Remember kids! Always wash your hands after handling suspiciously sticky mushrooms ;D Personal hygiene can save you from a painful and agonizing death 🧚
Death by carelessness 😔😔 'least he's the only one that didn't get murdered or hypnotized
more semantics for me day 15 is the last of this build and it ends at the start of 16 without showing anything of day 16. So day 15 is the last day but the build goes to the end of day 15, so just semantics.
Yes. Some nudity/sex on one route so far, minor sexual comments throughout some of the others, death scenes don't shy away from blood, and the subject matter in the story can get pretty heavy.
Не русский использовал гугл переводчик, извините, если это плохо.
Большинство паролей скрыты в плохих окончаниях, поэтому обязательно прочтите их до конца. Первый пароль в плохой концовке красным. У второго есть три плохих окончания, поэтому не сдавайтесь, в каждом финале спрятан следующий пароль. Пароли на десятый и одиннадцатый день скрыты в течение дня. Надеюсь это поможет.
Over the past month, I've downloaded 30 gay visual novels without reading any summaries or comments, and I've finished about 9 of them so far. I frequently saw recommendations to play Password, so I decided to give it a shot after finishing Echo. I have finished most of the game and unlocked nearly all of the gallery photos. I have mostly positive things to say about Password, but also some mixed feelings. It's fairly easy to be hypercritical and nitpick all the issues, so I'll try to keep my criticisms simple.
Positive Thoughts:
- I played Dean's path first (cuz I'm a sucker for romance, and I was able to look past Dean's overbearing perviness) and the day 6 death really caught me off guard. The feeling of going back and entering in the password, seeing the trauma memory, and then telling Dean about it was soooo good. I mean soo good. I was having full body chills and I was just on the complete edge of my seat. It was really really exciting.
- Looking for the day 7 password, I played through all the other routes up to day 7, jotting down other passwords and hints in my notepad app. That was fun and felt intellectually stimulating. The adrenaline rush feeling definitely went down each time I entered the correct passwords, but that was to be expected.
- I appreciated the lack of spelling errors. I've played VN's that had really fascinating story/atmospheres, and then a random spelling mistake just pops out and totally breaks the immersion.
- The title screen music absolutely slaps. Sometimes I just sit on it for a minute just to do a little dance in my chair.
- The level of branching paths/dialogue is actually astonishing. I don't believe I've ever seen a visual novel this narratively complex before. And it's so cool that it's done in a way where sometimes you need to progress in one route in order to progress in a different route.
- I commend the way you approached Dave's internal struggle with his father's death. The climax of that subplot made me very emotional.
Critical Thoughts:
- I find the writing style a little hard to digest at times; like I find myself often needing to take breaks after like only 30 minutes of playing (primarily after day 7). I wish the narrative tried to spend more time creating interesting scenes in my mind's eye. If I can humbly recommend ways to make the writing a little easier to digest: Try to employ the technique of "show, don't tell" more often. There are also videos on youtube about cutting filler words that just bog down the narrative.
- Sometimes the characters speak in ways that aren't normal for "American" young adults in current times. Like I've caught Dave and Orlando saying things like "What am I meant to do?" or "Where shall we go?". I can't help but do a double-take when I see dialogue like that from anyone but Benson or Oswald.
- While I mentioned there were virtually no spelling errors that I could find, I was thrown off by the amount of missing commas when they were needed, the inconsistent use of the oxford comma, and the semicolon often being used incorrectly. I would suggest looking up the grammar rules behind using commas and semicolons. In terms of orthography, these were the biggest issues I encountered.
- I'm a sucker for some good drama, and this game has a lot of it, but it's very hit or miss for me. Sometimes the emotional moments hit hard (telling Dean you saw him die, Dave breaking down when Tyson reveals what happened to his dad), other times they are too melodramatic (Orlando constantly crying about something), other times they aren't taken far enough (Dave spending a moment alone with Dean's body in path D. I felt kind of betrayed as a reader that I wasn't able to spend an emotional mourning moment with Dave), and sometimes they just don't make me feel anything (Despite suicide being a very sad issue, Dave contemplating it didn't really strike much of a response from me.)
- I was never able to fully fall in love with the characters. If I were to rank them by how invested I am: Dean > Sal > Tyson > Orlando > Roswell > Dave > Hoss. I like Dean's development cuz he goes from a pervert to a real sweet and considerate guy, while also having a clear internal conflict. Tyson's is probably the most conflicting for me because he clearly has a massive internal struggle that's interesting to follow, but Dave's excuses for Tyson's absolutely horrid behavior (physical abuse, attempted rape, extreme verbal and emotional abuse in path D) makes me hate both Tyson and Dave.
- This might be a bit harsh, but I hated path D with a passion. It was extremely frustrating to read and I had a very poor reading experience. I didn't enjoy following the POV of a character as absolutely pathetic and useless as Dave. The only reason I stuck through it was so I could go on a genocide route and kill everyone then Dave.
- The repetitious lines are a bit distracting. "We filed into the room", "a chill went down my spine", characters talking about coffee or Dave cupping the mug in his hands 500 times.
They don't speak like americans because the authors australian.
As for tyson his past actions are understandable. If its a choice of being a bully or literally being starved to death by your abusive alcoholic father, most would be a bully. Tyson hitting dave outside is also understandable since he asked Dave to leave him alone and was incredibly agitated. You can only push someone so far before they snap and lash out.
The other thing in the garden i cant really comment on because i can remember if its already in the public build or is in the next one on the 15th but it is explained aswell.
Oh I didn't know. The game is written in American English so I just assumed.
And I'm not saying you can't have a character do awful things, but the fact that Dave was often excusing or ignoring it was very frustrating for me as a reader. (This mostly pertains to path D)
First off, thanks for the critical thoughts. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get some juicy feedback like this sometimes.
A lot of what you've pointed out I'm aware of but actively am saving for the bit editing run at the end when the script if closer to completion. Mostly because of cost and to avoid multiple passes, but as the script is still being fine-tuned based on feedback, it'd be a waste of funds to hire an editor now only to have the section that I got looked over rewritten to better capture something the player-base has missed. As such though, it's a failing of mine for not being as consistent as I should be as far as commas and alike. Trust that eventually it'll be remedied.
As far as American English, I got tired of people claiming things like "colour" as a typo, and given (if going by the Discord server is an indication) there's less than 1% of players using/expecting UK English, I swapped over. The game itself isn't set in America though, just "non-descript northern hemisphere" to avoid picking actual locations for the freedom of geographical features as required by the story.
I'd be interested more in hearing your gripes with things that specifically didn't gel with you though. Partially the drama and issues with Path D. I'm not going to defend my creative decisions here, but additional data on why you feel the way you do could help me tighten the interactions for the better.
I'm really glad you took it well, that's really respectable. To be honest, I held back a lot in my review, and even then I thought I might have been too harsh.
But in case you'd still like some juicy feedback: I wrote some fresh reactions I took in my notepad app and I will share them with you uncensored.
[My initial reaction to finishing path D]
Unfortunately, after day 10, I stopped feeling much excitement. I think it was just hard for me to grow attached to the characters. The first ending path I played was Dean path D, and when Roswell and Dean died, I just felt nothing. When Dave and Orlando re-enter the room where Tyson moved the bodies, I thought I was going to get a really sad tear-jerking scene, but I didn't. It ended really quickly and I had like no time to mourn Dean's death. Orlando was just being annoying and crying the entire time (throughout all of post day 10). And Tyson... oh Tyson... the Tyson moments past day 10 on path D put an extremely bad taste in my mouth. I had a very unenjoyable and frustrating time reading. And it dragged on for soooooo long. Tyson ignores everything you say. Screams at you. Physically drags you. Ignores you to your face when you are speaking. (and lets not forget where he previously TRIED TO RAPE YOU). and Dave just... takes it. He's just silent. He doesn't react in any way. And the worst part is that Dave FEELS BAD for Tyson. its like COME ON DAVE. It's one thing If I were witnessing this from another character's perspective. But the fact that I have to play from the perspective of such a weak and pathetic character and have zero choice to stop any of it is what's so frustrating. When the rabbit came out of nowhere I was praying it would kill Tyson, because that's how much I loathed him. I was so annoyed with the story at this point I just wanted to do a genocide run. I liked that I was given the choice to make Sal kill himself, so I could successfully fill the role of someone who reached their breaking point with these annoying characters and decided to kill them all.
[Drama (I'm writing this today because I had no notes on it. My memory might be fuzzy on some parts of the story.)]
I'm not a professional novel writer or editor, so it's hard for me to pinpoint exactly why most dramatic sequences didn't really have the intended effect on me.
- For Dave’s suicide moments, I think they happened pretty abruptly. I didn't feel any sort of build-up to them and Dave had never struggled with suicidal thoughts previously. I suppose you could say Dave clearly being depressed during this period was hint enough that Dave might consider suicide, but I still just wasn't feeling it. I wasn't feeling the hopelessness and despair enough.
- The part on day 6 where you stop Tyson from going into the woods and he assaults Dave. By this scene, I didn't really like Tyson that much. The scene started off good and emotional, I was empathizing with Dave and Tyson, and then Tyson nearly rapes Dave. That just makes me dislike Tyson even more. I'm not sensitive to rapes being in a story, but I think that it actively harms this scene and any sympathy I may have for Tyson. Like I'm currently replaying the scene and I just feel so bad for Dave. Dave literally saved Tyson's life, and all he gets in return is a bloody nose and a near-rape. And Dave just casually carries on a conversation afterward. I would be completely traumatized in a situation like this.
- Anything Orlando crying just made me laugh to be honest. Maybe this was because I played Dean Path D first, which (from what I recall) had Orlando in a constant state of crying. So any route I played after Dean path D that had Orlando crying I was like "here we go again".
- That one moment on Path D where Tyson cries and begs for you to not run off or something, by that point I was just so far gone as a reader that I just wanted to complete my genocide route. Nothing after that point could have made me emotional.
- The scene where Sal kills Dean and Roswell with an axe didn't really do anything for me. I don’t remember feeling any shock or sadness. I don’t really know why I didn’t have any strong reaction towards it. But the part afterward where you revisit the bodies with Orlando. I already talked about this previously, but this is where you really have a chance to punch the reader in the gut and make them cry like a baby.
- The scene where you and Roswell kiss. This scene gave me whiplash it was so sudden. I get the impression you intended to give this relationship more build-up but just haven't done it yet.
- The Dave's dad death scene was really good because you led up to it over a couple of days with the dream sequences (Which I admittedly always found pretty corny. Dave's dad is just way too unnaturally cheery. I would understand if this is supposed to be Dave's memories and how he views his father, however, I don't think this is the best way to get the reader to like the father.) And then you had this long flashback sequence with Tyson and Dad that eventually culminates in Dave getting the news. The illustrations with the police lights were really effective (My one single complaint with this scene is that I wish you let it linger a little longer. Truly made the reader feel exactly how Dave was feeling at that moment. If you did that the scene would have completely killed me and I would probably have needed to take a break.) And then you cut back to the present with Dave finally releasing all the tears he had been holding back (Honestly makes me choke up a little even remembering it.)
- I also was really touched by those scenes where you stop Dean from eating the mushroom and then you ask him if he was suicidal. The actions and dialogue just felt really realistic. And then that moment where you are in the greenhouse and recall the vision you saw and start to get chocked up, and Dean pulls you into a comforting hug. That was some effective writing.
In conclusion, if I had to come up with a reason why many of the dramatic moments didn't resonate with me, it's either because I didn't feel proper build-up to the event, and/or the dialogue/characters’ actions weren’t realistic enough or there was too much melodrama. I think that even if I don't have much attachment to a character, if the drama is set up right I would take the drama more seriously and/or get an emotional reaction out of it.
Also: I've been reflecting a little on what I enjoy most about Password. I did notice a consistent drop in my fun-levels after day 7.
Between day 1 and 7, I was really interested in the different character relationships with Dave, the vault and the passwords, having the power to save the characters, and the mystery of OZ and Benson.
After day 7 the game switches. Oswald and Benson's identities are revealed, you no longer need to play detective to try and find passwords (except for day 10), and the power to save the characters is gone after day 10. What remains is the character relationships, trying to survive, and the mystery of the rabbit/Orlando's family/vault, etc. The only thing I look forward to post day 10 is talking to the character whose route I'm currently on. That's the story I care about the most. The rabbit is also interesting too, but unfortunately he makes up a very small portion of the time between day 7 and day 15.
In summary, there is a lot of stuff that goes on between day 7 and day 15, but the only thing that I crave the most is spending time with the character I've chosen for my route. There's nothing else that gets me as excited as I was on days 1 to 7.
I personally found the introduction to be too slow, and introducing almost every character in such a short time is a little overwhelming. I find the slow introduction sequences to be a common theme among visual novels, which I'm not a fan of, but I always try to stick through it because they usually get more exciting after the first 30-60 minutes.
[Character choices]
Sometimes the characters say things or behave in a way that doesn't make any sense to me. Like I find myself asking "why the fuck would you do/say that" a lot while playing this game (Mostly after day 7), and it makes me grow frustrated with the characters. One example was on Path A when Dave decided to punch Benson. It just felt so random and out of character. This also happened particularly on Path D.
Another thing that occurred several times is characters saying something like "hey, that's mean!". Like something you would say to a little child, not to another adult. I remember this happening with Dave's dad in the dream sequences, Dean said it to Dave once or twice, and then a few other times sprinkled throughout the routes. It just feels very out of place reading that.
[In regards to prose (but like you said this might be handled by the editor if they find it to be an issue)]
I found there to be an overreliance on the ellipses during dialogue. There were moments where an ellipses was used like every other line and sometimes multiple times per line.
It'd be poor of me as a developer to not readily accept and face critique when it's literally the only thing that can help you grow and get better. People that fawn over your work as a flawless masterpiece aren't going to help you improve, as much as it's always nice to hear you're doing a good job. :P
I'll admit this is a first that I'm hearing someone having such a visceral reaction in the negative to Path D. The only context I can give here is that the intention for a lot of the game (be it bad ends or instances of Tyson being flat out abusive) was to demonstrate how different people cope under stress and deal with traumatic experiences. Dave shuts down, Tyson becomes a rabid/abusive control freak, Orlando is a crybaby, etc. There are other things going on here too which exacerbate this further with Dave/Tyson having that pseudo family bond that makes feelings all the more complicated for these two. Dave shutting down and becoming more emotionally numb following the deaths on Day 10 is also why I went more muted with him interacting with Dean and Roswell.
Although this part stands out to me: "After day 7 the game switches. Oswald and Benson's identities are revealed, you no longer need to play detective to try and find passwords (except for day 10), and the power to save the characters is gone after day 10. " Given you already mention up to day 15, I'm assuming this means you've been able to find Path A/B, so I'm curious as to what led to this assumption here or if it's just something indicative of Path C/D.
As far as Dave's father and likability, how would you have rathered been presented with him given that he's dead by this point chronologically and we have to factor in narrator/Dave-bias in how he remembers his dad?
Part of what I had to do prior to writing the first treatment of Password's story was to talk to a couple of professionals to find out how trauma effects people as a whole and got some key notes on different kinds to potentially write about. In the interest of doing sensitive topics justice (such as suicide, depression and alike) I've been trying to keep that close to the notes I took of those interviews rather than write something that's closer to a TV showing of those topics so they'd be more palatable. A mistake potentially on my part given the demographic the game has attracted, but that's at least something that's been informing what you've been reading so far.
Thankfully a lot of the rest can be handled when I hit the editing stage.
SPOILERS! so i just finished the lab scene, i dont even for a moment believe that daves friends are capable of this. if dave trusts dean, then hes already off the list. as for the others, no offense, seem like complete idiots. this kill was done by someone who knows what hes doing. my first assumption was either tyson or sal, but tyson isnt a killer, i can tell. as for sal, hes harmless. he wouldnt hurt a fly and not feel guilty about it. theres an unseen enemy here. for now all i can do is wait for someone to drop dead, which i dont want, because id like to win. part of winning is making sure i kill the bad guy before he kills any of them
Posted by Grizz: As far as the path system, it's currently missing flags in the current version on here. It'll retroactively fix itself once the flags are in, so until then refer to the Patreon post if you forget which Path you would be on. For now, it doesn't matter too much; just track who's alive and dead.
During the game, the MC goes to the vault several times due to instinct or something similar (like on the 1st and 3rd), all these times there is really a password to put in, or something just to make the player pay attention, as if the game were saying "there is a reason for this to be here so pay attention".
It's a combination of both, but a lot of people forget that the vault is there to be used.
Originally there was a password for Day 1 that was used for testing and had some off-shoot non-canon scenario where everyone died to being gassed a la Zero Escape style. Day 3 still has a password but that's mostly for testing and not intended for you to get through normal gameplay.
the problem is when the character is depressed it can make me depressed too, or if its a deep hatred toward people i will feel that too, and after i have that, only sleeping can erase that emotion. the worst is when i got that negative emotion in the morning..
Yeah I get what you’re saying....that actually happens to me too...I don’t think anything is wrong with that, but it’s just part of one’s character. As long as it doesn’t negatively affect you TOO much to where it interferes with some part of your life, then I’d say that’s fine
Hey, Grizz. Is there any way I could have "Reminiscent (Piano/Hollow)" sheet music? I'm trying to practice some songs I like, but I couldn't find the sheet music for it. So could you please tell me where to find it (if it's available)? If it's not available, please tell me so I could try and reciprocate it myself.
It was custom composed for Password so you won't find sheet music for it unless someone has already transcribed it. I could try asking Civ how easy it'd be to make if you want?
"Day 10 would be the same password for all characters. I wouldn't really want to spoil you the password. But the answer to the password is the conversation you have with Benson before meeting up with Sal and confronting him with Benson (when Benson ask Sal if he had experience sleepwalking.)"
cerberus210 said:
"...what dave thinks of at the vault: ''whats the worst possible outcome''"
Is it just me or does no one talk about the logic of Day 10 with Sal? I'm pretty sure we all know that the cause of Sal's sleepwalking and hypnotism is Dean's sleeping medication. Since at Sal's route, we somehow convince Sal to stop using the medication, he can't be hypnotized/sleepwalk. That's all, just wanted to put it there.
I mean you can stop him on every route, but one talks about because at this point it’s not really a question anymore since the game basically tells you
(Spoiler) Does the path system not apply to Sal currently?
Even if you didn't enter the 10th day's password, nothing happens, and it progresses like path A and path B would. Furthermore, in the save screen, the path is marked as ????
The catalyst for getting to Path C and D can't happen on Sal's route, as you've already dealt with the [redacted] earlier than Day 10.
As far as the path system, it's currently missing flags in the current version on here. It'll retroactively fix itself once the flags are in, so until then refer to the Patreon post if you forget which Path you would be on. For now, it doesn't matter too much; just track who's alive and dead.
not including the bulter and deans firsy death, which im guessing has to happen on the first couple of playthroughs, no one has died yet. so i have no idea what path im on if thats involved. anywho, this game is so insane! i love it so much and i cant wait for deans and ty's new route updates!
I keep hearing that this one is bugged and I have no idea why. I'll try and narrow down what the cause is, but it's working for some people and not for others.
There mite be somthing on the discord server but otherwise no i don't think so. Not sure about the discord server stuff because i dont use discord but i remember someone replying to help with the passwords with the discord link, so i assume could be wrong though.
Okay honest questions, do the other paths just add "what if" scenarios to the story, or do they reveal important details? I think I remember doing a route where I intentionally left out a password, and the story just kinda ended on an awkward note. Also, are these paths, by any chance, route dependent? Last time when I did this, the endings were all kinda similar...I dunno how much has changed, but I'm bouta find out🐊
"Paths" are probably best to consider synonymous with "Who's dead". Not exactly but kinda close. This is different to "Route" as that's just the character you're with.
To put it another way, "Path" will be how the story unfolds. "Route" is the kind of flavoring you choose to enjoy along the way.
Oh okay....that makes a lot more sense now...I played through one of the bad paths (reveal, no password) and it was great seeing the story take a turn from the usual...but about that I do have one concern. So on the play-through I mention I did Ty’s route for that, but when I did it for Sal, things seemed a lot different. For him I supported Benson and did no password, but everything played out like I put in the day 10 password. Is this a Sal specific thing or am I missing something?🐊
It's a Sal specific thing, and it should be incredibly clear as to why given what happens and how, and why that's no longer possible on Sal's route after his first death.
If I understand how the story is being written, then currently there are 4 active paths (A, B, C, D). The path you choose are based on 2 choices: Day 8 choice, and Day 10 password.
Every other choice made is a Route. Some (probably most, but not all) route choices ultimately do nothing to change the story, but give added text, or other bonuses (like CGs). An example of extra text are on Day 1 when you explore, you can change the order of exploring and get additional text. This text does not change the story whatsoever. There are Route choices that definitely change the situation, but do not change what will unfold (On path C/D Day 11 Choice, Path A Day 11 password, etc).
Some route choices and both path choices lead to additional information of what is going on.
But, as of the recent gallery refurbishment, I must query as to if there is in fact another 3 trauma scenes currently out and obtainable?
If so, it'd be much appreciated if anybody would be so kind as to help me collect the last ones so that I could bathe in the glory of achieving a complete set.
If anybody knows, let me know. yours sincerely, Crow.
Without knowing which ones you're missing, I can't exactly guide you. Some however are specific to Paths C and D so I'd start there if you haven't already.
Everyone's gallery should be identical as far as the order of pictures.
As far as which ones you're missing (assuming it's the last three): - Path C, tied to a certain choice like the one before. - Path B, unmissable. Should have already unlocked if you'd gotten the 4th last of the gallery. - Path A, unmissable.
I have to know if you can choose between everyone one does that mean Orlando has a route cause i am in love with him so bad i started to call him my Husbando and i literally almost cried because they be friends with benefits
← Return to game
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is there only suppose to be bad ends cause I always keep getting the bad ends
you need to use passwords at the vault, most passwords are found in the bad endings so make sure to read them carefully and till the end.
Thank you!
aaa ok let's wait for a while for new update!~
nvm there is in the patreon for public update
Does putting the password on day 11 makes a huge changes on the story?
It only changes a fair amount of dialogue, but not a major part of the story.
currently here instead of waiting for far beyond the world to update
I'm actually waiting for bothXD
Remember kids! Always wash your hands after handling suspiciously sticky mushrooms ;D Personal hygiene can save you from a painful and agonizing death 🧚
Death by carelessness 😔😔 'least he's the only one that didn't get murdered or hypnotized
Hi! When I finish dean part and theres NSFW scene that doesn't put in the gallery is it a Bug or it meant to not be be put there?
I'm pretty sure that's a bug. Once you discover/unlock a new cg, it should appear in the gallery as well.
Anyone know the password needed to keep Orlando from being shot?
Read the dialogue carefully at the last scene/part of the bad ending
Don't trust the note, trust Roswell's disappointment ;D
Can I prevent Dean from dying?
Yep the password is hidden in the bad ending just use that at the vault before the bad event happens.
Not all if u prevent them to die
Just finish the demo
I cried when dean died
Not really a demo this is the actual project, goes up to day 15 if you can stop people dying.
But it says on the last day (16) the end of demo...
more semantics for me day 15 is the last of this build and it ends at the start of 16 without showing anything of day 16. So day 15 is the last day but the build goes to the end of day 15, so just semantics.
Is there nsfw content
Yes. Some nudity/sex on one route so far, minor sexual comments throughout some of the others, death scenes don't shy away from blood, and the subject matter in the story can get pretty heavy.
есть ли тут Русские? начал играть но так и не нашел никакого пароля, помогите кто ни будь. Я топчусь тут на одном месте и сдвинутся не могу)
Не русский использовал гугл переводчик, извините, если это плохо.
Большинство паролей скрыты в плохих окончаниях, поэтому обязательно прочтите их до конца.
Первый пароль в плохой концовке красным.
У второго есть три плохих окончания, поэтому не сдавайтесь, в каждом финале спрятан следующий пароль.
Пароли на десятый и одиннадцатый день скрыты в течение дня.
Надеюсь это поможет.
Извините, я снова попробовал.
Огромное спасибо за ответ. Попробую пройти снова^ ^
Is there really day 10-11 password? Can you give me a hint pls. Who says the code word at least
Day 10 is said during the day, the best hint is what dave thinks at the vault "whats the worst possible outcome".
Day 11 is said during the day and is hidden in plain sight.
"The worst possible outcome" is everyone dead?
Its said during the day and in the bad ending says 'a ________ indeed'. So no, try looking through the day again.
When or where did the password mentioned on Day 11?
Its hidden in plain sight and in red.
Over the past month, I've downloaded 30 gay visual novels without reading any summaries or comments, and I've finished about 9 of them so far. I frequently saw recommendations to play Password, so I decided to give it a shot after finishing Echo. I have finished most of the game and unlocked nearly all of the gallery photos. I have mostly positive things to say about Password, but also some mixed feelings. It's fairly easy to be hypercritical and nitpick all the issues, so I'll try to keep my criticisms simple.
Positive Thoughts:
- I played Dean's path first (cuz I'm a sucker for romance, and I was able to look past Dean's overbearing perviness) and the day 6 death really caught me off guard. The feeling of going back and entering in the password, seeing the trauma memory, and then telling Dean about it was soooo good. I mean soo good. I was having full body chills and I was just on the complete edge of my seat. It was really really exciting.
- Looking for the day 7 password, I played through all the other routes up to day 7, jotting down other passwords and hints in my notepad app. That was fun and felt intellectually stimulating. The adrenaline rush feeling definitely went down each time I entered the correct passwords, but that was to be expected.
- I appreciated the lack of spelling errors. I've played VN's that had really fascinating story/atmospheres, and then a random spelling mistake just pops out and totally breaks the immersion.
- The title screen music absolutely slaps. Sometimes I just sit on it for a minute just to do a little dance in my chair.
- The level of branching paths/dialogue is actually astonishing. I don't believe I've ever seen a visual novel this narratively complex before. And it's so cool that it's done in a way where sometimes you need to progress in one route in order to progress in a different route.
- I commend the way you approached Dave's internal struggle with his father's death. The climax of that subplot made me very emotional.
Critical Thoughts:
- I find the writing style a little hard to digest at times; like I find myself often needing to take breaks after like only 30 minutes of playing (primarily after day 7). I wish the narrative tried to spend more time creating interesting scenes in my mind's eye. If I can humbly recommend ways to make the writing a little easier to digest: Try to employ the technique of "show, don't tell" more often. There are also videos on youtube about cutting filler words that just bog down the narrative.
- Sometimes the characters speak in ways that aren't normal for "American" young adults in current times. Like I've caught Dave and Orlando saying things like "What am I meant to do?" or "Where shall we go?". I can't help but do a double-take when I see dialogue like that from anyone but Benson or Oswald.
- While I mentioned there were virtually no spelling errors that I could find, I was thrown off by the amount of missing commas when they were needed, the inconsistent use of the oxford comma, and the semicolon often being used incorrectly. I would suggest looking up the grammar rules behind using commas and semicolons. In terms of orthography, these were the biggest issues I encountered.
- I'm a sucker for some good drama, and this game has a lot of it, but it's very hit or miss for me. Sometimes the emotional moments hit hard (telling Dean you saw him die, Dave breaking down when Tyson reveals what happened to his dad), other times they are too melodramatic (Orlando constantly crying about something), other times they aren't taken far enough (Dave spending a moment alone with Dean's body in path D. I felt kind of betrayed as a reader that I wasn't able to spend an emotional mourning moment with Dave), and sometimes they just don't make me feel anything (Despite suicide being a very sad issue, Dave contemplating it didn't really strike much of a response from me.)
- I was never able to fully fall in love with the characters. If I were to rank them by how invested I am: Dean > Sal > Tyson > Orlando > Roswell > Dave > Hoss. I like Dean's development cuz he goes from a pervert to a real sweet and considerate guy, while also having a clear internal conflict. Tyson's is probably the most conflicting for me because he clearly has a massive internal struggle that's interesting to follow, but Dave's excuses for Tyson's absolutely horrid behavior (physical abuse, attempted rape, extreme verbal and emotional abuse in path D) makes me hate both Tyson and Dave.
- This might be a bit harsh, but I hated path D with a passion. It was extremely frustrating to read and I had a very poor reading experience. I didn't enjoy following the POV of a character as absolutely pathetic and useless as Dave. The only reason I stuck through it was so I could go on a genocide route and kill everyone then Dave.
- The repetitious lines are a bit distracting. "We filed into the room", "a chill went down my spine", characters talking about coffee or Dave cupping the mug in his hands 500 times.
They don't speak like americans because the authors australian.
As for tyson his past actions are understandable. If its a choice of being a bully or literally being starved to death by your abusive alcoholic father, most would be a bully. Tyson hitting dave outside is also understandable since he asked Dave to leave him alone and was incredibly agitated. You can only push someone so far before they snap and lash out.
The other thing in the garden i cant really comment on because i can remember if its already in the public build or is in the next one on the 15th but it is explained aswell.
Oh I didn't know. The game is written in American English so I just assumed.
And I'm not saying you can't have a character do awful things, but the fact that Dave was often excusing or ignoring it was very frustrating for me as a reader. (This mostly pertains to path D)
First off, thanks for the critical thoughts. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get some juicy feedback like this sometimes.
A lot of what you've pointed out I'm aware of but actively am saving for the bit editing run at the end when the script if closer to completion. Mostly because of cost and to avoid multiple passes, but as the script is still being fine-tuned based on feedback, it'd be a waste of funds to hire an editor now only to have the section that I got looked over rewritten to better capture something the player-base has missed. As such though, it's a failing of mine for not being as consistent as I should be as far as commas and alike. Trust that eventually it'll be remedied.
As far as American English, I got tired of people claiming things like "colour" as a typo, and given (if going by the Discord server is an indication) there's less than 1% of players using/expecting UK English, I swapped over. The game itself isn't set in America though, just "non-descript northern hemisphere" to avoid picking actual locations for the freedom of geographical features as required by the story.
I'd be interested more in hearing your gripes with things that specifically didn't gel with you though. Partially the drama and issues with Path D. I'm not going to defend my creative decisions here, but additional data on why you feel the way you do could help me tighten the interactions for the better.
I'm really glad you took it well, that's really respectable. To be honest, I held back a lot in my review, and even then I thought I might have been too harsh.
But in case you'd still like some juicy feedback: I wrote some fresh reactions I took in my notepad app and I will share them with you uncensored.
[My initial reaction to finishing path D]
Unfortunately, after day 10, I stopped feeling much excitement. I think it was just hard for me to grow attached to the characters. The first ending path I played was Dean path D, and when Roswell and Dean died, I just felt nothing. When Dave and Orlando re-enter the room where Tyson moved the bodies, I thought I was going to get a really sad tear-jerking scene, but I didn't. It ended really quickly and I had like no time to mourn Dean's death. Orlando was just being annoying and crying the entire time (throughout all of post day 10). And Tyson... oh Tyson... the Tyson moments past day 10 on path D put an extremely bad taste in my mouth. I had a very unenjoyable and frustrating time reading. And it dragged on for soooooo long. Tyson ignores everything you say. Screams at you. Physically drags you. Ignores you to your face when you are speaking. (and lets not forget where he previously TRIED TO RAPE YOU). and Dave just... takes it. He's just silent. He doesn't react in any way. And the worst part is that Dave FEELS BAD for Tyson. its like COME ON DAVE. It's one thing If I were witnessing this from another character's perspective. But the fact that I have to play from the perspective of such a weak and pathetic character and have zero choice to stop any of it is what's so frustrating. When the rabbit came out of nowhere I was praying it would kill Tyson, because that's how much I loathed him. I was so annoyed with the story at this point I just wanted to do a genocide run. I liked that I was given the choice to make Sal kill himself, so I could successfully fill the role of someone who reached their breaking point with these annoying characters and decided to kill them all.
[Drama (I'm writing this today because I had no notes on it. My memory might be fuzzy on some parts of the story.)]
I'm not a professional novel writer or editor, so it's hard for me to pinpoint exactly why most dramatic sequences didn't really have the intended effect on me.
- For Dave’s suicide moments, I think they happened pretty abruptly. I didn't feel any sort of build-up to them and Dave had never struggled with suicidal thoughts previously. I suppose you could say Dave clearly being depressed during this period was hint enough that Dave might consider suicide, but I still just wasn't feeling it. I wasn't feeling the hopelessness and despair enough.
- The part on day 6 where you stop Tyson from going into the woods and he assaults Dave. By this scene, I didn't really like Tyson that much. The scene started off good and emotional, I was empathizing with Dave and Tyson, and then Tyson nearly rapes Dave. That just makes me dislike Tyson even more. I'm not sensitive to rapes being in a story, but I think that it actively harms this scene and any sympathy I may have for Tyson. Like I'm currently replaying the scene and I just feel so bad for Dave. Dave literally saved Tyson's life, and all he gets in return is a bloody nose and a near-rape. And Dave just casually carries on a conversation afterward. I would be completely traumatized in a situation like this.
- Anything Orlando crying just made me laugh to be honest. Maybe this was because I played Dean Path D first, which (from what I recall) had Orlando in a constant state of crying. So any route I played after Dean path D that had Orlando crying I was like "here we go again".
- That one moment on Path D where Tyson cries and begs for you to not run off or something, by that point I was just so far gone as a reader that I just wanted to complete my genocide route. Nothing after that point could have made me emotional.
- The scene where Sal kills Dean and Roswell with an axe didn't really do anything for me. I don’t remember feeling any shock or sadness. I don’t really know why I didn’t have any strong reaction towards it. But the part afterward where you revisit the bodies with Orlando. I already talked about this previously, but this is where you really have a chance to punch the reader in the gut and make them cry like a baby.
- The scene where you and Roswell kiss. This scene gave me whiplash it was so sudden. I get the impression you intended to give this relationship more build-up but just haven't done it yet.
- The Dave's dad death scene was really good because you led up to it over a couple of days with the dream sequences (Which I admittedly always found pretty corny. Dave's dad is just way too unnaturally cheery. I would understand if this is supposed to be Dave's memories and how he views his father, however, I don't think this is the best way to get the reader to like the father.) And then you had this long flashback sequence with Tyson and Dad that eventually culminates in Dave getting the news. The illustrations with the police lights were really effective (My one single complaint with this scene is that I wish you let it linger a little longer. Truly made the reader feel exactly how Dave was feeling at that moment. If you did that the scene would have completely killed me and I would probably have needed to take a break.) And then you cut back to the present with Dave finally releasing all the tears he had been holding back (Honestly makes me choke up a little even remembering it.)
- I also was really touched by those scenes where you stop Dean from eating the mushroom and then you ask him if he was suicidal. The actions and dialogue just felt really realistic. And then that moment where you are in the greenhouse and recall the vision you saw and start to get chocked up, and Dean pulls you into a comforting hug. That was some effective writing.
In conclusion, if I had to come up with a reason why many of the dramatic moments didn't resonate with me, it's either because I didn't feel proper build-up to the event, and/or the dialogue/characters’ actions weren’t realistic enough or there was too much melodrama. I think that even if I don't have much attachment to a character, if the drama is set up right I would take the drama more seriously and/or get an emotional reaction out of it.
Also: I've been reflecting a little on what I enjoy most about Password. I did notice a consistent drop in my fun-levels after day 7.
Between day 1 and 7, I was really interested in the different character relationships with Dave, the vault and the passwords, having the power to save the characters, and the mystery of OZ and Benson.
After day 7 the game switches. Oswald and Benson's identities are revealed, you no longer need to play detective to try and find passwords (except for day 10), and the power to save the characters is gone after day 10. What remains is the character relationships, trying to survive, and the mystery of the rabbit/Orlando's family/vault, etc. The only thing I look forward to post day 10 is talking to the character whose route I'm currently on. That's the story I care about the most. The rabbit is also interesting too, but unfortunately he makes up a very small portion of the time between day 7 and day 15.
In summary, there is a lot of stuff that goes on between day 7 and day 15, but the only thing that I crave the most is spending time with the character I've chosen for my route. There's nothing else that gets me as excited as I was on days 1 to 7.
I personally found the introduction to be too slow, and introducing almost every character in such a short time is a little overwhelming. I find the slow introduction sequences to be a common theme among visual novels, which I'm not a fan of, but I always try to stick through it because they usually get more exciting after the first 30-60 minutes.
[Character choices]
Sometimes the characters say things or behave in a way that doesn't make any sense to me. Like I find myself asking "why the fuck would you do/say that" a lot while playing this game (Mostly after day 7), and it makes me grow frustrated with the characters. One example was on Path A when Dave decided to punch Benson. It just felt so random and out of character. This also happened particularly on Path D.
Another thing that occurred several times is characters saying something like "hey, that's mean!". Like something you would say to a little child, not to another adult. I remember this happening with Dave's dad in the dream sequences, Dean said it to Dave once or twice, and then a few other times sprinkled throughout the routes. It just feels very out of place reading that.
[In regards to prose (but like you said this might be handled by the editor if they find it to be an issue)]
I found there to be an overreliance on the ellipses during dialogue. There were moments where an ellipses was used like every other line and sometimes multiple times per line.
It'd be poor of me as a developer to not readily accept and face critique when it's literally the only thing that can help you grow and get better. People that fawn over your work as a flawless masterpiece aren't going to help you improve, as much as it's always nice to hear you're doing a good job. :P
I'll admit this is a first that I'm hearing someone having such a visceral reaction in the negative to Path D. The only context I can give here is that the intention for a lot of the game (be it bad ends or instances of Tyson being flat out abusive) was to demonstrate how different people cope under stress and deal with traumatic experiences. Dave shuts down, Tyson becomes a rabid/abusive control freak, Orlando is a crybaby, etc. There are other things going on here too which exacerbate this further with Dave/Tyson having that pseudo family bond that makes feelings all the more complicated for these two. Dave shutting down and becoming more emotionally numb following the deaths on Day 10 is also why I went more muted with him interacting with Dean and Roswell.
Although this part stands out to me: "After day 7 the game switches. Oswald and Benson's identities are revealed, you no longer need to play detective to try and find passwords (except for day 10), and the power to save the characters is gone after day 10. " Given you already mention up to day 15, I'm assuming this means you've been able to find Path A/B, so I'm curious as to what led to this assumption here or if it's just something indicative of Path C/D.
As far as Dave's father and likability, how would you have rathered been presented with him given that he's dead by this point chronologically and we have to factor in narrator/Dave-bias in how he remembers his dad?
Part of what I had to do prior to writing the first treatment of Password's story was to talk to a couple of professionals to find out how trauma effects people as a whole and got some key notes on different kinds to potentially write about. In the interest of doing sensitive topics justice (such as suicide, depression and alike) I've been trying to keep that close to the notes I took of those interviews rather than write something that's closer to a TV showing of those topics so they'd be more palatable. A mistake potentially on my part given the demographic the game has attracted, but that's at least something that's been informing what you've been reading so far.
Thankfully a lot of the rest can be handled when I hit the editing stage.
I can't remember exactly what I did to unlock that option, but I think it had something to do with choosing a romance film to watch earlier that day.
forte.exe is correct, you have to choose to watch the romance film while you sit with him
SPOILERS! so i just finished the lab scene, i dont even for a moment believe that daves friends are capable of this. if dave trusts dean, then hes already off the list. as for the others, no offense, seem like complete idiots. this kill was done by someone who knows what hes doing. my first assumption was either tyson or sal, but tyson isnt a killer, i can tell. as for sal, hes harmless. he wouldnt hurt a fly and not feel guilty about it. theres an unseen enemy here. for now all i can do is wait for someone to drop dead, which i dont want, because id like to win. part of winning is making sure i kill the bad guy before he kills any of them
Posted by Grizz: As far as the path system, it's currently missing flags in the current version on here. It'll retroactively fix itself once the flags are in, so until then refer to the Patreon post if you forget which Path you would be on. For now, it doesn't matter too much; just track who's alive and dead.
During the game, the MC goes to the vault several times due to instinct or something similar (like on the 1st and 3rd), all these times there is really a password to put in, or something just to make the player pay attention , as if the game were saying "there is a reason for this to be here so pay attention".
You mean before bad things start happening? There just easter eggs the first few.
OK, thanks
It's a combination of both, but a lot of people forget that the vault is there to be used.
Originally there was a password for Day 1 that was used for testing and had some off-shoot non-canon scenario where everyone died to being gassed a la Zero Escape style. Day 3 still has a password but that's mostly for testing and not intended for you to get through normal gameplay.
is it wrong to have strong empathy to a fictional character?
Absolutely not....I think that’s perfectly fine....I feel like if you can connect with a character that way than there’s nothing wrong with that :)
the problem is when the character is depressed it can make me depressed too, or if its a deep hatred toward people i will feel that too, and after i have that, only sleeping can erase that emotion. the worst is when i got that negative emotion in the morning..
Yeah I get what you’re saying....that actually happens to me too...I don’t think anything is wrong with that, but it’s just part of one’s character. As long as it doesn’t negatively affect you TOO much to where it interferes with some part of your life, then I’d say that’s fine
Hey, Grizz. Is there any way I could have "Reminiscent (Piano/Hollow)" sheet music? I'm trying to practice some songs I like, but I couldn't find the sheet music for it. So could you please tell me where to find it (if it's available)? If it's not available, please tell me so I could try and reciprocate it myself.
It was custom composed for Password so you won't find sheet music for it unless someone has already transcribed it. I could try asking Civ how easy it'd be to make if you want?
If you could yes please
Is there any hint for the day 10 password? I'm very lost on it, and I cant really get any subtle hints.
it's said during the day, best hint is what dave thinks of at the vault: ''whats the worst possible outcome''
Thank you!
so……What is the password?………,I'm still don't get it………sorry~
WolfieMkho said:
cerberus210 said:
Those are good hints. Good luck.
Is it just me or does no one talk about the logic of Day 10 with Sal? I'm pretty sure we all know that the cause of Sal's sleepwalking and hypnotism is Dean's sleeping medication. Since at Sal's route, we somehow convince Sal to stop using the medication, he can't be hypnotized/sleepwalk. That's all, just wanted to put it there.
I mean you can stop him on every route, but one talks about because at this point it’s not really a question anymore since the game basically tells you
the cover of the application seems very cute :3
Try playing the vn with the song pumped up kicks well mostly the trauma scenes
If paths are based on who lives and dies, would the choice with Sal after the day 11 incident count as another path split?
Not quite. While yes, it's a fairly big decision, it's more a precursor to a split later down the line.
(Spoiler) Does the path system not apply to Sal currently?
Even if you didn't enter the 10th day's password, nothing happens, and it progresses like path A and path B would. Furthermore, in the save screen, the path is marked as ????
Just a tad bit confused.
How do you expect path C and D to happen when you sleep directly on top of sal?
Needless to say because of the role sal plays in those paths his route doesn't have a C or D.
The catalyst for getting to Path C and D can't happen on Sal's route, as you've already dealt with the [redacted] earlier than Day 10.
As far as the path system, it's currently missing flags in the current version on here. It'll retroactively fix itself once the flags are in, so until then refer to the Patreon post if you forget which Path you would be on. For now, it doesn't matter too much; just track who's alive and dead.
Is there only two nsfw scenes because iv'e only played dean's and sal's so far also i do have ideas for the sequel its inspired from a game i like
Yeah, only explicit NSFW stuff is on Dean's rout.
not including the bulter and deans firsy death, which im guessing has to happen on the first couple of playthroughs, no one has died yet. so i have no idea what path im on if thats involved. anywho, this game is so insane! i love it so much and i cant wait for deans and ty's new route updates!
these are the paths curently:
thank you, even if the answer is just as confusing haha
If no one has died at all, you should be on Path A.
interesting, thanks
i don't really know what the path c and d mean does it mean its an ubdate for all routes or what??
You don't need to have a patreon account to read it.
Routes are who you're with: if you chose tyson as your scavanger hunt partner, you're on tysons route.
Paths are how the story unfolds: who's alive/ who's dead, what passwords did you use/ not use.
Where can I unlock the last cg of the memories?
Path D.
One question, I am currently trying to unlock the trauma cg on the very bottom. I tried everything but I can't seem to get it. Any tips on how?
I keep hearing that this one is bugged and I have no idea why. I'll try and narrow down what the cause is, but it's working for some people and not for others.
May I ask which day the CG was supposed to be unlocked?
The bugged one? Day 11.
Is there any guides on all routes?
There mite be somthing on the discord server but otherwise no i don't think so. Not sure about the discord server stuff because i dont use discord but i remember someone replying to help with the passwords with the discord link, so i assume could be wrong though.
For now, there are romance guides on the server but I'm in the process of still updating/amending them.
Until they're properly ready, they're locked behind Patreon access.
Okay honest questions, do the other paths just add "what if" scenarios to the story, or do they reveal important details? I think I remember doing a route where I intentionally left out a password, and the story just kinda ended on an awkward note. Also, are these paths, by any chance, route dependent? Last time when I did this, the endings were all kinda similar...I dunno how much has changed, but I'm bouta find out🐊
"Paths" are probably best to consider synonymous with "Who's dead". Not exactly but kinda close. This is different to "Route" as that's just the character you're with.
To put it another way, "Path" will be how the story unfolds. "Route" is the kind of flavoring you choose to enjoy along the way.
Oh okay....that makes a lot more sense now...I played through one of the bad paths (reveal, no password) and it was great seeing the story take a turn from the usual...but about that I do have one concern. So on the play-through I mention I did Ty’s route for that, but when I did it for Sal, things seemed a lot different. For him I supported Benson and did no password, but everything played out like I put in the day 10 password. Is this a Sal specific thing or am I missing something?🐊
It's a Sal specific thing, and it should be incredibly clear as to why given what happens and how, and why that's no longer possible on Sal's route after his first death.
Yeah it made sense, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t jumping to conclusions...thanks!
If I understand how the story is being written, then currently there are 4 active paths (A, B, C, D). The path you choose are based on 2 choices: Day 8 choice, and Day 10 password.
Every other choice made is a Route. Some (probably most, but not all) route choices ultimately do nothing to change the story, but give added text, or other bonuses (like CGs). An example of extra text are on Day 1 when you explore, you can change the order of exploring and get additional text. This text does not change the story whatsoever. There are Route choices that definitely change the situation, but do not change what will unfold (On path C/D Day 11 Choice, Path A Day 11 password, etc).
Some route choices and both path choices lead to additional information of what is going on.
Just when I thought I could get three hours of sleep, you bless me with this
I forgot which path means what?
What does each path mean again?
Path-A(support benson, use password one day 11)
Path-B(support benson, not use password on day 11)
Path-C(reveal Oz, use password on day 11)
Path-D(reveal Oz, not use password on day 11)
Is that correct?
Path A - Day 8 (Support Benson), Day 10 (Password used)
Path B - Day 8 (Reveal Oz), Day 10 (Password used)
Path C - Day 8 (Support Benson), Day 10 (No password)
Path D - Day 8 (Reveal Oz), Day 10 (No password)
Pardon me, fellow humans and furries.
But, as of the recent gallery refurbishment, I must query as to if there is in fact another 3 trauma scenes currently out and obtainable?
If so, it'd be much appreciated if anybody would be so kind as to help me collect the last ones so that I could bathe in the glory of achieving a complete set.
If anybody knows, let me know. yours sincerely, Crow.
Everything in the gallery can be unlocked.
Oh, well. Any hints ?
Without knowing which ones you're missing, I can't exactly guide you. Some however are specific to Paths C and D so I'd start there if you haven't already.
For the Trauma section, I have the pool of blood, but not the ones before or after it.
I also do not have the Hoss 2nd CG.
So by the pictures, I am missing 3.
When I look at the completion, it says 51/53.
I am guessing one is Oswin's death (because I dont see it anywhere, but I have reached it on numerous paths/routes).
There are two versions of the pool of blood CG. The last one should be a Route A exclusive when you're in his lab.
Hoss's second CG is tied to him having a high affection when you go to the library together.
I believe, I'm missing the last 3 of the trauma section. (Or is everybody's gallery random ?)
Everyone's gallery should be identical as far as the order of pictures.
As far as which ones you're missing (assuming it's the last three):
- Path C, tied to a certain choice like the one before.
- Path B, unmissable. Should have already unlocked if you'd gotten the 4th last of the gallery.
- Path A, unmissable.
path C and D, This will be sad. . .
Already put a comment about this but since the next build is coming im going to do it again.
The next build has a new save system. Any saves past page 9 will be lost. Make sure to trim down your saves before downloading the next build.
Full breakdown:
Why are you yelling?
I forgot that we have different timelines and i just got excited
I have to know if you can choose between everyone one does that mean Orlando has a route cause i am in love with him so bad i started to call him my Husbando and i literally almost cried because they be friends with benefits
You can do everyone’s route separately if that’s what you’re asking
Who's excited for tomorrow? MEEEEEEEE!!!
Ahhhh in my country there this thing called modules *sigh* i wanna download it so bad
You're not alone there bro, I have that as well
you can multitask though I read gay fvn's while doing my modules haha
it's hard Tyson just make me so *simping lupus noises*