay=True, suppress_overlay=True)

  File "renpy/", line 298, in interact

    rv =, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 3213, in interact

    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 3729, in interact_core

    self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn)

  File "renpy/display/", line 2470, in draw_screen


  File "gl2draw.pyx", line 822, in renpy.gl2.gl2draw.GL2Draw.draw_screen

  File "gl2draw.pyx", line 1327, in renpy.gl2.gl2draw.GL2DrawingContext.draw

  File "gl2draw.pyx", line 1308, in renpy.gl2.gl2draw.GL2DrawingContext.draw_one

  File "gl2draw.pyx", line 1308, in renpy.gl2.gl2draw.GL2DrawingContext.draw_one

  File "gl2draw.pyx", line 1308, in renpy.gl2.gl2draw.GL2DrawingContext.draw_one

  File "gl2draw.pyx", line 1308, in renpy.gl2.gl2draw.GL2DrawingContext.draw_one

  File "gl2draw.pyx", line 1308, in renpy.gl2.gl2draw.GL2DrawingContext.draw_one

  File "gl2draw.pyx", line 1308, in renpy.gl2.gl2draw.GL2DrawingContext.draw_one

  File "gl2draw.pyx", line 1233, in renpy.gl2.gl2draw.GL2DrawingContext.draw_one

  File "gl2draw.pyx", line 1200, in renpy.gl2.gl2draw.GL2DrawingContext.draw_model

  File "gl2shader.pyx", line 291, in renpy.gl2.gl2shader.Program.draw

  File "gl2shader.pyx", line 250, in renpy.gl2.gl2shader.Program.missing

Exception: Shader (u'renpy.geometry', 'renpy.solid') has not been given mesh attribute aPosition.



PASSWORD a0.35.1

Wed Sep 22 14:02:15 2021


So I can look into it properly:
1. PC Build?
2. Are you running it outside of the zipped file or are you running it directly from the zipped file?
3. Have you run into this issue with any other furry VNs? 

Reason I ask is because most of that looks like back-end Renpy SDK stuff as opposed to something Password specific, but I'll look into it.


Yes, PC Build.
I unzipped it in previous build.
No, never had same problem.


Is still cant get, tha heck i have to ask from Oswin, that moment blows my mind, i tried everything and still got nothing, someone have any clues?


Nothing story critical. Just some small things that fill out lore and easter eggs.

A question before starting to play, will you have a password every day of the game?

no there are only passwords when you encounter a bad ending.

Does anyone know if it's possible to move my save files from the PC version to android version?


Not sure if it's known but every sentence seems to have this stutter for about half a second during it's load. I am using old save data however. Not sure if it's struggling with that or something in the new UI.


Sounds like an issue with the compiled files, as I run into this only on the creation of a new update. I'll keep an eye on what might be causing it though. Which platform are you running it on?

Hi Grizz I have a question for you. Is it possible to put the Auto feature back on? I like having it, feels like i'm watching a movie. 😎😎🙂🙂


I can look into it. When I was designing the UI and consulting with people on the server, a lot of people said it just wasn't used and I think only 2 people of those asked said they use it.

I'll likely need to find a space for it given things are already looking a bit cramped with buttons but I'll see what I can do.

If you can't that's fine, I at least enjoyed it while it was available. Not that it's not any worse off mind you. 😃😃


Has anyone noticed that Roswell doesn't die if you don't get the password right? Or is that a bug in the game?


what password? if you mean day 17s it orlando not roswell and the event doesn't happen till day 19.

Deleted 3 years ago

still dies for me if i ignore it.


Roswell won't be in actual danger unless you pick him as your partner, for all the other routes the password prompt there is more of a bonus and not a bug.

(1 edit)

Yeah if I don't put the password in he goes into the forest anyway. Although I haven't played Roswell's route in a long time so it might have been fixed. 😅😅😂😂

(1 edit)


Sorry if I reveal too much, but I just feel the need point out some stuff I noticed :(

So...I played through both Orlando and Dean's update, and they were both great. Dean's "investigations" are honestly seeming like they aren't going anywhere while they have all the answers. I'm not the writer, so I can't say that it should be obvious as to who it is, but the clues are really pointing towards Roswell. I'm still not buying whatever Dean said about the talk they had. I dunno why that even needed to be a secret. The thing that kinda sold it for me was the handshake thing...Dean LITERALLY says that [he thinks] Roswell was the one that initiated the handshake right? Also Dave questions the purpose of the handshake, Dean pretty much says that it was on a whim and only did it because he was asked to by Roswell, so when Dave says that he saw the sugar looking stuff on his left hand, the hand Dean said he shook his hand with which matches the picture in the gallery which only happens if you don't tell Dean to wash his hands, which everyone does except Dean, and Roswell going mushroom hunting an literally mentioning the nature and possible confusion of death caps right before Dean's death and the fact that literally after dinner that night they have that typical "have you seen [person]" "no I thought they were with you" dialogue and the letter at the end pretty much saying that he should've been more careful picking the it literally all points to him. I might be slow just realizing this now, but I honestly just don't really pay much attention to Roswell whenever he comes on screen lmao.

Another thing I wanted to point out was something I noticed in both Dean's route, he mentions that his ex was shorter than Dave, isn't a hyena, and we learn that his name is Rami. In Orlando's route, I forgot specifically where in the story he said it, but it was somewhere during the later days (maybe this update even) where he mentions, the stuff about a tanuki shapeshifter, then he mentions a tanuki named Rami who had the scars on him. He said those scars don't go away when shifting, so could they be the same person? I might be in over my head with this, but tanuki are usually pretty short, and with the fact that they both know a non-hyena named Rami seems a little suspicious. Again I might just be stretching things a lot, but that's just what I've noticed...I dunno if anyone else has noticed this but I just thought it was interesting to see🐊

(3 edits)

Tinfoil hat time I guess. Hopefully not too rambling of a theory that might get destroyed in a month or less.

And spoiler warning? It's nothing too bad I think, but a warning anyway.

Tanuki and the possibility of a character being able to change shape was brought up before in maybe the day 15 update with Orlando and Dean both mentioning knowing someone that could change shape. It was confirmed by Orlando as being real in this one. I've had the theory of a shapeshifter being on team bad for a while but until now it didn't have any actual evidence beyond a couple quick lines of dialogue. But it would make sense there's more than just Jack and Dom in the woods.
Some of the murders could be blamed on this person as well. It wouldn't really be unusual to see a friend walking around the mansion for instance, you might not even take notice of them closely enough to see it's not really them at all. If they know about the secret passages, well "Benson" coming and going through them wouldn't really raise any alarms. And I mean someone snuck in and stole stuff out of Oswins lab.
Then we have Orlando's vision. "Dean" is seen laughing at Dave's body, either this is Dom wearing Dean's jacket or it's someone that just looks like him.
At some point over the next in game week, Dave will leave the mansion and go into the woods again. I'm just so curious as to how that happens with him being too scared to even step outside alone right now. Just, if he were following a "friend" or someone he trusted... he could be led into danger really easily. Path C/D proved that much already. But then the password itself to get that vision may imply he'll go willingly? Of all the deaths his is the one I'm most... excited sounds bad to say because I like Dave, but I'm looking forward to that story bomb detonating.

And I really recommend paying more attention to Roswell. His route and character may be my second favorite overall (after Tyson) just because of his dialogue and interactions with Dave. Like with knowing about the shack in the woods before going into the forest. Sometimes it feels like he's either experiencing bleed over from other timelines (the shack/cabin seems to be the place he and Orlando will find Dave eventually) or just outright knows about it already. Also what happens on path C/D, he's the first for some reason, then his interaction with Thanatos on path B, how he acts in the latest update when Dave wants to check up with Oswin. I just find him fascinating and am really looking forward to his update next month.

As for the handshake/promise... Roswell drops some fairly dark hints about what's potentially going on with him. His focus on death and accepting it at such a young age, how he reacts to finding the medal on his route, Oswins research in general, what the greenhouse plants are mentioned to be useful for, the fact he doesn't really survive any ending, etc. So the promise he makes and Dean's reaction to the contents of that conversation, Roswell worries me to put it lightly.

But as of right now, I don't feel comfortable second guessing or being suspicious of any of the main cast.

Though... in fairness I may just not be a good judge of character since I trusted Jack at first.

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What vision are you talking about with Orlando? If it’s a password vision I haven’t seen, then please don’t spoil it, but I don’t remember anything about that another Orlando vision besides when he saw Dave die. I don’t remember a Dom probably because I don’t play the C/D paths right now because uh…one timeline at a time I guess. I’ve touched on them before, and I’ve gotten a path E before, but that’s the limit of my exploration. If there’s more in the B/C/D paths, then I most likely haven’t seen it. And I will most definitely pay closer attention to Roswell. I haven’t even played his updated route….I think I’m on like day 13 or something🗿

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Yeah I'm just referring to the vision he has of Dave's death and the extra detail he gives on day... 16 I think.

Dom so far hasn't made an appearance in the "main" timelines. Just briefly in C/D, and if you got E then you've seen him already but I don't know if he's outright named in every variation of those endings.

And yeah please do, I don't see Roswell get as much love as some of the others but I really like him and his route.

OMG I love this game !!

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i like the game so far, but cant i just kill the rabbit? its clear hes the cause of all this. Like whats seriously stopping Dave from just getting rid of him? i got the bad ending with Dean, where he gets poisoned and dies, and everyone blamed Orlando. But it wasnt him, It was the rabbit wasnt it? Hes been skulking around the entire time, anticipating us since before we even got here hasnt he?


Yea i feel like somebody used the vault and knew he was coming so they told that rabbit to kill him (most likely because he can use the vault) .. but it might get to that point where we can make a option for that hopefully .
Benson has been on the hunt but he's been avoiding sight (really good at it)so its definitely not that easy + having a bunch of amateurs outside looking for him would just be them walking right into death and honestly i really do not feel like Benson will win in a fight against him. 


Try path C or D it answers some of thoes, but if that was the case why didn't jack know who dave was and let him get away? Jack's faster then dave and yet just decided to play with him rather than actually kill him.


Oh, the butler? pfft. The rabbit is just some loser with a knife, Killing him would be a cakewalk for someone like Benson.

I don't remember anything about him getting blamed...was that just added or something?

He wasn't blamed for anyone other than tyson when he went into the woods.


Jacks just a stabby guy in the woods and when you meet him pretty much says he doesn't know who's in the house since he needs to know if benson is there or not before he will get close. We also don't know how he got on the mountain or when. If you go through path C or D it sorta shows poisons not really jacks style.

Hes lying.

(1 edit) (+1)

Spoilers below please don’t read unless you’re willing.

I really doubt it’s Jack since it seems he doesn’t really know the mansion well since he needs to “check out the place” and that would be a weird thing to say in my opinion if he knew where the Library is as well as opening the second vault to kill Oswin. I believe he’s just a random mercenary sent by Orlando’s father and considering the second voice on the radio he’s not the only one. Also Dave is the one marked for death according to Benson, probably due to what his father did which is supported by what Thanatos said. I think it’s more to do with Dave and David. Whether Memphis has a hand in it besides assassination and robbery is unknown to me at the moment but that’s what I got.

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I appear to be missing a trauma image and I'm not entirely sure how since (as far as I know) I'm up to date with all of the public route/path combinations. The missing cg is the one below Dean and Ty fighting and to the left of Oswin in the chair

day 17 isn't showing in the gallery for me so it's probably that

Deleted 2 years ago

There are 20 saves per page, including autosaves and quick saves you have 220 slots.

You don't need more slots than that.

It's useful if someone wants to go back and try other combination of choices. I like to do it with After Class by Andy Peng since there is unique dialogue depending on how much the character likes you back. @Killer Chimera I doubt you need that many save slots either. Just use the preferences to skip text you have seen already. From what I am able to tell in PASSWORD right after making a choice the character will either express themselves positively or negatively. So if youre trying to get the highest affection points I think it will be easy to just go back a few dialogues and pick again. In fact Grizz doesnt really change much from the low affection dialogues so it's not like youre missing very much.

Deleted 2 years ago

You should be able to scroll down.


Unless I'm missing something the mobile version doesn't scroll down. So it's just the 3 per page.

It's not been a problem so far, for me at least. I recommend just being more selective with saves for now or saving over stuff you don't need anymore.

Deleted 2 years ago


Deleted 2 years ago

I'll try and have them ready for the release of day 19.


New update day 18 dean & orlando -


Hello everybody.

To begin with, I must say that I really like this visual novel, it immerses me in its story, forcing for a long time after reading to walk gloomier than a cloud and think about what is happening in this mansion, who is behind all these deaths and how they can be avoided.

I especially liked the main character, he is a very sweet, kind guy, and I really want to hug him and do everything to make him feel good.


But lately, I have not been able to follow the continuation of the story, because I have encountered an extremely nasty problem, because of which almost all the text in the novel looks distorted, and when I try to change something in the settings, it simply throws me out of the VN. I missed a couple of updates, but after installing the last one, I ran into this problem.

I would be very grateful if someone could tell me what I can do about this and if I can do anything at all.

Perhaps someone else had something like this, but I searched on various forums and did not see anything like it.

In fact, this problem has appeared in some other novels with the latest updates.


This has come up one time before, but thankfully one of the moderators on the server knew the workaround:

1. Open the game

2. Press Shift+G (This will open a Renpy debug menu)

3. Select ANGLE2 Renderer. Close and re-open the game and it should work. 

If it doesn't work, then it's a GPU rendering issue and you'll need to update your graphics drivers. This is why it'd also be carrying across to other VNs assuming they're all made with Renpy. 

Just in case your menu is screwy, here's one to guide you. You're looking for the third option in the top left set of options.


You can't even imagine how grateful I am to you.

You just... saved me.

Thank you.


Here's another question: What's everyone's favorite ship?? 🤔🤔

(1 edit) (+7)

Tyson. He's well writen and fleshed out its really easy to get attached to him.

Last patreon poll (poll was in june) for which route to focus on can probably show how some people feel. Total votes 304.

1. Tyson - 100 votes

2. Dean - 62 votes

3. Orlando - 44 votes

4. Sal - 39 votes

5. Hoss - 37 votes

6. Roswell - 22 votes


Dang, Grizz you hit a gold mine with Tyson. Good job!!! 😎😎😃😃

This feels criminal to look at


Tyson/Dave is the one I'm really invested in and is my favorite dynamic all around. The bond between them is just so rewarding to watch deepen, be it romantically or platonically. I just want them in each other's life. (After some much needed character development on both sides of course.)
His is my favorite route, favorite character, best only pairing with Dave, makes me feel the widest range of emotions to boot. Just an all around flawed and tragic but likeable character.
The only one besides Benson I safely classify under "protect at all costs".

A bit less serious, but I guess Jack/his knife. I really hope to get a chance, as a player, to introduce the two of them further at some point. Memphis/knife is another good one. All villains need to meet knife. Slowly. Very slowly.



Tyson easily takes first place, his development was satisfying, his charcter and the way he thinks and process things is interesting and amusing to see, and honestly I can't see Dave getting close to anyone as much as he did with Tyson, there is something special there 

Orlando goes second, a total sweetheart, soft and precious ✨ a very affectionate and kind soul towards Dave, the drama of their "background" and how protective he is over Dave is endearing at the least, I imagine he is very fun to talk to as well , not to mention his other qualities(cooking/gaming/plush sleep partner/etc) he is a choice boyfriend/husband material 👀

Dean goes third, not only does his dorky flirting work like a charm, his plants and farming passion is charming , ... a home with plants, greenery , and a silver-tongued bear hubby? Sign me up. 

 I like how he cares for Dave's wellbeing and educates and guides him on "things" , how he looks out for his friends (Sal), his persistence and patience with Dave wins him many points too

Deleted 345 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

I like to imagine there's a timeline where Oswin and Liam the bus driver hookup.


I HATE to ask but because I'm stupid, I'm having trouble with the day 17 password.

Where is it?

I had trouble with it too. Read the conversations you have with Tyson and Orlando that should help.


Okay and do they both say the specific word or is it hinting to a word to describe them?

It's both actually.


Okay so I tried both words of Monster and Feral and Thanatos said that I was close, this is so cunfusinggggg.

You're getting close...


Hi Grizz I was wondering: will we see Dave's mom at one point? I am curious what see looks like. She sounds cool.😎😎


I've only drawn her in fan art so... maybe in a CG at best?


I'll take it. 😃😃😎😎

Can someone help me, is there a code for the vault on day 11 of Tyson's route.


There is, it's given directly to you on Day 11.

Wait I thought that was Day 10? Welp time to replay. 😂😂😂

Yeah I'm stupid and was like oh, I find out all these hardish codes and this one was right here in front of me


What/who will the next update be over? Just curious😮‍💨


Next public update will be Dean and Orlando.


Oh alright...thanks!

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