So uh, don't really know where to say it since I don't use twitter or anything. But the new sprite previews? Dean and Roswell are so freaking cute. I know the other guys are still wip, but what was shown looks great as well. Tyson's in particular I love. It's pretty much the exact way I've been imagining him looking, so that's terrific. I really appreciate that slight bit of thickness to his tummy he seems to have now (though I guess the burning question thus arises on if he would enjoy belly rubs like most canines do...for scientific purposes, maybe we could...find out one day maybe?)
I've definitely grown attached to the old sprites and will miss them whenever the update/transition happens, but the new designs imo are just so nice and keep the original "feel" of the characters but improve on them.
Though holy cow will it be even more devastating when any of them die horribly.
No free update this month since grizz took a break to work on all the assets for the next part of the story.
From the 'a0.30 release!' notes: Next build will be all of Day 17 (Path A/B) and a big maybe on Day 14 (Path C/D). But with that said, the next build will come two months after this one, sometime in May.
Does anyone have some sort of guide for all the CGs? In particular, I'm struggling to work out the Day 1 Easter Egg, plus also how to get Dean's scene on Day 6 in the hot tub. Thanks!
This is a very good game. I sincerely thank you for creating it. I guess I have found all the passwords or more than 80%. But I suggest you pay attention to your health and keep a good rest. Although I am looking forward to the game update but hope You keep your body healthy, This is a very good game., thank you from the heart. Looking forward to the next game update.
OMG I was playing again the game for the new updates and I was on DAY 10 and get stucked for the password, Ngl I tried like a Bunch of variants for the word "hypnos" but really I tried a lot x"d It was so hard to find the password. And then I just realized that I wrote the word of the password really bad, so yeah guys, check your spelling cuz' that's important in this game xD
At the beginning we learn that he is a kind-warmheart, honest, naïve person and probably the most lawful/good person of the entire game and while not being so smart like roswell he's posessed a great judge of character. However as the story progressing I start to noticed something felt off, his depression-arc is a bit long and repetitive and it's also weird when he pushed eveyone away while saying 'Hey, if you want to talk just talk to me, anything is fine' when spending time with route partner.
Dave is a genuinely good guy, so it really strange how he acted in bad timeline, I understand that the writer want to show us reader what Dave's personality will change in different timeline but his change is a bit overdone.
[[SPOILER in worse timeline]]
Before Dave reach worse timeline he is already sad and depressed, after someone death he starting to snap at everyone around him, his kind considered personality shift to delinquent and rude to his friend who still worried and care for him, now do you think a genuinely kind person like Dave will acted like that way to his friend? If I were Hoss I probably slap Dave already. I mean just because logically Dave should change based on what going on around him, doesn't mean that Dave should changed into completly different person, at least stay true to his character.
I think the most reasonable and make sense way is he supposed to change to be more quiet, meek, subdue, low self esteem to suit his nature. When Dave told Sal he's better be dead, his feeling is hated and Resentment but in reality he should be saying 'I wish not to see you again' then breakdown infront of Sal becasue his feeling should be 'fear, confused, sadness of seeing his friend killing another friends'
I hope I can express what I meant to becasue I'm not a native so writing and putting word into sentence is very hard and I'm not good at grammar neither . _ .
I understood what you meant but I can't say I agree. Being faced with death and a traumatic experience like in the bad timeline creates a lot of stress. Stress that feeds off your panic and fear and makes you lash out. Orlando starts to shut down, Tyson becomes more abusive, Hoss starts swearing, and that's all because of the stress of dealing with watching a murder happen. Normal people just can't walk away from that and be fine.
I say normal as Benson and Oswin mostly have it together but there we have a doctor and his assassin butler so there is some level of ejng used to it.
Just getting my thoughts out here...not meaning to bash :(
Okay so uh...something has come to my attention. Before I state my concerns, I would like to say that I understand the turn the story has taken so far and all that. I understand why everything is happening the way it is with each route, but it seems like each update is just some kind of filler. I feel like with each passing day in the story after 9 or 10, we hardly do anything except reflect how shitty Dave's mental state is and attempt to boost him in short bursts without any progress. I know I say Sal's route is my favorite, but it really seems like his route is the only route where something moves forward with their relationship/conversations. Both of them seem to gain knowledge or comfort from one another when they interact, but I hardly saw that with any of the other routes. With Tyson, it just felt like this episode of "hurry and be gay for me lol" or some type of constant pressure being put on him. Dean was "oh you're stressed so we can't have sex." The best way I can describe Hoss' route is Dave trying to finish a puzzle and Hoss gives him the pieces to the wrong puzzle (just feels like that lol). I'm getting a little frustrated of Orlando's blatant disregard for Dave's feelings. Although it was a little uncovered, just seemed too late for it. And anything that happened in Roswell's route is a blur. I know with the most recent update, things have picked up ever so slightly, but I personally feel like all of this could have happened a day or two earlier than this update. The route specific stuff doesn't seem very route specific anymore...everything sort of blended together into this period of waiting for something for something positive for the characters. I want to enjoy what I'm reading and not just have most of my thoughts slowly laid out in front of me. Again, I'm just getting my thoughts out here because it's a little concerning how slow the game seems to be going in comparison to the earlier builds.🐊
I'd be curious to know more on the specifics if anything came to mind.
From a back end planning sort of thing, and it'll be streamlined a little better come edits, but from days 11 to 20ish constitutes Act 2. Which the first half is about dealing with Dave primarily and his own trauma where he fits into the mystery as a whole. On top of that, coming to terms with how that has impacted his relationships with his friends.
Part of the failing on my end is that I've perhaps tried to pace it a little too close to how things would play out IRL as opposed to a work of fiction? If everything was a constant go-state then it'd be closer to a TV serial and the writing would need to shift towards episodes as opposed to a novel.
If I'm failing, I'd love to know where specifically I can be doing better outside of just "make stuff happen" because managing the timeline and naturally developing relationships (to me at least) don't just automatically happen in daily updates towards becoming an item.
You know....I hadn’t really thought of it like that. Maybe it’s just a personal misunderstanding on my end, but it does seem a lot more realistic now that I’m thinking about it. Even though I’m personally pretty much over my trauma stuff, I can remember how I acted back then....very reclusive, frazzled, and confused. With the different relationships he has with everyone, it really makes sense that some friends take more time to warm up to than others (and with these characters, hoo boy). And I agree with you on the fact that how it is now is very novel-like instead of like a TV show. I think the problem I was having was that sometimes some route specific dialogues seemed similar to other routes, but then again, the lines are quite literally coming from one mind (Dave’s), so having variety in his own dialogue isn’t realistic....or else it wouldn’t be Dave. Now that I’ve actually taken some time to lay everything, I feel kinda dumb for not doing that before. :( Thanks for the clarification!🐊
Don't feel dumb! It's questions like this that help keep my writing quality in check.
Some of the dialogue is a little same-y, so I'll give you that much as far as you're not imagining things. Granted, I think the prevalence of other VNs having wildly different narratives base on whose route you pick might be playing part in expectations being what they are.
Yeah it’s a good change of pace....a lot of VNs seem kinda cartoonish and peaches and cream tone while this has a more realistic approach...thanks and keep up the good work!🐊
From day 10 onwards the writing style shifts to one that is melodramatic and monologue-heavy. Can't say I enjoyed it as much as the plot driven days of 1-9. There needs to be action between moments of contemplation and those moments are best when the mc is interacting with other characters. Monologues are best kept succinct otherwise they tend to feel like they drone on and on. It's best to monologue what's absolutely necessary and leave much of the meaning to be understood through the subtext.
I'll keep this in mind when I get around to editing it like I did with the first initial days. You're not the only one that's pointed out that those days aren't as enjoyable, but trust I'm listening and will do what I can to bring the quality up when I can.
It looks like there's a bug that can get you stuck on a bad ending. If you enter the correct password for the day but then elect to not save their life (resulting in a bad ending), then sometimes after you start over it seems that your choices suddenly don't matter anymore, and you're doomed to repeat the bad ending that you just witnessed (you can even not enter the correct password and you'll still get the vision that's supposed to let you avoid the death). Exiting the game seems to resolve the issue.
I've experienced this with Rosswell on day 5, tyson on day 6, orlando on day 6, and benson on day 8.
Yup, I've got it patched on my end, or at least I know most of those are. I'll have to go double check I've got them all. Can you confirm you're using the latest build though?
Had another look, Roswell's had an extra variable that wasn't being set back to default, Tyson on the other hand looks to be working just as fine. If you resonate though, it's assuming you didn't put in the password and Tyson's check defaults back if you opt to do nothing about saving him. That should be working as intended but if you're getting something else, please do let me know.
Orlando's had a similar setup to Roswell's that I've already fixed. Benson's I'd completely overlooked as needing a resonate option and have added that in for next build.
Hey, thanks for the followup. I did check again & realized that my memory was playing fast & loose on me, as I couldn't repro the loop on tyson's route.
How do i get the memory picture thats after oswin surprise injecting you? Also the two trauma pictures after Sal kills dean and roswell? I am on version .28
This game had a good thing going on because the story is interesting and the artwork is very good. That being said it think the game is a little hard on the player i wrote down every password from every route i came across and still can't progress due to ben- the - otter Dying.
I've gone through some of the paths multiple times to try to disconcert what I'm suppose to be doing and or typing and in roswell's Route ben- the - otter does survive (Given you know the password to make that happen/ There are 3 passwords for that day) and still hit a dead end road block
Sal can live or die by your hand and i'm still stuck for everyone else...
That's what I was assuming, but there isn't anything major route-variance-wise that would indicate that the password would be different. I'm mostly curious that if that is the case, what gave that impression.
Given Path C can't get to day 16 yet I'd be curious to know how or why it flagged as C to begin with. When did you notice it reading as C for that save?
Always do the choices that they favor in order to get closer to them. Sal is particularly harder to get since he is quite reserved and so figuring out his choices might prove to be a bit harder.
It's been live for about 5 hours on Patreon. I typically set it to automate on there so I can enjoy a sleep in on release day but have to manually do it when I wake up on itch.
Currently you can get to day 16 with Tyson, so there's still more to play.
The passwords you need to progress past day 7/8 are in the bad endings. A bit harder to find, but the dialogue will still clue you in if a word is special.
Day 7 is a bit harder since there are three passwords. Two of them lead to another bad end, but in that bad end you're given the true password that'll let you progress.
But no, nothing really changes. Just pay attention to the dialogue and certain words will stand out or be given attention to.
Normally by Dave since he'll kinda figure it out, but need the player to finish connecting the dots.
After bensons 3 the next ones best hint is what dave thinks about at the vault. ''what is the worse case senario'', its said during the day and in the bad ending.
I would say you can ignore that and focus on the worse case senario. I remember Grizz saying its harder to find on sal's route specificaly. But it is in the conversation with sal in all routes, think the reasons sals harder is he says it only once i think.
Ok I read the document about routes and paths but from what I experienced I didn't unlock any path because I got to day 16 with dean and in my save files all I had where crosses on the squares which I don't know what they mean and ??? on the paths. Maybe I didn't unlock any?
You will have unlocked one, if everyone is alive you're on path A. It sounds either a compatability error or the flags aren't functioning in this build. Think the flags not working is most likely since any of my saves from build 0.29 dont have path markers.
I thought as much. Does everyone have a sex scene? Im on hoss route now Day 11 only have the Kiss scene. Since sex scenes dont appear in the gallery at least Dean doesnt I Wonder if There's on for everybody.
Majorleague stupid question here, if this has already been answered I apologize! In the end will we have a choice of who we end up with or will it always be someone specific? Sorry if this seems like an obvious thing.
Your romance option is whoever you choose as your scavenger hunt partner.
You're probably getting some confusion between paths and routes. Paths are how the story goes, who lives/dies and such. Routes are who you are with along the way like the flavour of the path.
So it is possible the route you are on can have the person die and the story will continue.
Thanks tons for the reply, naw I wasn't confused about route or path, I was more asking if like there was an overall driving plot towards Dave ending up with someone specific (Dean) or if our choice was what the game would end with. In all honesty, I should just keep playing and see for myself lol. So thanks muchly for the answer!
Well no, thats why routes exsist. The reason people push dave towards dean is for their own benefit really.
Examples: tysons confused and planning to leave but wants someone to look out for dave or orlando not being able to be there for dave and wants him to be with someone before he goes.
Other than that the only thing the story pushes is if you're not on deans route you get pushed to clear the air and clearly tell him where you stand.
Once again, thank you so much! :) Honestly, I'm loving the entire thing I was just curious, and rather than playing and waiting I decided to just ask :P
I've only played dean and I'm half through are there any other routes where the cg's are fully colored in dean there's at least three thta are only sketches. Just out of curiosity. Loving it by the way ;) I like mystery and the interaction with the passwords seems really clever. I like the feeling of the black and white backgrounds and the art it simple but likable. Just do all CG in color too xD!
There was a poll on patreon way back when where Grizz asked if he should do smaller/slower updates (can't remember which) with full CGs or do sketches with more progression. Sketches won the vote, probably for the best considering i'm pretty sure the early CGs are going to get redone to be inline with the future sprites.
I did put very old in the post. I dont use discord the only reson i could link someone the discord Oz question list is someone els linked it earlier and another explained where it was.
If i were to become a Patreon (which I would love to become) can just install the Patreon-build over the current public build? Or do I have to start from the beginning? If it matters, I'm playing the Android Version.
I won't bluntly say it but I'll give a clue. The scene that changes Oz's fate is related to when the group is questioning about how many people are in the mansion.
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Since there's no build im just going to re link the old april fools password/tennis ace crossover. -
Join Orlando and Hoss on a trip to japan. This was a collaboration between Grizz and Basket (author of tennis ace).
Dropbox didnt work so i just used the other option :D
Sabi ni modra mas maganda mag diskarte
So uh, don't really know where to say it since I don't use twitter or anything. But the new sprite previews? Dean and Roswell are so freaking cute. I know the other guys are still wip, but what was shown looks great as well. Tyson's in particular I love. It's pretty much the exact way I've been imagining him looking, so that's terrific. I really appreciate that slight bit of thickness to his tummy he seems to have now (though I guess the burning question thus arises on if he would enjoy belly rubs like most canines do...for scientific purposes, maybe we could...find out one day maybe?)
I've definitely grown attached to the old sprites and will miss them whenever the update/transition happens, but the new designs imo are just so nice and keep the original "feel" of the characters but improve on them.
Though holy cow will it be even more devastating when any of them die horribly.
haha no public update this month, but I heard there will be new sprite next update .
Whoever told you that was lying. I'm still working on the sprites and only have a few of them 100% done.
ah I see, sorry for it and thanks for telling.
Anyone else hyped for the next update? I sure am
No free update this month since grizz took a break to work on all the assets for the next part of the story.
From the 'a0.30 release!' notes: Next build will be all of Day 17 (Path A/B) and a big maybe on Day 14 (Path C/D). But with that said, the next build will come two months after this one, sometime in May.
I never said this month did I? I just said "next update" XD
Does anyone have some sort of guide for all the CGs? In particular, I'm struggling to work out the Day 1 Easter Egg, plus also how to get Dean's scene on Day 6 in the hot tub. Thanks!
The day 1 password just quits the game and dean's cg is from high affection just like hoss's in the library is so just try to be more romantic.
This is a very good game. I sincerely thank you for creating it. I guess I have found all the passwords or more than 80%. But I suggest you pay attention to your health and keep a good rest. Although I am looking forward to the game update but hope You keep your body healthy, This is a very good game., thank you from the heart. Looking forward to the next game update.
Love the game, just started playing a few days ago.
There is just one thing that is bothering me.
Is there a good ending for Dean or is his route intended to be a bad ending? If not can someone give me a tip on how to get the good ending?
You can stop him dying, yes.
Remember the name of the game, and there's your clue.
Aaah. Ok so I need that to save him.
I never even thought of it, but after you mentioned the clue I knew exactly what to do. Can't believe I was so obvious to it lol.
I still do not understand where to find the password
It is said somewhere when you talk to him.
If you don't have a password keep playing....if you're still stuck then uh.....yikes
Thank you, but I already found the password, although I do not speak English well, I was able to (:
OMG I was playing again the game for the new updates and I was on DAY 10 and get stucked for the password, Ngl I tried like a Bunch of variants for the word "hypnos" but really I tried a lot x"d It was so hard to find the password. And then I just realized that I wrote the word of the password really bad, so yeah guys, check your spelling cuz' that's important in this game xD
"Who is Dave really is?"
At the beginning we learn that he is a kind-warmheart, honest, naïve person and probably the most lawful/good person of the entire game and while not being so smart like roswell he's posessed a great judge of character. However as the story progressing I start to noticed something felt off, his depression-arc is a bit long and repetitive and it's also weird when he pushed eveyone away while saying 'Hey, if you want to talk just talk to me, anything is fine' when spending time with route partner.
Dave is a genuinely good guy, so it really strange how he acted in bad timeline, I understand that the writer want to show us reader what Dave's personality will change in different timeline but his change is a bit overdone.
[[SPOILER in worse timeline]]
Before Dave reach worse timeline he is already sad and depressed, after someone death he starting to snap at everyone around him, his kind considered personality shift to delinquent and rude to his friend who still worried and care for him, now do you think a genuinely kind person like Dave will acted like that way to his friend? If I were Hoss I probably slap Dave already. I mean just because logically Dave should change based on what going on around him, doesn't mean that Dave should changed into completly different person, at least stay true to his character.
I think the most reasonable and make sense way is he supposed to change to be more quiet, meek, subdue, low self esteem to suit his nature. When Dave told Sal he's better be dead, his feeling is hated and Resentment but in reality he should be saying 'I wish not to see you again' then breakdown infront of Sal becasue his feeling should be 'fear, confused, sadness of seeing his friend killing another friends'
I hope I can express what I meant to becasue I'm not a native so writing and putting word into sentence is very hard and I'm not good at grammar neither . _ .
I understood what you meant but I can't say I agree. Being faced with death and a traumatic experience like in the bad timeline creates a lot of stress. Stress that feeds off your panic and fear and makes you lash out. Orlando starts to shut down, Tyson becomes more abusive, Hoss starts swearing, and that's all because of the stress of dealing with watching a murder happen. Normal people just can't walk away from that and be fine.
I say normal as Benson and Oswin mostly have it together but there we have a doctor and his assassin butler so there is some level of ejng used to it.
Just getting my thoughts out here...not meaning to bash :(
Okay so uh...something has come to my attention. Before I state my concerns, I would like to say that I understand the turn the story has taken so far and all that. I understand why everything is happening the way it is with each route, but it seems like each update is just some kind of filler. I feel like with each passing day in the story after 9 or 10, we hardly do anything except reflect how shitty Dave's mental state is and attempt to boost him in short bursts without any progress. I know I say Sal's route is my favorite, but it really seems like his route is the only route where something moves forward with their relationship/conversations. Both of them seem to gain knowledge or comfort from one another when they interact, but I hardly saw that with any of the other routes. With Tyson, it just felt like this episode of "hurry and be gay for me lol" or some type of constant pressure being put on him. Dean was "oh you're stressed so we can't have sex." The best way I can describe Hoss' route is Dave trying to finish a puzzle and Hoss gives him the pieces to the wrong puzzle (just feels like that lol). I'm getting a little frustrated of Orlando's blatant disregard for Dave's feelings. Although it was a little uncovered, just seemed too late for it. And anything that happened in Roswell's route is a blur. I know with the most recent update, things have picked up ever so slightly, but I personally feel like all of this could have happened a day or two earlier than this update. The route specific stuff doesn't seem very route specific anymore...everything sort of blended together into this period of waiting for something for something positive for the characters. I want to enjoy what I'm reading and not just have most of my thoughts slowly laid out in front of me. Again, I'm just getting my thoughts out here because it's a little concerning how slow the game seems to be going in comparison to the earlier builds.🐊
I'd be curious to know more on the specifics if anything came to mind.
From a back end planning sort of thing, and it'll be streamlined a little better come edits, but from days 11 to 20ish constitutes Act 2. Which the first half is about dealing with Dave primarily and his own trauma where he fits into the mystery as a whole. On top of that, coming to terms with how that has impacted his relationships with his friends.
Part of the failing on my end is that I've perhaps tried to pace it a little too close to how things would play out IRL as opposed to a work of fiction? If everything was a constant go-state then it'd be closer to a TV serial and the writing would need to shift towards episodes as opposed to a novel.
If I'm failing, I'd love to know where specifically I can be doing better outside of just "make stuff happen" because managing the timeline and naturally developing relationships (to me at least) don't just automatically happen in daily updates towards becoming an item.
You know....I hadn’t really thought of it like that. Maybe it’s just a personal misunderstanding on my end, but it does seem a lot more realistic now that I’m thinking about it. Even though I’m personally pretty much over my trauma stuff, I can remember how I acted back then....very reclusive, frazzled, and confused. With the different relationships he has with everyone, it really makes sense that some friends take more time to warm up to than others (and with these characters, hoo boy). And I agree with you on the fact that how it is now is very novel-like instead of like a TV show. I think the problem I was having was that sometimes some route specific dialogues seemed similar to other routes, but then again, the lines are quite literally coming from one mind (Dave’s), so having variety in his own dialogue isn’t realistic....or else it wouldn’t be Dave. Now that I’ve actually taken some time to lay everything, I feel kinda dumb for not doing that before. :( Thanks for the clarification!🐊
Don't feel dumb! It's questions like this that help keep my writing quality in check.
Some of the dialogue is a little same-y, so I'll give you that much as far as you're not imagining things. Granted, I think the prevalence of other VNs having wildly different narratives base on whose route you pick might be playing part in expectations being what they are.
Yeah it’s a good change of pace....a lot of VNs seem kinda cartoonish and peaches and cream tone while this has a more realistic approach...thanks and keep up the good work!🐊
It'd probably feel more coherent when the whole game is out and you play from start to finish without waiting between small chunks of the story.
Can you save Orlando on his route or does he always end up dying at the vault? Even after using the vision to warn him about his death, he still dies.
Yeah you can save him, just try picking different dialogue options.
There's one decision that makes a difference
Yeah just uhm.........don't rush.........only clue I got for ya
question does Qz have a route??
Oz? no. Only the scavenger hunt options are routes.
OMG this game make me cry when Dave start crying remember about his father then his friends hug him. So touching qwq
From day 10 onwards the writing style shifts to one that is melodramatic and monologue-heavy. Can't say I enjoyed it as much as the plot driven days of 1-9. There needs to be action between moments of contemplation and those moments are best when the mc is interacting with other characters. Monologues are best kept succinct otherwise they tend to feel like they drone on and on. It's best to monologue what's absolutely necessary and leave much of the meaning to be understood through the subtext.
I'll keep this in mind when I get around to editing it like I did with the first initial days. You're not the only one that's pointed out that those days aren't as enjoyable, but trust I'm listening and will do what I can to bring the quality up when I can.
so no matter what i do i always get benson bad end what do i do
Benson has 3 passwords you need to find them in the bad ending to reach the next ending and find th next one.
It looks like there's a bug that can get you stuck on a bad ending. If you enter the correct password for the day but then elect to not save their life (resulting in a bad ending), then sometimes after you start over it seems that your choices suddenly don't matter anymore, and you're doomed to repeat the bad ending that you just witnessed (you can even not enter the correct password and you'll still get the vision that's supposed to let you avoid the death). Exiting the game seems to resolve the issue.
I've experienced this with Rosswell on day 5, tyson on day 6, orlando on day 6, and benson on day 8.
Yup, I've got it patched on my end, or at least I know most of those are. I'll have to go double check I've got them all. Can you confirm you're using the latest build though?
Had another look, Roswell's had an extra variable that wasn't being set back to default, Tyson on the other hand looks to be working just as fine. If you resonate though, it's assuming you didn't put in the password and Tyson's check defaults back if you opt to do nothing about saving him. That should be working as intended but if you're getting something else, please do let me know.
Orlando's had a similar setup to Roswell's that I've already fixed. Benson's I'd completely overlooked as needing a resonate option and have added that in for next build.
Hey, thanks for the followup. I did check again & realized that my memory was playing fast & loose on me, as I couldn't repro the loop on tyson's route.
No probs! Thanks for reporting the issue so I could fix it!
How do i get the memory picture thats after oswin surprise injecting you? Also the two trauma pictures after Sal kills dean and roswell? I am on version .28
Path D, and you're two versions behind for what it's worth.
Thank you. Also I know. I update every other month or two months so I have more content to play.
This game had a good thing going on because the story is interesting and the artwork is very good. That being said it think the game is a little hard on the player i wrote down every password from every route i came across and still can't progress due to ben- the - otter Dying.
I've gone through some of the paths multiple times to try to disconcert what I'm suppose to be doing and or typing and in roswell's Route ben- the - otter does survive (Given you know the password to make that happen/ There are 3 passwords for that day) and still hit a dead end road block
Sal can live or die by your hand and i'm still stuck for everyone else...
I got a little lost about halfway through your comment.
Did you manage to save Benson or no? It sounds like you haven't but then you talk about specifically what the trick is to progress past that point.
Reads like he got passed benson on roswell's route but only roswells and doesn't know how to do the others
That's what I was assuming, but there isn't anything major route-variance-wise that would indicate that the password would be different. I'm mostly curious that if that is the case, what gave that impression.
Benson's password is universal, its the same on every route.
Pay attention to the dialogue during the Bad Ending, you should be able to find the password for Orlando there.
When you resonate, is it suppose to keep playing the sad music?
It is not, I'll look into why it's doing that. Which route were you on?
Sal's route. The music kept playing.
Anonther thing i just found, the route listed in the save file sometimes bugs. In Sal's route, I it was listed as route C but in Day 16 it became A
Given Path C can't get to day 16 yet I'd be curious to know how or why it flagged as C to begin with. When did you notice it reading as C for that save?
Day 10 to 15 i believe
I'll look into what might be causing the flag to trigger wrong. Thanks for letting me know!
How can I hug Sal without him pushing me away? Also how can I get Hoss to kiss me on the lab stairs?
one time tyson runs away do not go after him
Always do the choices that they favor in order to get closer to them. Sal is particularly harder to get since he is quite reserved and so figuring out his choices might prove to be a bit harder.
Thanks. I guess i just need to keep choosing different choices until i get it right.
new update moment!!!
all routes update!
Excited as f for the update! I wonder what time it'll be released today...
It's been live for about 5 hours on Patreon. I typically set it to automate on there so I can enjoy a sleep in on release day but have to manually do it when I wake up on itch.
Thank you Grizz! Have a good rest!
Very good I love all the characters(except the rabbit he scary)OWO
I played Ty's route. Then i got Benson bad ending. I tried to find the password after that, but got nothing, is that it or i did something wrong.
Currently you can get to day 16 with Tyson, so there's still more to play.
The passwords you need to progress past day 7/8 are in the bad endings. A bit harder to find, but the dialogue will still clue you in if a word is special.
A very good game! I'm looking forward to see where the story goes!
Bad ending Sal, this is very confusing, i just tried it today and still don't get it :(
What's confusing about it
Finding a password :(
Hint: Look carefully in the texts when and after Sal (or whoever you go on the path with) dies.
It'll sometimes be in " or highlighted in a different color, for instance red.
In latest update highlighted letter are replace with normal colour text now.
The VN revolves around finding passwords in the bad endings and using them in the vault before they happen to avoid them and keep everyone safe.
I'm so confused, is the code in the form of sentences or numbers?
You might be looking too hard or overthinking it maybe.
If it's day 6, the password to save him is just one single word that'll stand out during the final scene of his bad ending.
hahaha that's right, but on the 7th day, the password was very difficult to find, is it a little different from the previous hint?
Day 7 is a bit harder since there are three passwords. Two of them lead to another bad end, but in that bad end you're given the true password that'll let you progress.
But no, nothing really changes. Just pay attention to the dialogue and certain words will stand out or be given attention to.
Normally by Dave since he'll kinda figure it out, but need the player to finish connecting the dots.
hahaha that's right, but on the 7th day, the password was very difficult to find, is it a little different from the previous hint?
hahaha that's right, but on the 7th day, the password was very difficult to find, is it a little different from the previous hint?
Its a good game noone died in my playtrhoug atleast not yet (i had to cheat tough) 11/10 will be checking it out every day for updates
Updates are on the 15th of every month.
Its a great game, but after a while it got depressing because everyone was dying
Its possible to save everyone, but it is a murder mystery i wouldn't go in expecting a happy go lucky fun adventure.
I know it had a warning at the first launch
ACK, i guess there are more passwords after u save benson and dean, any clues or just passwords on what they are?
After bensons 3 the next ones best hint is what dave thinks about at the vault. ''what is the worse case senario'', its said during the day and in the bad ending.
Oh wait, so its right before the vault isnt it? So would it be the about sal and what happened then
Try it and find out.
Mk, i will messege u once i get something, or u know, another clue
Oh wait its around before the vault yes?
Oof yeah im still confuse, but he does say "passwords that have in common" so is it like what they all relate 2?
I would say you can ignore that and focus on the worse case senario. I remember Grizz saying its harder to find on sal's route specificaly. But it is in the conversation with sal in all routes, think the reasons sals harder is he says it only once i think.
It is also said in the bad ending too.
OOOh wait is it about his sister then?
You only really find out about his sister on his route and not in the others since you dont spend too much time with him, so no.
Also why would they start talking or thinking about sals sister in the bad ends situation.
Ok I read the document about routes and paths but from what I experienced I didn't unlock any path because I got to day 16 with dean and in my save files all I had where crosses on the squares which I don't know what they mean and ??? on the paths. Maybe I didn't unlock any?
You will have unlocked one, if everyone is alive you're on path A. It sounds either a compatability error or the flags aren't functioning in this build. Think the flags not working is most likely since any of my saves from build 0.29 dont have path markers.
I thought as much. Does everyone have a sex scene? Im on hoss route now Day 11 only have the Kiss scene. Since sex scenes dont appear in the gallery at least Dean doesnt I Wonder if There's on for everybody.
Currently only smut on deans route.
Ok. Thanks ;)
Majorleague stupid question here, if this has already been answered I apologize! In the end will we have a choice of who we end up with or will it always be someone specific? Sorry if this seems like an obvious thing.
Your romance option is whoever you choose as your scavenger hunt partner.
You're probably getting some confusion between paths and routes. Paths are how the story goes, who lives/dies and such. Routes are who you are with along the way like the flavour of the path.
So it is possible the route you are on can have the person die and the story will continue.
Thanks tons for the reply, naw I wasn't confused about route or path, I was more asking if like there was an overall driving plot towards Dave ending up with someone specific (
Dean) or if our choice was what the game would end with. In all honesty, I should just keep playing and see for myself lol. So thanks muchly for the answer!Well no, thats why routes exsist. The reason people push dave towards dean is for their own benefit really.
Examples: tysons confused and planning to leave but wants someone to look out for dave or orlando not being able to be there for dave and wants him to be with someone before he goes.
Other than that the only thing the story pushes is if you're not on deans route you get pushed to clear the air and clearly tell him where you stand.
Once again, thank you so much! :) Honestly, I'm loving the entire thing I was just curious, and rather than playing and waiting I decided to just ask :P
Just curious, but what's the difference between Tyson's Path A and B? I've just finished his Path A.
Ozwin is the difference.
The current paths patreon post:
I've only played dean and I'm half through are there any other routes where the cg's are fully colored in dean there's at least three thta are only sketches. Just out of curiosity. Loving it by the way ;) I like mystery and the interaction with the passwords seems really clever. I like the feeling of the black and white backgrounds and the art it simple but likable. Just do all CG in color too xD!
There was a poll on patreon way back when where Grizz asked if he should do smaller/slower updates (can't remember which) with full CGs or do sketches with more progression. Sketches won the vote, probably for the best considering i'm pretty sure the early CGs are going to get redone to be inline with the future sprites.
CG poll:
Very old preview of new sprites for tyson & sal:
Ok glad they will color them. Its like it would be nice if it had at least a few Hot scenes colored
Define... hot scenes?
Also those sprites are hella old. More recent ones I've been showing off on Discord while I finalise things.
I did put very old in the post. I dont use discord the only reson i could link someone the discord Oz question list is someone els linked it earlier and another explained where it was.
Like the íntimate scenes CG MC and deans first time first Kiss they are all sketched.
Oh yes. They'll all be rendered eventually.
If i were to become a Patreon (which I would love to become) can just install the Patreon-build over the current public build? Or do I have to start from the beginning? If it matters, I'm playing the Android Version.
Yup, it should update just fine.
Finished Dean and Tyson paths(day 15)
and im just curious what can i ask O.H. about. Any tips?
Also is there a to transfer saves from mobile to the pc version?
ozwins question list from discord:
Also as of this update tyson has day 16.
1 thing i don't quite get it is how to save Oz? I'm playing Olando path on day 11. How to not let him die?
I won't bluntly say it but I'll give a clue. The scene that changes Oz's fate is related to when the group is questioning about how many people are in the mansion.
but i tried both options and he's still dying
ok im just dumb
Can any one please help me???
How can i save Tyson from dying In Day 7!?!?!?!
Play through the bad end.
The vn revolves around passwords, find them in the bad ending and use them at the vault before the bad stuff happens.
when will the Orlando route update be? I love so much his route.
Next month.
Yeah, I can't wait to see it